Moonlight War


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thank you! ^^

Aviance nodded silently, then picked up Oliver and tickled him. "Well, I'm glad for that," she told him. "Being away from you is the worst thing I've ever had to do. And I remember when I knew I was pregnant... and I had to wait for you to return before I could tell you... I was terrified, to say the least."

Ishmael withdrew, then looked down at her solemnly. "I... i'm sorry... this should not be happening, I have crossed a boundary that should not have been crossed." He pulled himself away from her, turning to face the wall and stare at it firmly.

your welcome~

"I know you were." He whispered. "I'm sorry that you were."

"No." Azazel whispered. "No. I like this." She kissed his neck once.

so, how are you?

Aviance looked at Alli again and smiled slightly. "You really don't need to apologize, love. It's over now, and we're together, and we have Oliver with us. I think that's all that matters now." She leaned over so she could cuddle close to him, and so Oliver could look up and see his father.

Ishmael said, "I don't want to abuse your kindness Miss Azazel. And, if you take me, Marie is a part of the package. I want to get to know you, and for you to know Marie, before we commit to anything. She's my daughter, maybe not biologically, but she's my little girl all the same. And I must think of her before myself."

i'm good~


Alli stroked the baby's hair, gentle as can be. "Yes, that is all that matters."

Azazel admired his attachment to Marie, and nodded. "Understood. I promise to love her ad my own. She's a precious little thing. I admire her. But your mean for teasing me like that." She stroked his lips with the index finger.

I'm tired, but good. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!

And Axie, I'm just going to repost my last post directed to you, if you don't mind. xD

Miranda was thoughtful as well, completely frustrated. I told myself I'd never fall. Men are just distractions, and love causes nothing but hurt. But goodness, when he looks at me with those eyes... can he tell that I go weak at the knees? Can he hear my heart skip a beat? .... I hope not.

Oliver yawned, sticking his thumb in his mouth after he finished. Hunkered down in Aviance's arms, he looked completely content, and soon fell asleep, lulled by the sound of the wind shaking the trees. Aviance looked down at him adoringly, then looked up at Alli and smiled warmly, her look very mature for someone her age.

Ishmael was about to respond, when he heard the sound of little feet from above. Smiling, he held out his arms as Marie clambered down the ladder, then threw herself into him. "Good morning, papa!" She said, kissing his cheek. Then, she gave him a confused look. "Wait... papa, you look different. Why?"

"Well, Azazel made me younger again, so I could be able to work harder, and to spend more time with you", Ishmael replied, planting a loving kiss on the girl's forehead.

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Happy fourth! Ahhh, I ve been to like three parties this week and another one tonight xDD

I don't mind at all :3

Nick stopped, then, turning her to face him directly. He placed his arms on her shoulders for a moment, and drew in a breath, as if he was about to speak.

But it didn't happen. Nothing came out, and he drew back in confusion, shaking his head.

I watched fireworks last night, it was really fun. =)

have fun with all your parties! xD

Miranda took both of his hands in hers, and just stared up at him, into those eyes that she had, against all odds, grown to love and find comfort in. Her expression tensed, and she murmured, "I have so much to tell you, but... I'm scared of what you'll say or do. I'm stupid, I know, but..." She suddenly drew him close, and brushed her lips against his. She then withdrew, taking a few steps down the path.

yo you guuuuyssss~

hows life?

and happy 4th of July~

"Let's put him to bed." Alli whispered. "He could use a good nap."

Azazel smiled, "yes, he's correct. He's nice and young now, so he can do more for you too, Marie." She patted the girl on the head. "Would you like something to eat?"

Isaac had been carrying Dani back to the room now, still happy over the face that Dani refferred to him as 'Issy'. For some reason, he loved it when Dani called him that. "I love yoooouu~" He spun Dani a little bit.

Life is insane! too busy for my liking.

Aviance nodded, getting up and taking Oliver back inside, then placing him gently in his crib. "Goodnight, little one. Sweet dreams." She leaned down and kissed his forehead delicately.

Marie said, "Really? Papa, she'll give me breakfast, just like you! Definitely not like the Helvers." She beamed at Azazel and Ishmael, then asked, "May I have pancakes?"

Boring ;.;

When Miranda was able to take the steps he had been unable to, it left Nick in a sort of limbo of emotions that placed him in outward stupor. He hadn't realized that she had continued to move forward while he was behind in his action, sluggish in pace. Finally, he murmured her name, and started awake as if trapped in a dream.

Dani let out a pitchy giggle, shrill and hard on the ears but unmistakably happy. "Issy~~"

I need a bit of boring in my life, honestly xD

Miranda turned around, and walked back over to him, linking her arm with his. "Yes," she asked quietly, looking up at him, as if afraid of him. Her nerves started getting to her, which caused her to chew on her lip, her palms started sweating.

my life is currently filled with pain DX

head aches, hand aches, sore throat...


Alli had followed close behind, and smiled. "Yes, sweet dreams." He was getting better at not being so loud.

"Pancakes? I can make that." She nodded. "Anything else?"

Isaac set Dani down, and placed the dall on a table that sat in the hall nearby. He kissed Dani gently, stroking his hair. "I love it when you call me that. I don't know what it is..."

P*ssed off

Read the headline and you get the gist.

Dani laughed a little, and the sound was far from unpleasant. "...Juss a nickname." His voice slurred, slightly.

Shaken from his thoughts, the older man turned to the woman. A light smile danced across his face- he laughed quietly, and then shook his head. In his mind, he knew what the outcome would be- what it always was, and if Nick was going to do this, it wasn't going to be with a promise, or with an assurance that would lead to a happy ending. It was going to be honest, and Nick still wasn't quite used to honesty.

He lowered his arm and took her hand, giving it a light squeeze. "...Im not going to say no."

thats the dumbest thing i ever heard, too be honest >_>

the world is filled with idiots

Isaac kissed him again, "You're so cute and perfect." He pressed against Dani, kissing his neck. "I love you."

Its not only prevents lesbianism.

It instills 'femininity' in the female fetus, so that when she grows older she will

A. want to be a mother (this thought I find appalling for people like me who hate kids),

B. want to pursue a feminist role in the community (that is, a job or hobby that is generally associated with women) and

C. dissuade male-associated behavior, which have all been "linked" to lesbianism.

He smiled slightly and leaned into Isaac, eyes closed and face contented. "I love you, I love you so much..."

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to me it sounds like it was developed by some sicko obsessed with the idea of trophy wives of the sixties.

people should allow their children to grow into what they want.

if they aren't the traditional image of feminine, so what.

it doesn't make them a lesbian.

and lesbianism isn't something to be treated like its awful.

its a normal think, honestly.

people shouldn't take control of their daughters lives before they even begin.

and its like taking a down step for what feminist have done for women.

"I want so, so much from you." He nibbled around Dani's neck. "I want to marry you, Dani."

The drug was made by a women, and most of the comment actually seem to be supporting its use.

D*mn. Where are the feminists when you need them, declairing womens right and so forth? I hope they make it so that this is either banned, or choice-only.

Goosebumps rose on Danis skin, and his fingers twitched slightly, though his face lit up at the mention of 'marriage' (a concept he had been taught back when he lived witht he others). "...Really?"

i hope it gets banned, as well. its a terrible thing and shouldn't be allowed. wheres the free will for the children?

"Yes. I want you to be mine, and me be yours." He found a spot, and let his fangs rub against it. "You're the one for me, Dani."

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