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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2007
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I. Hate. Mosquitos.

WTF did I ever do to them?!

They just come in and bite me. Everywhere. I've gotten mosquito bites on my bottom for crying out loud (how the heck do they get down there!??!!?!?!? O______________________o)

I get them on my arms, face, legs, basically anywhere when I'm sleeping. Ok.

I'm under a blanket, wearing PJ pants, and I get mosquito bites on my stomach and legs. I get some on my arms when they are under the blanket (sometimes)

Lol I remember that one time when I woke up and my eye felt kind of heavy, so I walk in the kitchen and my mom looks at me she's all "What happened to your eye?!" I'm all o_O "What's wrong with my eye?"

I got a mosquito bite on eyelid xD. It was so sad because I was worried about what would happen at school lol. It was really funny because my eyelid was red and itchy xD.

But i hate when I find a mosquito on my arm and I flick it off halfway when it's drinking my blood. I hate when you scratch mosquito bites and they bleed or they hurt and they keep itching.

I have tons on my arms right now.

I always have to ask "How many mosquitos are out here?" when I'm outside really late...

I'm so used to mosquito bites, I could get a mosquito bite on my shoulder, not feel it, and it goes away and I don't even realize it was ever there.

I bet that's happened before....

Why must my blood be so tasty?!

What's your relationship with mosquitos?

Ouch, that sounds horrible! Dx Your blood must be the one's mosquitoes are addicted to. Like a drug o.o


Mosquitoes love to bite my face! I got one on my cheek, my nose and the corner of my lips. Geez, bite me where its not noticeable! xD At school, my friends are like, "Is that a pimple??" I hate it! >w< I had a mosquito bite on my eyelid once too o.o It was awkward lol


My friend's blood is also addicting. One day, she was like, "Do you wanna see my mosquito bites?" And she lifted her jeans and she had like 5 mosquito bites. And then the next day she asked me again and she had more of them :p


For some reason, when I don't notice I have a mosquito bite, it doesn't itch. But then I look at my arm and I'm like "oh..I wonder when I got that.." and then like a minute later it itches like crazy xDD

omg same. I don't notice it until I see it Dx

I know... people sometimes mistake them for zits....

Oh, I forgot. I'm not quite free of the mosquitoes. Because, see, when I'm sleeping they go places that are so sensitive there is no bugspray for it.


Usually mosquitoes looooove me. Somehow this year I haven't gotten bitten at all.

Rubbing alcohol works really well on them. Break the bite open, then dab some rubbing alcohol in the bit with a q-tip. They usually go away in about 24 hours and they don't itch for that time. It stings, but works really well. You might try that.

I don't understand how they get to certain areas though o.o; Mosquitoes are perverts I guess xP


Perverted bugs... that'll go down in the history books....

UGH you have the same problem in the summer!!!!i mean i get them EVERYWHERE!!!mostly on my legs though.and man i know why they just LOOVE my blood.i have tasted my own blood and it was sweet.i must be turning into a vampire O_________________________O

I get some bites, but not nearly as many as you or my Mum! She gets them everywhere and they swell up really big! And I have no idea how they get in covered places. It's one of the mysteries of life, my dear. *taps nose and looks wise*

I'm always itchy and have some mosquito bites... I get them everywhere! Sometimes I even catch mosquitoes sucking my blood. Nasty. <_<

I never recall seeing any mosquitos in England, however we have loads of midgies.

One bit me on my shoulder and I was like. "D: omgomgomg itchy".

I hate them, but since it's almost frequently raining they dissapeared. c:

I know. I get those on my legs and arms. Green fly's are worse. They hurt when they suck your blood, and then sometimes when you whack 'em, they explode and blood goes everywhere, since they are so full of it. It only happens once in a while.

Mosquitoes are the one bug I don't mind killing. ;P I hate them soooo much. <__< They love me, seriously! I always have billions of mosquito bites, it seems like. And I hate how they have to be so itchy that you can't not scratch them! Oh, and bugspray NEVER works for me. It seems like it makes the mosquitoes like me more. Sometimes I hate whoever invented bugspray and think they made it that way on purpose to torture people. XD Although, luckily, mosquitoes are the only bugs that hurt me. Which is weird, because I absolutely love bugs and hold them and stuff all the time. I've never got stung by a bee or a wasp (I've actually petted bumblebees numerous times XD They just look so...cute and fluffy! O_O), bitten by a midge or another kind of fly thing, and I was only bitten by a spider once. (And I've held literally thousands of spiders.) And I deserved that bite too, because I was really little and was kind of squeezing the poor spider. xD So, yep, I hate mosquitoes. I don't understand why they have to exist. Once I asked my mom that, and she just said that they were good food for birds and stuff. But don't birds already have enough food? ;_; Mosquitoes are definitely the most evil animals ever. :( Ironically, though, I love mosquito larva. They can't fly or anything and they live in the water. And they don't bite you or suck your blood :0 Plus, I think they're really cute. :3 They have big, round eyes x3

I really don't like Midges, Gnats or Mosquitoes. My mini-wildlife pond in my flat's tiny garden area is right by my window, that my mum leaves open every day for fresh air.

I used to like them in my wildlife pond, especially the larvae.

Sadly, it's now horrible to see these bugs breeding. I usually feed them to my fish and shrimps. Now I actually am starting to get scared of them. Mosquitophobia...ugh...

My most hated bugs -

1. Mosquitoes

2. Houseflies and their larvae (maggots)

3. Leeches

I used to be scared of spiders, but now I've stopped, since I've realised they are pretty neat...

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