My tama log


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Prince:What is that suposed to mean?!?

Drake:Ugghh.*Slaps self on forehead*It means that mom turned on the Pc you noob!!

Sa5m:Guys!Keep it down,would ya!?Im doing somthing here.

Paige:Boys boys,move please?!


Paige:Okay,so Fire and Dawn left there babies,Prince and Drake,and Kart got married and had 1 boy who is a Ahrikutchi and Drake and Prince are Kuribotchis.iTS THE SIXTH PAGE,THAT MEANS 100TH POST ON THE LOG!


Paige:Well,my lil sis is bugging me to film her playing lps with my camrea,so gtg.Bye!

Prince:Mooooomm.Im boorreedd.

Paige:Go clean your room.

Prince:Thhaatts bbbooorrriingg.

Paige:Just leave me frikkin alone Prince!!!I have work to do!

Drake:*Whispers to Prince*Hey,lets go read her old kiddie storys and put em on Youtube.

Prince:Awesome!C'mon,i know the drawer.

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Carl:Look guys,shes mine!

Prince:Ya right!!Shes mine!


Drake:Look guys,we just have to go ask Winter who she likes best.I CALL FIRST!

Sa5m:HEY!!!NO FAIR !!

Carl:GET BACK HERE!!!!!!


*Uber huge fight eruppts*

Paige:ALL RIGHT EVERBODY TO YOUR ROOMS NOW!!!Winter,sorry about that.

Winter:That was kinda akward i have to admitt...

Paige:Boys. :]

Winter:Boys. :]

Sarah:Boys. :]


Ive been eating chocolate so im gonna be hopping off the walls pretty soon. (Probably didnt do good for you...:]) This post will be short because apperently there is some sort of metor shower tonight and i think itll be fun to watch.I have to get in the Shower...Bye!


I got a PM from you earlier that I responded to, 

but I hadn't read your log at that time!

I just finished it for the first time,

and it's really well-made! Seriously!


me and Pixel say "hi".

picture justforyou  ;3

lol. im creepy like that.

Awww...Thanks November!!IMPORTANAT:VIEW HER LOG OR ELSE.Or else what?Havent got to that stage is now a black duck thing...and Chip had a baby boy named Chip.(My sis named him that... -____-*)

Well,gotta go eat din-dins.

O-kay,So Prince and Drake are Nonopotchis,Chip is a Marutchi,Sa5m is a Mamekatchi.OH CRAP I FORGOT MY V5 NAMES.Lol...Im gonna go check..

Sarah,Carl,and,*looks up*Winter are adults!Im afraid for Winter...*Shivers*




Mmm-kay,so i guess ill let the tamas talk.But not for long cause' i wanna go do role-plays.LOL.Chip just evovled into the teen onion thingiy...


Prince:NNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!I WANNA GIVE IT TO HER!!!!!!




Woah!Okay i cut that short cause i dont want ythem to break your eardrum like they did to mine yesterday.JK,but still.IT HERTS MAH EARS.

Mmmkay so Prince and Drake evovled while I was Pming [NovemberTama].Drake is an Androtchi,very kewl,my first one,and Prince is a STUPID TARAKOTCHI!

Prince:I feel offended...*Runs off*

Whoops...Well i have to go to a friends house,so the tamas will be paused,sadly. :( Well,ill be on for a bit.

Well Star got married,and sadly not to chip cause' hes still a teen.She had a boy....Sa5m is a Kuromame...And the Keishs evovled and got married,had two little children,a sakuramotchi and Ahirukutchi.-Bibi,(Girl)-Sketch(Boy).Im having Brunch today YUMMERS.:] Off topic...Well nothing else to update so bye!

Mmkay...So Bibi and Sketch evolved,



The boys,Prince and Drake both got married,Drake to a Makiko Prince to a Sebritchi.Girl and Boy babies.Sa5m got married,had 2 sons 1 daughter named:




My friend is over so i wont be able to post untill 11:00 or later because after she leaves my family is probably going to a movie.

Sorry I didnt post yesterday,Market mall trip.Prince and Drake left Calla and Brass in my care,Star left her baby boy Sky,who is now a Tamatchi.Calla and Brass are still little babytchis.I gotta go eat breakfast.BRB.

I haven't been posting!!!!Sorry guys,I just seem to lack of posting these days...:[.

I might be hopping around on type style.Mostly,you will see the Tamas diary's,rather than talk.I guess it could be half and half...Well,here is Calla's diary.

August 22,09,11:00am.

Dear Diary,

My mom is int posting me and Brask's evolutions!I was a babytchi,Hiodotchi,Ringotchi,then a Sebritchi.Brask is an

Androtchi,and I really love him.I hope for when we get

married,We have twin girls.I would name mine Hazel.

I wante to be a Violotchi,and mom says she promises

to take atleast OK care of my child.She always

gets Maidtchi,Sebritchi,Gozurutchi,Toskatchi,

Tarakotchi, and all the HORRIBLE and BAD care tamas.


Well,I would write on,but mom says its time for Sky's eye checkup.



I'll post Brask's in A min.

August 22,09,11:11am

Dear Diary,

Calla,this girl,I love her so much.

I wonder if mom will get us married...



Luna Reivers and Dreamer are adults,Bibi and Sketch were too.



Luna: :D



Bibi got married to a Mametchi,Had 2 gals 1 boy.

PM for names!Sky is the cute little round thing with beak teen.

Guys,I was just scrolling through and realized the I have 1,000 views!!!Thank you everybody for viewing,it brighten up my day!! :]

Mom,do we have any boiled eggs left?Cause' I'm hungry.No hon,all we have is baby food and milk.

Well,go buy some.Lets see...Ooh,steak.

But its too expensive!Fine.I'll get you ONE.

But I need THREE!


Yay!*Wolfes down at once*Oh and mom,


Have you even told them about Minu and Yuni yet?Probably not,so here guys.Me and my lovley Calla had them.Two yeah.

Well,Thats all folks!(RANDOM,LOL.)

AAAAHHH!Okay I know I just posted a second ago,but something happened!I tryed to connect Calla and Brask,and then it just reseted them both!Now Yuni and

Minu are GONE!*Sigh*Well,here goes nothin.Two tiny,little eggs happily bouncing around.

Both girls.Both with dresses,kareoke and trumpet.

Poppy and...Hazel.

I'll post when they evolve.

Poppy is a Hiodotchi,Hazel is a Tamatchi.Aiming for Violotchi and Maskitchi.

Diaries later...oh,and The guy family are ninjas.Yay!

poppy and Hazel are Ringotchis.This is my first day of school and I have to go soon sooo...

Mom!I'm hungry!Do we have any Deluxe Pudding!

Shut up.Mom.


Isn't it time for you to go.

*Checks watch*Oh!Right!Bye guys,wish me luck!

Guys,I will be talking with another tama everyday/post.[V5's together,though.]New people on the v5's are:






And Hazel and Poppy are both...You guessed it,Sebritchis.The new style in the next post.
