Moonlight War


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Jinx, I don't know about fads and Sh*t, but I've built up quite the library for survivalists over the years, as well as a medical and a mechanical library. The world is a dog-eat-dog place, and I wanna be top dog. Maybe one day when almost everyone is dead, I could literally be the biggest jerk in the world. xDDD

Bg, Its more like I really don't care about people. I like some people (like you two), but then I hate most everyone else. But its a passive sort of hate. Im not going to go out of my way to let someone know that I don't like them, but if the opportunity presents itself- say, I have to make a choice who to save, who to let die, or they beg me for help- I could easily turn them down/leave them behind/ shoot them in the head, ect without any sort of guilt or remorse.

I think I might be crazy. 8D

Nick turned to face her fully, taking his hand away from hers before letting it come to rest on her shoulder. He left it there for a bit, the rough pads of his thumb rubbing circles into her filthy skin. It did little to help. "If you don't know how to deal..." He began, and his voice was soothing. "...Just do what comes naturally."

"It feels weird." Dani shrugged, and his - her face scrunched up a little at the thought. "It gives me weird feelings."

eh, it makes sense the way you think. you never know when something is going to happen, and its good to prepare.

i don't think i would last long after the world ends.

Isaac smiled, "because you aren't used to it. What kind of feeling is it?"

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I think everyone has a bit of insanity inside them. Whether it manifests itself is a whole other story, though.

Aviance nodded and said, "Oh yeah. AND all that. It's a lot to take on, I'll admit. But, I'll do it for you and Oliver."

Marie clapped her hands, writhing out of Azazel's arms and sitting down at the table. But then, she just stared at the food, silent. "This is the most beautiful food I've ever seen! I can't bring myself to eat it!"

Miranda said, "But nothing feels natural to me yet. I don't have any idea what I'm doing, but you must have had some. You seem like the lady's man. I've only loved once, and that was from afar, and I stood by and watched him run off with another woman. I'm an idiot."

I think Im at the borderlands of the mind.

I don't really want to warn people or encourage them to get ready. I mean, the less people that know how to survive and die off quickly, the more supplies there is left for us people with a will to live, you know? And also, a bunch of people seem to think that, should the end come, they would survive because I would survive, which is a joke because theres only, like, two people on earth I care enough about that I would prepare for them.

Nick laughed quietly, in his chest, and ran his fingers through her hair. "You're right. I have a trick or two up my sleeve." He murmured, lowering his hand to the nape of her neck and puling her a bit closer. He didn't make a move on her, though, and held them a short distance apart. "...But being a ladies man means knowing how to get yourself out of a relationship. And I don't think I want to do that with you." His other hand came up and rubber her arm, appreciatively. "....What for all you've done to help me. So." He smiled. "So Im going to let things go one step at a time, and this is the first step. If doing nothing is the only thing coming naturally to you right now? Well." He pulled back, and took her hand in his. "...Then it look like we have to keep moving, don't we?"

Dani lowered his head a bit. "Weird." He repeated, and it held the undertone of dislike. "...Like, not good or bad. Just funny. Like, not right."

i'll just be like eating a lot of grass and drinking a lot of pond water. thats how i'd try to live. i'd attempt to hunt, and fail miserably.

"I won't do it again, if you don't want me to." He whispered.

Alli smiled, "I see I see."

"Eat it love." Azazel giggled, "it's too good to waste."

Well, at last it gives you a big view of the world, instead of a small one.

Miranda's face turned red when her placed his hand on her neck that way-- nobody had ever done that to her before. She couldn't rightly respond, so she just stood there, staring at him with her mouth open like a codfish. When he took her hand and asked her about moving onward, she nodded mutely and shut her mouth promptly. Smiling slightly, she took a few steps forward, her fingers laced with his.

Aviance waggled her eyebrows at him, then said, "We should do something together! Like go for a short walk, or swim for a little while, or-- anything, really."

Marie nodded slightly, then took a cautious bite of the food. "It's wonderful!" She told Azazel delightedly, taking another bite. "Dericious!"

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Ishmael remanded gently, smiling. "Proper young ladies don't do that."

"Let's go for a walk." He whispered.

Azazel sat beside Ishmael, grabbing his hand. "Eat some if you want." She smiled at him.

Aviance nodded, taking his hand and pulling him to his feet. "Through the woods?" She asked, smiling slightly, wanting to do what he wanted.

Ishmael shook his head and said, "I usually don't eat breakfast, actually. I know it sounds stupid, but I never have time."

Suddenly, there was a meow from the other side of the room, and then a soft moan. A human shaped figure was crouched in the darkness of the corner. Slowly, the figure rose, revealing itself to be quite tall. It pulled a sheet off of a pile of books, and wrapped it around its waist. "Azazel, where are my clothes."

"Nice to see you are back, Gale." Azazel smiled.

Gale was tall and pale, with dark brown hair that came down past his chin. He had sharp green eyes that seemed to glare at Ishmael. He had to be in his later teenage years. "Who's this guy?" He ignored Marie, or atleast didn't notice her.

Alli nodded. "The woods sounds good."

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Ishmael said, "My name is Ishmael, and I'm a fugitive. Azazel offered me and my daughter, Marie, sanctuary here. It's nice to meet you, Gale."

Marie looked over and saw Gale, then climbed out of her chair, and ran up to him. "You're magical, you wonderful cat boy!" She clapped her hands, then threw her arms around his legs. "I'm Marie."

Aviance swung her arm slightly, then walked down a path beside him, humming softly. "You know, my hand fits perfectly in yours."

Gale nodded, and looked away. But then when he felt the child wrap around his legs, he looked down at her. His eyes were still scary, but his face was softened. He nodded. "Ishmael and Marie." He said nothing else. "Now, you witch, tell me where you have put my clothes. I don't feel like playing games, Azazel. Or should I call you Sa-" His mouth was forced close when Azazel snapped her fingers. She glared at him.

"They're in the chamber below. And don't you dare ever call me that again!" She snapped, and he was flung into chair. He grinned at her, and nodded. He opened a door on the floor, leaving the room.

"That's expected." Alli laughed. "Seeing we are a perfect match."

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Marie said to Ishmael, "Papa, why was he being such a sourpuss? Did he want pancakes too? I would have shared with him, I like him a lot!" She went back to the breakfast table, now too wound up to eat. "Miss Azazel, what was he about to call you? Please don't get cross at me!" She raised her arms, as if to shield herself.

Ishmael said, "He just wanted his clothes back, dear."

Aviance said, "I wouldn't say perfect. I mean, we have had our disagreements. But... in the end, we make up. My favorite part of the fight."

"It's nothing. He was about to call me something dead to me." She stroked her hair, and then sat down. "I apologize- he's an arrogant one. He's overly cocky, but I suppose he deserves to feel that way, seeing his a fine apprentice. He's useful indeed, and has skills in magic. Particularly spells involving wind."

"I like the part after we make up." He whispered. "You know, love."

Marie said, "I bet he just needs a friend! I will be his friend!" She grinned at Azazel, then climbed off of her chair, heading back upstairs. "I'm going to make him a present!"

Aviance smirked and said, "I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it, Alli." She kissed his cheek softly, her own cheeks slightly pink from his comment.

Azazel laughed quietly, "of course." She looked at Ishmael. "What a beautiful little thing." She grabbed his hand, kissing it. "Oh, and just so you know, I'd watch out for Gale if I was you. He gets a little sneaky, beleive me."

Alli nodded, "you know you do."

Ishmael suddenly looked wary. "Sneaky? What do you mean?" He asked, his voice laced with worry.

Aviance nipped at his neck, then led him along down the path, smirking. "You're a playful one."

"He puts his nose where it doesn't belong. Very nosy, and he's a bit of a prankster. So I'd just be on gaurd. I'm sure he wouldn't do anything to harm Marie though- he may be arrogant, but he's far from heartless."

Alli blushed a bit, "as are you you."

Ishmael said, "Okay, as long as you're positive." He nodded slightly, then asked, "Do you or Gale ever age? Or does the potion keep you young forever?"

Aviance playfully pinned him to a tree, nibbling on his neck softly.

"I don't age, but he's actually young. He's just delayed by a few years. He's starting to drink the potion in small doses, to slow down the aging process. You wouldn't want to know how old I am."

"I want to be yours forever." Alli whispered, his eye shutting tight.

"Will I age?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. "And... at some point, Marie will need to drink it, too, so she won't age, anymore."

Aviance whispered, "Does that mean... you want me to change you?" She kept her lips against his neck, breathing softly.

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