My Great Super Awesome V5 log


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I was playing the haunted house game in tama town earth expo when I realised... Isn't it true that on v.1 v.2 v.3 and v.4 you get more money but on v.5 after you win a game you only get 100p. If this is wrong please PM me cuz i have not got a v.1 but I think that my theory is right.

[SIZE=21pt]AWWW, 40 views[/SIZE]

Thanks to anyone that reads my log. I just remembered when I was on my first ever Tamagotchi Familitchi family who were called the ROSE family. I had a really good log but then school started and I didnt have any time to reply so it's gone run down. In the morning I was watching the olympics Road race when Great Britain won. YAY!!! GO ENGLAND. Most people on tamatalk would say GO USA but I live in England so YAY ME!!! That was when Haiku evolved. So cute!!! I'm gonna try find my old log again so more later!!!

i CANT BELIEVE IT,as soon as i update this log i got 70 more views. THIS IS SO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!


I woke up this morning to find that the Flame family had moved up a stage!!! They turned into teenagers!!! Here are the results:


Lola=Shelltchi (Reminds me of the sea side) :)

Edward=Korokotchi (Looks like an acorn) :eek:

Christy=Ichigotchi (Looks like a strawberry plus its the same design of my tama!!!) :D


I'm really happy about that! :D But Haiku on the version 4 is gonna wake up in like 5 minutes cuz he wakes up at 9:00 am not 8:00 am like the Flames!!! :wacko:


Anyway, I know that some of you would be saying, "What happened to your other log?" Well thanks to senior help of Tamamum I got my logs merged into 1 so I dont have to Bore you with old memories of my poor ROSE family... :( :( :( :( :( I'm still so sad about that.


I plan on getting Edward married after they evolve into adults!!! Meanwhile the Flames were looking at the sun. Heres how it went.

Sun, why are you so sunny?

Cuz...err... Hey didn't you evolve?

We already know we evolved.Why are you so sunny?

Yeah, why won't you tell us. HMMMM :angry:

All of the Flame family: HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM :angry: :angry: :angry:

Well, the sun has some explaining to do.

Anyway, Haiku just woke up and got a fortune. It was two of evrything!!!YAY HIM!!!The Flames just pooped. :angry: WAAAAA!!!

More later!!!

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YAY!!! I just trained my tamagotchi v.5 and its now 20% bonds. :angry: I'm drinking horlicks whilst doing my log!!! I LOVE HORLICKS!!! :wacko: :angry: :angry: :angry: Now when I press the c button Lola comes up on the screen and you can see her face up close! It's so cute! Haiku's being normal as usual so theres nothing to worry about!!! Anyway, more later!!!


PS. If anyone knows any good colours I can use please PM me!!!

OH, i just got some mail for Haiku!!! He recieved a little white heart. Someones got a crush on him!!! I was just reading over my log. Good days, good days!!!

[SIZE=14pt]Yay, more mail!!! I got - WAIT OH[/SIZE][SIZE=21pt][/SIZE]


As i was saying i got more mail!!!ANDROTCHI!!! It was fortune mail!!!ANDROTCHI!!! I got 2 of evrything!!!ANDROTCHI!!!


The flame family wanted to do a little bit of work training so I let them play with a pack of cards. Plus Haiku just got some training and now he got an exclamation mark letter...THAT MEANS HES......LEAVING...PRE-SCHOOL! An animation has come up with Haiku and the nanny. Nanny says to Haiku Bye and Haiku starts crying!!! :mimitchi: I just got another letter from school. Im gonna pick the turtle teacher cuz i have less points there than in the other two. Anyway, another animation came up of Haiku with his new teacher and he gave Haiku some random little thing. If anyone knows what it is please tell me!!! :mametchi: :p K, now im gonna go to school. He met his teacher then played the game and got 3 points for his pencil icon!!! Yay HAIKU!!!I'm gonna play on tamatown now so see ya later!!!

I GOT ROBBED!!!!!!!!!!!!!on my tama 4 I got mail and a robber took 300 gp off of me!!! :mametchi: :mimitchi: :p


ON my V.5 i got training and now am up to 20%. I'm eating nuttified ice-cream. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MORE LATER AFTER I FINISH MY ICE CREAM!!!

Guess what!!! I was playing on my wii when Haiku called for training. He had started to cry. I praised him and he is fine now!!! I've got 6 training in only 2 days with him!!! I'm such a good care-taker!!! Oh, man. Haiku went to bed. Awww, the cute bathtime animation has come up. IT'S SO CUTE!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Anyway time for a[SIZE=21pt]STAT CHECK!!![/SIZE]



All Happy hearts full

All hungry Hearts full

Training IIIIII

Pencil 49

Fashion 38

Gentleness 46

1yr old



Generation 1


Username ANGEL


All happy hearts full

All hungry hearts full

30% bonds

Blended family

Family name : FLAME

Generation !


Well that was a good stat check!!! Right now I'm eating some Mentos. More later!!!

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Can't believe it!!!600 views. Thats alot for me!!! I mean yall really love me and my log dont you. Anyway my mum says bedtime :( :ichigotchi: :blink: So bye for now and thanx for reading my log. Your my #1 log reading buddies!!!

Hiya folks!!! I had to go to a course in the morning so sorry I didnt post till now :D :D :D Anyway, I left my tama in the devious hands of my sister who is soooo lazy. :D :D :mellow: :D I looked at both my tamas and it turned out that she did an alright job. Anyway I plan on getting one of the flames married on the 16th of August. I'm thinking of starting a group hatch for that so please join!!! :blink: :blink: Ok, now for more news. Yesterday night I was reading somebody's log when the Flames were about to go to bed. I didn't want them to sleep so early so I put them on travel mode.15 minutes after their bedtime I took them off and then I played with them until 10:00pm!!! Isn't that cool!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :D :D Anyway, I'll post some more later and give you the link to my group hatch!!!!!!!



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[SIZE=21pt]Guess what!!![/SIZE]

Haiku got good mail!!!From the...KING!!!This post must look multi-coloured!!!I got a chest!!!Anyone joined my Hatch yet!!!I'll go check!!!

[SIZE=21pt]6th PAGE!!!!![/SIZE]

YAY ME!!! 6th page is not bad!!!! SO happy!!! YAY ME!!!! LET ME GO GET SOME CHOCOLATE TO CELEBRATE!!! YAY CHOCOLATE COINS!!!!! AND my tamas get kebabs!!! More later!!!

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I woke up this morning to a set of adults!!! Heres the results!!!


Lola: Onputchi

Edward: Mumutchi




I'm so happy!!! Anyway I'm gonna get Christy married on saturday BUT I don't know what SPECIAL character you need to get the next family a violetchi family or whatever family its called :D If anyone knows please PM me!!!

Thats all for now ,BYE!!!
