My crush


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Feb 16, 2007
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I have liked a guy called Luke for nearly a year now and I still haven't made my move. He has so much in common with me, we both play cricket and hmm.. tomorrow he will be at his cricket training if his team didn't go bankrupt. I know so much about him, his birthday, his favourite sport, his rugby league position (hooker), I know nearly everything there is to know. I love him soooo much that he is the main feature in my siggy and avatar.

I have also been told by a few of his friends that he likes me, and even by his brother and his brother's friends once. He stares and smiles at me, which I really enjoy. On the last day of the term just under a week ago, Luke and I were throwing paper planes at each other. He likes being around me, and I like being around him. We have gotten closer and closer.

Now I have a bit more confidence and I am not nervous to bring up a conversation with him anymore. When I go back to school in 1 and a half weeks the first thing I'll ask him is "Did you watch the Twenty20 final?" or "Did you watch the NRL final and stuff like that.

Now I think I have to make my move. I am pretty sure he likes me, I drop heaps of hints. If he didnt like me and he knew he would've told me he knew by now, I just know because that is how he would approach the situation.

One of my friends likes him too, so I have got to do something.

I have a gut feeling I should get closer to him and talk more, but... sometimes I get nervous and have butterflies in my stomach.

Do any of you have any tips on what to do here?

Here is some advice:

If you love him that much, tell him.

If you've ever watched the movie 'Paulie'

There is a man who liked this girl that much, but he didn't tell her.

He was just about to until his best friend told her.

The girl and his best friend got married, and the man was upset.

So, really:

Confess yo feelings about him, and something might happen. [im not saying you'll get married, but you never know i he feels the same way about you.]

I have come so close to doing that heaps of times, but then I just bite my toungue and swallow my words back. It is hard, I don't know how to say it, don't know if I should get one of my friends to tell him, I just don't know how to approach him and say it.

It's easy to say I'll do it, but it is a complete different story when it is time to actually say it.

I have come so close to doing that heaps of times, but then I just bite my toungue and swallow my words back. It is hard, I don't know how to say it, don't know if I should get one of my friends to tell him, I just don't know how to approach him and say it.It's easy to say I'll do it, but it is a complete different story when it is time to actually say it.
You have to force it yourself. We could give the pep talks all you want, but in the end it's your will that will do it or won't. You might be nervous as you are worried of his reaction, but the sooner you get thoughts like that out in the open the better you'll feel. If he wants to stay friends that's cool and if he wants more too then hey that's cool too. Either way, you can't lose.

I do suggest though do it privately with you two around only.

What if...

You never told him how you felt, he never came back... He (Dare I say it) died? What would you feel liek then? Sad? Happy? He would never know... "Loving somone isn't a sin, never telling them is~ I dun remeber"

Exactly, I didn't exaclt tell my crush mny firend did, but he liked me back... so were happy! Think of how good it would be. Michael and I are bestf riends. Its akward but I dun care. As long as he knows I love him, if he dies tonight I know he died knowing I was happy, knowing I thought about him, knowing I LOVED HIM. Exactly.

Go for it. The worst is no. If so, he doesnt know what he is missing.

:D good luck.


youcould right hima note much easer make sur u put your name on it my frind 4got to

these situations are always tuff to be in. There are always so many possible out comes if you tell him.

out come #1: You tell him and he confesses that he also likes you and would want to take your relationship one step further

out come #2: You tell him and he totaly rejects you making fun of such a stupid feeling.

out come #3: You tell him but he doesn't feel the same way and he even says "lets just remain friends no hard feelings" and you agree but now there is that constant awkwardness when your around him

out come #4: you tell him and he doesn't feel the same way and he says "i don't think we should hang out anymore"

but it doesn't matter what the outcome is, it is always best just to get it off of your chest so i say go for it!

Thanks everyone! You guys have built up my confidence sooo much! As soon as we get back from school holidays I will tell him, because if I don't who knows what will happen.

My friend that likes him is called Bec. She is very obsessed with him. It's not talking about him obsessed, it's "HE'S MINE!" obsessed as in if she finds out I like him and if we do get together, she will hate me forever.

I must admit, when I first found out that she liked Luke too, I hated her. Then after a while I got to know her better, and realised what a good friend she is. She took the blame for something I did, I tried to tell her to not to, but she did.

I really don't want Bec to hate me. I am in a really bad situation.

If I do, Bec will hate me. If I don't, Luke might never know how I feel about him.

As much as I would like to agree with you, I just can't make a decision. I don't know what to do.

Alright, drastic times call for drastic measures. I have a coin. Heads is I tell Luke, tails is I don't.


It's heads. I WILL tell Luke. There is no turning back!

BTW, I make nearly all my hard decisions by a coin or a dice. :)

You have to make the decision. If you do talk with Luke and Becs is mad, there's not much you can do and you can't feel bad. It was her choice to act ridiculously jealous and angry. She can deal with her own demons of sorts. You have to figure out whether she's worth all the trouble or not.

Bec isn't my best friend, we're just too different. The only thing we have in common is that we like the same guy.

I have made my decision, I will tell Luke. I know I can do it.

I forgot to say that last night I had a dream that I told him. This is all that I can remember from it:

We were at school and we were at English. Our desks had been moved around and I was on the right side with Luke sitting in the row infront of me. Then Luke turns around and starts talking to me about cricket. Then he needs to borrow something from my pencil case. Then he scrumages through it and finds what he was looking for.

Then the bell went and it was lunch. Luke was over in our little area so I went over to him and started having the talk that you guys suggested. Then I told him, and he said that was why he was in my area, because he was about to say the same thing to me. Then he asks me out! :ichigotchi:

Then I'm all happy and have an extra spring in my step, but then Bec comes and asks what's going on. Then Luke takes over and says "Just talking, nothing big," and then tells me that he thinks it's best if we don't tell her for now.

And then I woke up.

I wish what happened in my dream would happen, but it is a dream. If only dreams came true.

If your friend would be mad at you if you and Luke started going out, what kind of friend is she? A true friend should support your decisions and congratulate you, not despise you because of it.

Well, not necessarily. If she is a true friend, she'll probably get mad anyways, considering the circumstances.

Anyways, it's your choice whether you want to tell him or not. He'll never know how you feel unless you tell him. Who knows? Maybe he likes you too! However, I wouldn't take that chance. Because if he doesn't feel the same way it can make your friendship a bit awkward, and if you guys start dating and then break up, who knows what can happen? So like I said, it's your chocie. I wish you the best of luck, regardless of what you choose to do. :ichigotchi:

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