My tama v4 log!


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Guess wot, Honey evolved into a marotchi, just wot i planed ;) she evolved just after she woke up at 9:00am. I will take her to tamatown later and get her a tama-treat for evolving into wot i wanted. I really like that growth chart it tells people wot character they might get, its so cool ;) I sent her to school loads of times so she will be able to get a good job, i would like her to be a rockstar because i havn't had that job yet! And now Honey would like tob talk

Honey the marotchi:hi, as u know i have just evolved into a marotchi, i will be going to tamatown to see if anything new has opened like the movie 'fear' or the gotchi-station, lets hope so [but i doubt it] :angry:

Well bye 4 now :(

Matt:Now she is just bouncing around the screen so i will give u Honey's stats






gotchi-points:99999p/user name:kuchi/job:elementry school

Well thats it 4 2day, see u later :furawatchi:

Matt and Honey ;)

Hi, we went to tamatown earlier to see Marge and Brian and they gave her gotchi-points :D . right now she is taking a bath so she will talk later, she got 1500p from the king:D and she also got a snake which took away all of her happy hearts :( , so i had to fill them back up again. I bought her a chest and it turned her back into a baby!!! that also took all her happy hearts away :wacko: [she has had a very hard day :( ] Now she has got out of the tub so i will buy that plant now, i bought it 4 200p. It's ..............gotchi points!!!, 30p,lol. And now Honey would like to talk

Honey the marotchi:Hello again, i have had a very busy day:D first i went to tamatown then i got a snake in the mail which made me sad, and Matt bought me a chest but it turned me into a BABY!!! i got very angry and sad. ^_^ :( and then i got a fortune wot said


and Matt just bought me a plant and it gave me 30p [WOW 30P]

well see ya :wub:

Matt: well thats it for another day, sorry if i dont post 2morow morning because i am going into town [real town not tamatown] see ya! ;)

Matt and Honey :p

sorry i didn't post earlier i wen t to town. Well tons of things have happend today like Honey got a job working at the bank!, i have completed it once B) its realy easy, its like the game 'get' on v.3 and i found that easy too. Honey has got loads of mail, she got the king twice and he gave her a chest twice, in the first one was 2000p and in the second one was a cokoo clock but i had to trash it because i had 2 many items :lol: and she also got a love heart, that made Honey happy :furawatchi: . And now 4 the 1 and only Honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honey the marotchi:Hi, i have got a job at the bank, and the game is real easy all u have to do is catch the falling money and avoid the poops. The matchmaker should be comin in a couple of days, i am soo excited, i hope my mate will be a good character, anyway bye and see u later :wacko:

Matt:Heres Honeys stats





gotchi-points:99999p/user name:kuchi/job:bank

Well thats it 4 today so see ya!! :eek:

Matt and Honey :hitodetchi:

Well today millions of things has happend [as usual] Honey got tons of mail. First Honey got her paycheck of 1400p, and in the mail she got the king 3 times, he give her a pencil twice and make-up once. :D She also got a love-heart from her mystery admirer:eek:, and she didn't get anything bad today:eek: thats very unusual lol. She also got a fortune which said

money:***:eek:/love:**:huh:/health:* :lol:

Now Honey would like to do her speech

Honey the marotchi:hello, i have had a very good day today no bad mail :p , i am sooo happy:D. And i got a love-heart from someone :eek: , but who :huh: thats the question. The matchmaker should be comin 2morow so that will be something to look forward 2 :D , and Matt promist we would go into tamatown later so i will just go get ready so see ya :D

Matt:Yes i better go get ready so while i'm doing that here's Honey's stats





gotchi-points:99999p/user name:kuchi/job:bank

Well thats it for today so tune in 2morow to see if the matchmaker comes for Honey. See ya ;)

Matt and Honey :p

I have got great news:D, Honey got a baby boy from the matchmaker i think i will name him Timmy, her mate was a mametchi:D. Honey has got a lot of mail today, she got:a visit from the king 3 times:eek:, first she got a chocolate love-heart then she got some love potion and then he gave her 200p!!!, so that was very good:p. She also got a love-heart twice from her secret admirer [i think it was that mametchi wot she married] and then she got a ROBBER!!!, i hate that robber:angry: i get robbed just to often:(.

And now Honey would like to talk:D

Honey the marotchi:Hello today i got married to a mametchi he was sooo cute:D i got a baby boy and Matt and i agreed we will call him Timmy. Soon i will have to leave them both and go to my house in Tamatown, but i know Matt will take great care of him so bye 4 now:D

Matt:Sorry but i will have to cut it short because Ugly Betty is on in about 1 min!!! so i will post back 2morow, :D bye;)

Matt, Honey and Timmy :p

Hi, i put the time to 11:59pm, waited 1 min then watched Honey leave, it was very sad:(. But now i am looking after Timmy!!! :( he evolved from a tsubutchi into a.......puchitchi!!!! he's sooo cute, but sadly he is asleep so he can't talk:D. He got accepted into pre-school, and he got a backpack from his teacher Mrs.Frill, and he was very happy:D. I am tryin my best to get a young mametchi or a young androtchi so i can get a mametchi:D and then get 390 skill points combined with 100 in the other 2 catories so i can get the special character tensiatchi. But i very well doubt it, but i will have to wait till 2morow:D. Now i will give u Timmy's stats.






user name:kuchi/job:pre-school

Well i'm afraid thats it 4 today so please tune in 2morow for more adventures, and a in interview with Timmy!!! see ya :(

Matt and Timmy :p

Hi, Timmy evolved into a gourmetchi:(, i have had that tama 3 times before, this is the third time!!! :) . He left his pre-school teacher and he got accepted into elementry school, his teacher is mr.turtlepedia because i am tryin to get a tosakatchi, even thougth i have already had him:ph34r:. Timmy has got a lot of mail today, first he got a visit from the king but i can't remember how much gotchi-points he gave Timmy:( Now Timmy would like to have a chat

Timmy the gourmetchi:hello i'm Timmy and i'm a gourmetchi, i left pre-school today i was very upset to leave mrs.frill:( she was realy friendly, but now i have my new teacher mr.turtle he is also very friendly and smart!!! Well now i am going to get ready for bed so see ya!!! :(

Matt:yes Timmy better get ready for bed but he better be quick because he has only got 7mins. Now i will give u Timmy's stats





gotchi-points:99999p/user name:kuchi/job:elementry school

Well i guess thats it 4 today but tune in 2morow. See ya!!! :D

Matt and Timmy :p

Hi, Timmy is asleep now so he can't talk. At the moment i am tryin to get a universal character because i have never had one before, Timmy hasn't had much mail today, only a poo and a few fortune cookies but i can't remember wot any said. I havn't sent Timmy to school yet so i will send him to school 2morow, if anyone knows how to get a universal adult could u please pm me:p. Thats strange i havn't had any visits from the king today:huh: he must be on a vacation [lol] Timmy started crying so i praised him and it got him another training bar^_^. Well i guess thats it 4 today, nothing much has happend today so i will give u Timmy's stats





gotchi-points:99999p/user name:kuchi/job:elementry school

Well thats it 4 today so see ya ;)

Matt and Timmy ;)

Nothing much has really happend today because it was the first day back at school and i paused Timmy so he wouldn't get sick or ill. The only mail he got were a snake and some fortunes but as yesterday i forgot wot they said :puroperatchi: Hold on Timmy is sleep talking, like his mum Honey.

Timmy the gourmetchi sleep talking:zzzzzzzzzz Wot i'm EVOLVING!!!! zzzzzzzzzzzz wot am i? zzzzz oh i'm a toskatchi zzzzzzzzzz yey i like toskatchis zzzzzz oh the important mail for me to get a job, yey zzzzzz oh i'm a rockstar yey zzzzzzzz, i'm going to sing!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzz....

Matt:I'm sure u don't wont to hear Timmy sing, and Timmy should be evolving 2morow so that will be good. :mimitchi: Now i will give u Timmy's stats





gotchi-points:99999p/user name:kuchi/job:elementry school

Well thats it 4 today :furawatchi: but i will post back 2morow so see ya :mametchi:

Matt and Timmy :unsure:

Good news, Timmy evolved into a tosakatchi :D one of my fave tamas!!! he looks really cute when he comes up close to the screen :D Timmy got some mail today, the first one was a robber :( he took 300p :( then he got a fortune which said

money:** :D /love:* :( /health:** :D

Not a very good fortune :( . Ok ok Timmy u can speak now, he REALLY wonts to speak to u now

Timmy the tosakatchi: hello!!! i finally evolved in to wot i wanted, i dreamed about evolving last night

Matt: yes, we all heard u

Timmy:wot u say Matt?

Matt:errrrr ^_^ nothing Timmy carry on

Timmy:as i was saying i finally evolved and now i am waiting for the important mail to let me get a job, i hope i get a good 1. see ya ;)

Matt:He should be getting the mail soon so i will tell him to be patient. Now i will give u Timmy's stats





gotchi-points:99699p/user name:kuchi/job:elementry school

Well sadly thats it 4 today so see ya! ;)

Matt and Timmy :p

Timmy still hasn't been offerd a job yet :wacko: i hope he will get one soon or he will have no job, and that will be bad :rolleyes: . Timmy got the king in the mail today he gave timmy 1000p thanks king! :D and he got a fortune wot said money:*** ;) /love:** :wacko: /health:* :angry:

maybe not getting a job is because i never sent Timmy to school i will send him now..............i chose the right present HOOORAY!!! i know i will send him again......i chose the right presant again yay! :D .

Now ladies and gentlemen put your hands together 4 TIMMY!!!!!!!

Timmy:hi, i still havn't got a job :) but i should be getting 1 soon, i hope :( i have just been to school me and Matt chose the right presant twice!!! i was soooo happy and it increased my intelligence skill points :p so thats very good. now i have to go so see u all later ;)

matt:yes lets hope so :rolleyes: now noyhings happening so i will give u Timmy's stats




gotchi-points:99999p/user name:kuchi/job:elementry school

Well thats it 4 today so see ya 2morow :D

Matt and Timmy :p

Timmy STILL hasn't got a job ;) he has been offered 1 twice but he got x's on all of the jobs :huh: so i have played a LOT of games to increase his skill points :p . Today Timmy got some mail as usuall but i can't remember wot he got all exept for job try-outs and a fortune wot said

Money:** :kusatchi: /love:*** ;) /health:** :mellow:

Timmy is dying to talk to u so, Here's TIMMY!!!!

Timmy:hi everybody, today i tried to get a job but i failed :) so maybe i will get 1 2morow, lets hope so :angry: . So then me and Matt played loads of games to boost up my skill points so that will give me a better chance of getting a very good job B) . Goodbye 4 now :D

Matt:Yes, lets hope so! nothing is happening now so i will give u Timmy's stats, well he they are!!!




Gotchi-points:99999p/User name:Kuchi/Job:unemployed :eek:

Well sadly thats it 4 2day so see u 2morow :D

Matt and Timmy :p

Sorry i havn't posted in a while :angry: anyway timmy got a job at Kindergarten the job when u count how many tamas get on and of the bus. Timmy had a baby boy i called him chimp :angry: here was his growth

Tsubutchi>puchitchi>young androtchi

yey i got a young androtchi :angry: i will try 4 a mametchi so i can get a tensietchi the special adult [mametchi with crazy glasses and a lab coat] Chimp is dying to talk to u so here he is

Chimp the young androtchi:hiya all, my name is Chimp :p and i want to become a mametchi or a androtchi i really wont to be a very smart tensietchi :D . I am very smart now iv'e got an iQ of 201!!!! i only evolved today so i am still young. Well i have to go now so bye!!! :angry:

Matt: Yes he is very smart indeed :D Well anayways i will give u Chimp's stats hungry:****/happy:****/training:3/9




user name:kuchi/job:elementry school/teacher:mr.turtle

well sadly thats it 4 today so see u later :angry:

Matt and Chimp :p

Good news, Chimp evolved into a mametchi and then about 5mins later it evolved into a tensiatchi the special adult!!!! i am soooo happy :D he looks really funny with those glasses and that lab coat. Chimp got a lot of visits from the king today in total he got about 1000p!! And he got a snake :) which was very bad. He also got a fortune which said

Money:** :) /love:** :huh: /health:** :)

ha ha all 2s :D , i will let Chimp talk now

Chimp the tensiatchi:Hello incording to my calculations i am suppost to talk now. Ha ha just joking im still the same old me, but in a differant body :D i am very very VERY smart i have an iQ of 389!! [thats smart] oh yeh *yawn* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Matt:Oh no, Chimp fell asleep :( i guess it is getting late so i will gve u Chimp's stats





user name:kuchi/job:elementry school

well sadly thats it 4 today so see ya! ;)

Matt and Chimp :p

Good news, Chimp got a job at the science lab!!! i havn't had a go yet but i bet its good :D I will now let Chimp talk

Chimp:Hello i finally got a job a at the lab. I am sooo happy :D today i didnt get any mail exept 4 a fortune cookie which said

money:** :D /love:** :hitodetchi: /health:* :(

sorry i have to go now so ill have to cut it short see ya ;)

Matt: nothin much has happend today :( so i will give u Chimp's stats




gotchi-points:99999p/user name:Kuchi/job:science lab

Well sadly thats it 4 today so see ya! ;)

Matt and Chimp :p


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