Music Star Mania!


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W-O-W. I have ALOT to explain. So Tiny finished of his life with me loving Asain Music. Then he and his wife left little Cammie with me. Cammie was much more laid back than Tiny was (and didn't poo twice as much). He later evolved into a Kuchitamatchi (if I see another big-lipped Kuchitamatchi on my screen, I think I might scream), and Mrs. Frill gave him a bear toy, and invited him to preschool. Cammie LOVED preschool, and never got stressed out (unlike Tiny). I took great care of him so I would get a Kikitchi! And...I DID!! It was so nice to see a Kikitchi again, because they are ABORABLE ;) ! Then he went to school and met up with Colleen (Ringotchi) and Paul (Hinotamatchi) and that's how T.G.I.F (Thank Goodness It's Friday) was formed. They play Pop music! Then later on, I took Cammie to the special shops I bought (Toy store, Boutique, Cafe, and Music Shop) and realized that he auctually can work there! After a while he got a customer and earned 10,000 Gotchi Points :eek: !! I used to think he was just shopping, LOL :p ! He should be evolving today, and he'll either be a Mametchi or a Shimsshimatchi I hope. Log later!!


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CAMMIE IS NOW A MAMETCHI :newmametchi: :D :) ;) !!! As soon as he evolved, his manager booked him a audition, and he got his PRO DEBUT ON THE FIRST TRY!! His band members evolved into Shimashimatchi and Mimitchi, making T.G.I.F the cutest band ever :D . They immediately shot up to a #3 star ranking!! Then he married Chantotchi, and had a another boy(who will be a Shimashimatchi)!!! And then, he changed out of Pop Music and took after his Grandmother (Angel) and got hooked to R&B. His Dad (Tiny) has been sending him presents and money, and checks on him frequently. Tomorrow, Cammie will leave and I have NO IDEA on what to name his son. Sorry, Cammie :( . PU-LEASE send me some names this time, cause I'm all out now!!

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So after reading a few PMs about names, I decided on Lil Sam (thanks Momo8890tamagotchi!!) and you know how I said he'll be a Shimashimatchi? Well, I can't because it's an even generation. GRR :angry: ! So he'll be a Kuromamaetchi instead B) !So I named him, fed him, and healed his toothache. Then he took a nap, and hopefully he won't be a Kuchitamatchi :p ! UPDATES LATER :D !

Just when I thought I was going to get another Kuchitamatchi...I did. LOL, Just kidding! Lil Sam is now a Kurubotchi (I think that's how you spell it)!! He's SOOO cute! He looks like a little chocolate pie :p !! Anyway, after he evolved, Ms.Frill came and gave him a cute stuffed rabbit, and he is now enrolled in preschool!! Right now, he's switching between Pop and Rock n Roll as his favorite genre. I went on the item generator site and got him a drumset, which is now his fave instrument, a chest (which turned him into an old man for a second :eek: ), and some TRICKED OUT CELEBRITY WEAR :D !! The shopkeeper keeps giving him mail, which have hearts and stars in them. He's much nicer to Lil Sam than he was to all my other Tamas. He kept giving them poop :p !

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I have TOO MANY things to tell you. So Lil Sam became a Kikitchi which meant he was on his way to being a Kuromametchi! He met chamammetchi(Lisa) and Hiontamtchi(Paul) and they thoght of the name Friendz after a bit of arguing :) . They took so many lessons and soon got the happy song down pact. He later evolved into a KUROMAMETCHI :D (i'm getting better at raising my tama to be what I want). I selected Away, and Lisa turned into Makiko, and Paul a Shimashimatchi. They had their first audition (Lil Sam played drums, while Lisa and Paul danced in the background. They busted a few breakdance moves in the middle of the song LOL :D . To make them just dance instead of play an instrument, give them the boombox instument.) and NAILED IT on the fist try! They slowly progressed to #1, and earned a Pop music trophy!! The following day Me and Lil Sam had a relaxing, concert free day. The next day, he made guest apparences in Tokoyo and New York via travel tickets and did a little sight seeing with the Friendz. He later got mated to Mimitchi, and started my new GIRL (finally) generation!! They have now left, and I have Clover in my care, and she's a Hidotechi. I'll try to log more often. THANKS 4 READING!

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So, my little Tama is going to be a Voiletchi (hence the name Clover). She was a Hostitchi, but she then evolved into a Ichigotchi. I found two new things at the shop. One was a Tama Battery, and when I used it, Batteytchi came and gave Clover a book :) . Then a dish named Loco Moco. I looked like a bowl of stew or something, but she seemed to like it. She met up with Kikitchi(Paul) and Nonopotchi (Ryo) and they formed the band LOCO!, since they play Latin! After a few days, Clover became a Voiletchi!! Ryo became a Mametchi and Kikitchi became a Takurotchi! Then that's when LOCO! had it's downfall. They bombed all three of the regular auditions, then bombed an extra. I would have been dissapointed if Clover wasn't so flippin' ADORABLE (the storekeeper must think so too, because she's gotten all hearts in the mail so far, lol :D )!! But luckily, they passed their fifth audition, and now are ranked #4 on the star ranking!! She should be getting married today or tomorrow.

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