My Tama Log!


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Gav's a Megatchi!He evolved this morning!I must say I've nearly forgotten Tamagotchis since I got that Nintendo DS Lite....-.-' Oh boy.Well well.

[SIZE=21pt]Mega-Megatchi Got Someone To Spend The Day With...[/SIZE]

Gav got a baby!His name is gonna be....Otto!So,Otto and Gav are dancing around....I must say,my tama log would be much more exiting if I had,let's say,a V4! $.$ somewhere....where they sell....V4s!

[SIZE=21pt]Good-bye Mega-Megatchi![/SIZE]

Gav.....leaving.....tomorrow.............I'M SORRY I TOOK SO BAD CARE OF YOU!!!!*cries*I have to take better care of Otto...

[SIZE=21pt]Otto The Mohitamatchi![/SIZE]

Otto's a Mohitamatchi.Hey!I have to go to TamaTown to see Otto's parents!Well,see you soon!


Otto the rocket!Okay,I really gotta go see what the character's called.Hold on!

EDIT:Hikotchi!How could I forget?

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Hello Owner's friends!

Owner is busy today,she told me she has lots to do.So hello,my name is Otto.I'm a calm Hikotchi,but I love to fly.Owner just played Flag with me.We lost,I'm so sad. :) <--(What is that?) Owner has told me lots about this tama called "V4".She told me I'm a V3,so V4 must be better than me.But she reminded me that all tamas are special! :angry: It makes me happy!When I'm a grown-up,I want to be a Dorotchi or a Chomametchi.I want to be a Dorotchi because I could fly and go through walls. :( I want to be a Chomametchi because they look cool. :D But I really want to be a Kuchipatchi,but I can't.I'd have to be a Young Mametchi,an Obotchi,a Patapatatchi or a Piropirotchi.Owner wants me to be a Bunbuntchi!They look so girly.Yuck!Well,that's all.

Hello again!

Owner is so busy. <_< She has lots of things to do.So,again I have to talk to you.Well,we just played Bump,and won! :blink: On the last round,I saw a Decotchi!He looked scary.I would never,ever want to turn into a Decotchi.What if do?I hope Owner won't let me turn into a Decotchi. :unsure: :wacko: :angry: She just gave me a time-out!Doesn't she know I :angry: turning the attention on without a reason?Well,I got a training point.Hey,wait a minute!My training is full! :huh: ;) Yippee!Now Owner will not give me discipline anymore!Or.... :ph34r: Well,forget it.Anyways,I don't know if I'll evolve today or tomorrow.I'm 3,and some tamas evolve at age 3.Hmmm.... :kusatchi:


As you read from Otto's post,he wanted to be a Dorotchi.And I wanted him to be a Bunbuntchi.Well,Otto got his wish.He's a Dorotchi.He's flying around all exited.See you tomorrow!


When I took my tama out of my dad's pocket,it said, "Love?" so of course I choosed "Yes".He married a Tsunotchi,and got little Sunny.They love each other sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!

[SIZE=21pt]Sunny the.............[/SIZE]

...Mizutamatchi!She's so adorable!I just love her!I want her to turn into a Bunbuntchi or a Pyonkotchi.


Sorry I haven't been posting for a while. I haven't had time.... :(

On Friday three wonderful happened! :D I donated 2033 GP to the king and got the password! I'm not telling it to anyone ...Besides, it wouldn't work. :p

Then the second thing. Sunny flew to Chile, and got maracas! Pot...Never mind. ;)

And the third and best thing of all ...Sunny got married to a Masktchi! :D :D :D I was so happy when I heard my tamagotchi beep. They got a baby boy. I named him Potat, because he looks like a potato. :wacko:

So today I've been taking care of Potat. He made three poops, got sick, and went to sleep. (Those babies need lots of care.) He just woke up. He's lost two hearts! Hold on, I'll fix that.

Okay! Got it fixed! He's got 4203 GP! Yay! He's crying! :( Fixed! He pooped! Fixed! (This baby stuff makes me sweat! :) ) He weighs 30 lbs. Oh well. That's all! ^_^

-Dog Gal


I didn't have time to write yesterday, but anyway, here goes! ;)

Potat evolved into a Tamatchi, then a Hinotamatchi! (Now he looks like a fiery potato! :D )

I left him at home unpaused, because we left so quickly I didn't have time to take my tama. :D I found him sick, no hearts and three poops.

Today I also took care of my brother's tama (my V2), and she's Pegmo the girl. :wub: I played bump with both of them. When they grow up, I want them to get married! :wacko:

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I connected with Pegmo, and first they had an eating competetion! Pegmo won it. ;) Then they blowed balloons. I was a donut head and didn't look who won.

-Dog Gal


Sorry I didn't write yesterday. (It seems like I'm writing every other day.)

After I unpaused him, Potat has made one poop and lost two hearts.

First I played Get♪ with him, but the next time I was lazy and gave him a snack.

He weighs 30 lbs. Because of the boringness of this post, I'll give you his stats.

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 6/9

Age: 1

Weight: 30 lbs

Name: Potat

Gender: Boy

Generation: 4th

Point: 4498

Username: Not telling!

I think I might go to TamaTown.

-Dog Gal


Today I nearly forgot Potat watching the Simpsons ...Glad he beeped!

First I played Get♪ with him. Later I catched him about to make a poop so I quickly choosed Toilet. He was calling for attention for no reason, and he had only one heart in Hunger and Happiness. I fed him, and played three gmaes of Get♪.

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 7/9

Age: 2

Weight: 36 lbs

Name: Potat

Gender: Boy

Generation: 4th

Point: 4643

Username: Not telling!

-Dog Gal


I had Open House today at school and once again I was a donut head and left Potat without pausing. He had no hearts full and he was sick. I cured him right away and fed him and played a few games.

Then I went to TamaTown and got a cellphone, a bicycle, a plant, a pencil, a fishing pole and a cd from Potat's parents and grandparents.

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 7/9

Age: 3

Weight: 34 lbs

Name: Potat

Gender: Boy

Generation: 4th

Point: 4533

Username: Not telling!

-Dog Gal


Potat evolved into a Gozarutchi on... Saturday.

Today I fed him then played four games of Get♪. First I lost, then I nearly won, then I lost, then I won! He hasn't done anything after that.


Going to a Valentine's disco! We're gonna love it! Yay!

-Dog Gal


:D Woo! That disco was the best, right Potat? So, let's start today's post. :D

I kept Potat on pause all day yesterday, cause I was scared someone might see Potat moving. ;)

Today I fed him, played three games of Get♪, and used his lamp and got a cupcake. :) He just got the cute snowman! Yay!

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 8/9

Age: 5

Weight: 41 lbs (I'm a bit lazy)

Name: Potat

Gender: Boy

Generation: 4th

Point: 6553

Username: Not telling!

-Dog Gal


:) YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got a bit over 7000 GP! Yay! :)

Potat lost three hearts, one in Hunger and two in Happiness. I fed him quickly and played a few games of Get♪. :rolleyes:

He just came close to the screen. (I love the way Gozarutchis jump and then appear infront of you.) -_-

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 8/9

Age: 5

Weight: 34 lbs

Name: Potat

Gender: Boy

Generation: 4th

Point: 7293

Username: Not telling!

-Dog Gal
