Mizzi the Itchigotchi


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Well-known member
May 7, 2005
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NSW, Australia
This is whatever you want it to be, just continue the story!

One day Mizzi woke up and went to school. She hung out with her friend, Ruby, who was a young mametchi. They walked home together and Ruby slept over that night. She had a dream that about an Angelgotchi who told her...

Just continue what the angelgotch told her! Use your imagination!

"you have been selected to go on a mission,over to Gozaru village.You must tell the tamagotchi's to stop throwing shurikens at tourists.I have given them a second chance.Go now,and you will survive.go later and death will come."Mizzy woke with a start."Ruby, we have to go to Gozaru village.And NOW!!"

Ruby yawned,"Fine,"she said,"I'll go wake Ginny."Ginny was also sleeping over.She had woken up hours ago.The three ran to Gozaru Forest.

On the way they stopped in Gurugurutown for a snack. There they met a Young Memetchi called Amethyst. They asked her to come with them. Amethyst said "Okay!" The 4 set off to Gozaru Village.

"FOLLOW ME!" Ameythst whispered. Ameythst led all of them to her Great Great Great Great Great Grandfathers Home. He was a Gozarutchi. a very old one. "Meet Grandpa Lewis" Ameythst Smiled gleefully. "Children!" Grandpa Lewis stumbled. "I knew you would come" Grandpa Lewis walked into a room with lots of special old artifacs, from the Tai Quan Deow Gozamutchi War. "GOZAMUTCHI WAR?" Mizzi choked on her soda. "quiet my child" Grandpa Lewis patted Mizzi on her head. The four girls crouched on the ground whylst Grandpa Lewis told them the story....

Well it was about 1887 and our Goddess of Gozarutchi's Queen Gerda, was busy meditating in her garden with her daughter Diana. a Gozarutchi named Esquagotche' (aka eric) was Queen Gerda's husband. Esquagotche' traveled to Memetales, to bring the golden sphere that is carried amongst the villages.. legend has it that a fellow citisen from MimiVill stole the golden sphere before Eric even arrived, and took it back to start his own community. which is now called MimiCity (Mintana'sGerasMelady) Queen Gerda was forced to marry him in 1890 and Diana was given to Gerda's Mother to care for. Gerda was transformed into the, Goddess of Everything.....

But Diana however,is the Godess of inmmortality.She lives again and again.That is a very secret power.She chooses the names of her helpers very carefully,because everyone would like to help her.It is believen that the names of this generations are Mizzi,Ginerva,Ruby,Amethyst and Serverus.

"I know where Serverus is!"shouted Ginny (a.k.a Ginerva).She pulled out a Harry Potter book,"Serverus Snape!"

Ruby laughed,"Yeah right,Ginny."she said,"How are we supossed to get him outta there? Magic?"

"Precisly,"Lewis replied,"If I am correct,Ruby has the power of laughter,Amethyst has Earth,Ginerva takes Levitation,which leaves Mizzi and Serverus.Mizzi,you have the power of Imagination.I am not sure of Serverus though,he might be Fire."

Right after Mizzi had choked on her water,a Young Mametchi appeared,"Hello."he said,"I am Serverus Snape,currently Guardian of Goddess Diana.The power of Light."

Ginny stuch her tongue out at Ruby,"Told ya we'd use magic.Magic is magocal."she said.

"No duh."Ruby replied.

"This isn't a time to be arguing guys,"Mizzi said sternly"We need to...breathe!"

Amethyst says "Actually, you got it wrong. I think I have the power of air. I discovered it this morning. I sneezed and it trashed my bedroom. I thought it was wierd then mum told me it was a power. The power of air to be exact"

Mizzi then got dust up her nose."Ahhh-CHOOOO!!"A tongue of flame leapt out and singed a glass case."I have fire!"

Ginny was thinking of pie,then a pie appeared in her hands,"Imagination!Woot!"she yelled.

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A note came floating down with the remains of the ballon.

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The note said "Well done to whoever has air. There are a few tests along the way to test your powers. Fill out your names beside your powers"

Ginny scribbled 'Ginerva' beside Imagination.

Amethyst wrote her name is Cursive beside Air.

Ruby wrote 'RubyTopazPhilips' beside Earth.

Then Amethyst twinked out Cursive and wrote "Amethyst Sapphire Jewel" over it.

Mizzi wrote "Mizzana" by Fire, as Mizzi was just short for Mizzana.

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