Moonlight War


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not exactly. i'm pro-choice. sometimes situations call for different answers.

i'm against that drug because they are chosing to be pregnant, but not let their kid be what they want by their own choice. its like predetermining their goals.

"Does this bother you?" Isaac whispered, and then started to kiss the spot on his neck. Isaac ran his hand down Dani's back, waiting for an answer.

Really? prevent interest in "male" jobs?

What a bunch of bull!

Marie said, "Can I have... a glass of milk? Good milk, not spoiled milk?" Her eyes were wide with complete shock, that someone besides her father actually cared about what she wanted. When she had lived with the innkeepers, they had abused her, starved her until she nearly died, forbidden her from getting medicine when she was sick and other atrocities.

Ishmael smiled sadly, recalling when he had first met Marie, when she was still too weak to even speak full sentences, too frail to be happy.

Aviance looked over at Alli and smiled, then led him out of the nursery by the hand. "We did a good job," she murmured, stroking his hair softly.

Miranda stared up at him, then nodded slightly. She knew what that meant, and she was, herself, a stark realist. I know, there's probably not a future for us together... I shouldn't be doing this. I can't get hurt, not again. But she didn't let go of his hand, squeezing his hand instead.

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its a dumb thing, yes

"We have good milk." Azazel smiled down at her. "Pancakes and milk? Is that it?" She stroked Marie's hair.

"Yes, we did." Alli nodded.

I want to punch them in the face Dx

Marie said, "Is there butter and syrup?" Her face glowed with delight, and she stared up at Azazel.

Aviance smiled and sat down outside, cuddling close to him. "You're the best man I've ever met."

i want them to realize they're stupid~

"Yes, we have that as well." She smiled. "We can have anything, with magic." Azazel whispered.

"Am I? I doubt that." He whispered.

Same here. I mean... really, the people who support that demand freedoms of their own, but won't give the same to their kids. They're hypocrites.

Maria gasped and leaned forward, her eyes large with wonder and amazement. "Magic?" She breathed, remembering the fairy tales her mother would tell her when she visited the inn.

Aviance said, "Well, you shouldn't doubt what I say to you, because I wouldn't lie to you." She smiled and kissed him.

its just a back step in individual freedom.

Azazel nodded, picking Marie up. "Yes, everything is magic here." She smiled, "you'll maybe learn magic here too."

Alli laughed, "fine I beleive you."


Marie said, "Me? Learn magic? Oh, that would be wonderful Miss Azazel! Thank you very much!" She threw her arms around the woman, hugging her.

Aviance grinned and said, "Of course you do. I'm right!"

i doubt it will be approved anyway, so what ev~

"Yes yes." Azazel nodded, giggling.

"You're not always right though~" Alli grinned.

Actually, I believe it is already being offered to select females as a treatment. If you read the article, the drug was originally made to prevent some sort of disease but would limit the fetus to a lifetime of medication- the side effects ended up being the dissuasion to lesbianism, and they went with that and began engineering it to have specific side affects.

People should have the freedom to experiment, but I think it should be administered to consenting adults rather then introduced to the fetus before it has a consciousness.

Nick lead her into a steady pace again, his strength returned in full and coming off him in waves. "Were just going to take this one step at a time." He murmured. "One day at a time." Because, in Nicks mind, there was no other way you could treat a relationship in these times. No one had a future, not anymore.

Dani whimpered slightly again, this time at a higher pitch, and was unable to respond.

its just weird, over all. so i dunno. it would make more sense to give it to adults than fetuses.

Isaac was a little worried- he didn't know if Dani was in pain, scared, or enjoying this. So he went to kiss Dani's lips, to see how he'd respond. Whether it'd be a smack to the face, a kiss back, or him being all over him, he didn't care. He just wanted a different response that he could understand.

-shrug- Its kind of fascinating that something like that could even be invented.

Dani didn't react, at first, still unaccustomed to the way relationships worked, still very much an alien to the language of l Isaac spoke through his gestures rather then his words. He eventually reciprocated gently, bringing his hands up to wrap around his lover, though his reply was that of subtly over lust.

its kinda interesting what people can come up with.

i wonder if it'd actually work though.

Isaac looked releived, and so he kissed his neck once more, and then Dani's forehead. "You had me scared there."

Something is wrong with society.

Aviance said, "Well, almost always, my dear~" She laughed, cuddling under his arm.

Marie kept her arms around Azazel, so Ishmael placed the girl in his arms, grinning.

Miranda smiled up at Nick slightly, although there was a certain melancholy to it. "Yes, I agree. After all, even though we have been traveling together for a fairly long time... Well, things change so quickly, nothing is set in stone nowadays." She sighed quietly, but then gave him another gentle kiss.


"I love you anyway." Alli laughed quietly.

Azazel put her hands on the table. "Ishmael, this will be your first task. Grab me the chalk."

Im waiting for the end of the world, so I may finally thrive in my own element.

I hate everyone, therefore I need no one to survive xDD I am immune to the phycology of social collapse and disaster. Im such a selfish person, I would let survivors travel with me if I benefited from it but would bolt and take what I could at the sight of danger. Better then that, im smart about disasters and have been paranoid about it for years, therefore have studied how to prepare for it. I probably could outlive most of the world.

Nick shrugged slightly, and glanced down at his partner, fairly positive she was going to be kicking herself for this later. "I know what you mean. Nothing in certain."

"Scared?" Dani whimpered again. "Why?"

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Do you hate me??? D:

Miranda said, "I'm so stupid for letting things go this far between us. You and I both know it. I mean, I feel very strongly towards you, I'm not going to lie about that. But I don't know how this will end up, and it bothers me." She sighed, clearly frustrated. "And I don't know how to deal with my feelings towards you."

Ishmael did as he was told, rummaging around until he found the chalk. He handed it to her, smiling slightly, a quizzical look on his face. "Here you go."

Aviance snorted and said, "Well, honey, I should hope so." She ruffled his hair, laughing. "I mean, after all, we do have a baby and all that."

Azazel took it, and traced a symbol that was carved into the table. She put her hands over the symbol, and whispered some words. There was a red glow, and then a stack of pancakes and fresh milk appeared on a beautiful china plate. "Here you are."

"And all that? Oh so much..." Alli whispered.

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