Moonlight War


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"But if I drink this now, my daughter won't recognize me the next time she sees me," Ishmael said quietly, taking the glass of red liquid in his hand.

Oliver grinned up at Alli, then splashed him frantically, squealing. He was definitely happy.

"... It takes a day to take affect. Just explain to her." She whispered. "I promise she'll recognize you."

Alli splashed back. "You little...!" He grinned.

Ishmael sighed quietly, then took a drink from the red liquid, surprised that it didn't taste bad at all. "What is this, if you don't mind me asking."

Oliver screeched happily, flapping his tiny, newly developing wings.

"He'll learn to retract them, just like I have," Aviance said quietly, grinning at Oliver and Alli.

Nick, a little put off that she would assume such a thing out of him, narrowed his eyes and bit into his cheek. "Hardly." He realized he would have to be a bit more conscientious around his escort, deliberate with what he said. He had a habit of saying entirely the wrong thing, when he relaxed enough to let down his guard. After a moment of careful silence, he added, "By know I don't know what I would do without you. And to leave, without repaying the favor? Hardly a gentlemanly thing to do."

She took a few steps to the latter, and then paused, as if on the precipice of coming and going and not knowing which to choose. She turned back to her husband after a moment, her eyes focused on the top of his head."....Im going to talk to Vinn. Wanna come with?"

"Okay." Dani submitted, slowly, to his convincing. "Okay. Okay. I believe you, Issy."

"It's the blood of the flowers." Azazel looked up. "Mixed with the essence of life, and a few shards of glass from a palace."

"When did he get those?" Alli had never noticed.

"Oh, I see... I didn't know that flowers had blood," he said thoughtfully, stroking his beard once more.

Aviance said, "Well, they're basically not there unless he moves a certain way. He'll learn to control it. That's why my wings basically never show."

Miranda smiled at him, then leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I don't want any repayment. Just being here with you is enough for me..." She became silent, her look musing, a faint flush in her cheeks.

"I lied. I just said that because I cannot tell you." Azazel smiled. "Now tell me, were you handsome as a young man?"

"Oh I get it!" Alli blinked.

Ishmael said, "I honestly don't remember. I didn't have a mirror in prison, and I never really wanted to look at myself."

Aviance nodded, then giggled as Oliver flapped his tiny wings frantically, splashing water all over the place.

i gotta go~

"Now you'll have a chance to see how you truelly looked." Azazel nodded.

Alli stroked his sons head. "Such a crazy little kid!"


Ishmael nodded as well, then headed upstairs, to get some rest. He climbed into one of the beds, and pulled the covers over himself. He sighed tiredly, then drifted to sleep.

Oliver beamed up at Alli, tilting his head to one side. He cooed softly, then ruffled the feathers of his wings again.


=) my last day of school is tomorrow!

Oliver laughed loudly, then tried to look at Aviance as she started washing him off with some soap.

tomorrow is pretty much my party day!

Oliver threw around some of the suds, grinning, watching them float through the air.

Aviance kept washing him, tickling him playfully.

I'm going to see Legally Blonde on tour tomorrow!

Aviance said, "Oh, anything is fine, real-- Be careful, baby!" She laughed as Oliver flung suds at her, and she started rinsing him off.

Yes. It's my graduation present from my aunt and uncle! =)

Oliver screeched, waving his arms frantically, beaming up at his parents.

Aviance gently pulled him from the water and started drying him off, his hair creating tiny spikes in different directions.

I had no idea until today! I'm SO excited!!! =D

Aviance turned and kissed him on the lips, gently, then looked back at Oliver and nodded. "He's perfect."

Oliver put a tiny part of the towel in his mouth, chewing and drooling on it quietly.

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