My Tamagotchi Logs


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Ahhh... no school, no stress. Feels good.

A Recap of the Day

Gave my speech today. It went well! Except I needed ten more seconds to get to 2 minutes. :D Another A+ lost. :mametchi:

I have decided to do something with my tamas. Little baby JENNA stays on PAUSE until MANGO's child is at her level (the MatchMaker didn't come and MANGO's only 5 :D )


I changed my ringer on my cell phone and my background and colors and more.

Just a reminder, READ THE SIGGY BEFORE YOU SEND ME CHAIN MAIL! I hated to report someone (and please don't ask who) but I just can't accept Chain Mails. Yes, 1 person really has been reported. :mimitchi: But I have no choice. :ph34r:

Thank You and Don't Send Me Chain Mails,


MANGO is 6! B) YAY! The MatchMaker should come tonight and if it comes at 7:00 PM, I can make MANGO leave tomorrow after 7:00 PM! I hope he has a baby boy! My mini tama hasn't died. :rolleyes: OK, I'll get back to you when the MM (MatchMaker) comes for MANGO.

-tenniswinner, MANGO, JENNA, Mini Tama

Good News!!!

This morning at 9:02 AM I changed MANGO's time to 6:59 PM and waited a minute... the the MM came... and brang MANGO a baby boy. :furawatchi: I'll name the boy MIKE, and mate it with JENNA. That'll be in a while, though. I have school tomorrow. :furawatchi: And that means that I have to wait more time for the time when I can make MANGO leave. That'll be tomorrow at about 5:00 PM... but tomorrow I'm thinking of leaving my tamas at home during school so nothing happens to them. :D Well, that's it. Bye!

Success and Weirdness and... Loving Memories :angry: !

I made MANGO leave! Then lil' MIKE I raised along with the very weird JENNA. o_O MIKE and JENNA are now hitodetchis. :angry: Ahem... JENNA's story...

MIKE changed into a hitodetchi. JENNA's going to change now, right??? Wrong. 15 minutes past and I'm freaking out. Should I reset? Is this a glitch? I still don't know. O.O JENNA settles in her lil' bed for a SECOND nap. Oh gosh, what is this now? She's changing! In the dark? Yes! She changed in her sleep, no lie! 0.o

But there both asleep now. My mini tama, you ask? :angry: .........

I took my tamas out of my pocket when I got home from school, and... what's that thing on my mini tama! Then did I realize it was Planet Tamagotchi. :) Mini tama passed on. :) Didn't do anything anyways. :) Now I have a marutchi... who just went to sleep with a poop. :furawatchi: Well, I'll get back to you when something else happens. :angry: Bye!

-tw, JENNA, MIKE, Mini Tama

A pretty good day today, infact!

First... I woke JENNA and MIKE up early so they could change and the same with my mimi tama. So... JENNA is a hinotamatchi (probobly bad spelling :angry), and MIKE is an oniontchi. Grrrrrrrr. ^_^ I really don't enjoy those characters. :D Well, my mini tama is a mametchi. AGAIN. I'll get back to you probobly this weekend when JENNA and MIKE change into adults. <_< See ya!

-tw, JENNA, MIKE, Mini Tama


JENNA and MIKE should change into adults on Sunday morning.

Bad thing is..........

Last night I had to study for a Math Test. It was like 3 hours long (the period of studying)! So I look at my tamas afterwards..... OMG!!!!!!! MIKE lost 2 Happy Hearts, and JENNA lost 3!!!!!!!!! So I really dunno what character I'll get this time. :puroperatchi:

Well, tomorrow is a big day. Well, in other News...........

Today is my Name Day. Today is when my Saint, Saint Veronica, was born. Presents, cakes, balloons, flowers, and all that. BUT! Tonight me, my dad, and my mom are going out to dinner. :mametchi: :mametchi: :mametchi: My mom said MAYBE after we go to the restaraunt, we MIGHT go to Toys "R" Us and get a Version 3 Tama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they have Version 3 tamas in a Toys "R" Us store in Pennsylvania. ^_^ I pray that they have 'em. I'll get back to you tonight or tomorrow morning. JENNA and MIKE are 3 years old!!! And I went to it's cool! I got a lot of passwords but I really don't know what they mean.

Replies are welcome!!! :mimitchi:

They were out of stock!!!

The stores were out of stock!!! They had tama version3s last week (Tuesday or Wednesday) so they do have them around here. They said they'll be getting more around the middle of this week. I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG!!! Eh... :D I want one sooo bad! I guess I'll just have to wait. :(

I'll get back to you when JENNA and MIKE change. :wacko:

I have this tiny feeling inside of me, even when I'm sleeping, to jump madly up and down. o_O I want that V.3 badly!!! Probobly Wednesday...

Anyways, I woke JENNA and MIKE up early and they changed!!! MIKE is a Furawatchi, and JENNA is a Dorotchi!!!!!!! I am trying hard to mate them... I used the love potion but then they both kissed and there were 4 hearts above them...... but no babies. So I connected them like a million times and still no success!!! I'll get back to you when they have babies. :(

Today after school I noticed JENNA was 5 and MIKE was 4. So I said, "I have to mate them before they become at different stages!!!!" So I did. FINALLY. The V.3 should be at home in my arms attached to the V.2s and the mini tomorrow, Wednesday, or Thursday. I am so excited that I feel hyper all the time. Like today, I was exhausted when I came home. Then I picked up my jump rope and couldn't stop jumping for half an hour. o_O I dunno. O_O But I just want it RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, and the babies are girls. I'll probobly name them ABBY and LILLY. :furawatchi: Good night.

Don't forget those half b-day hugs!!! You have till Saturday to send me one!!!

I got my Version 3 on Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!! It is sooooo awesome!!! The characters are strange... o_O I have a teen now and his name is JEFF. I'll be right back, have to check what kind of teen JEFF is now.


A patapatatchi o_O Wow what a long name. o_O Anyways, today I bought a travel ticket in the shop!!! 4,400 GP! O_O That took a lot of saving. Before, I bought a chest, I opened it, and got 200 GP! Yeah, and my username is TAMA.

I'm off to TamaTown!!!

Oh yeah, and ABBY and LILLY are babies that I am too lazy to raise. =) Ahh, the joys of childhood.

Mini tama is a Ginjirotchi. ABBY and LILLY are kuribotchis. :) JEFF should change Monday morning. JEFF the patapawhatever.

I am so bored. And stressed!!! I have so much to do!!!

Well I'll get back to you soon. Bye!

ABBY and LILLY just changed! ABBY is a Young mimitchi and LILLY is a UFOtchi. Cool. JEFF should change tomorrow... Sorry if I can't record what he turns into tomorrow.

Well, bye for now! See ya on Friday or another day this week!

JEFF... what is he?!?

Here's how to describe him... he doesn't look like any character on the character chart... well, if you look at the character, Mametchi, JEFF sorta looks like the drawing of it, not the virtual kind. o_O JEFF the Mametchi drawing. 0_0

Nothing else is going on. So, talk to you soon?


ABBY and LILLY should change tomorrow morning... the MM should come for JEFF in... about 20 minutes... I'll get back to you when something happens!

ABBY is a Kuchipatchi. LILLY is a Debatchi. The MM should come for JEFF soon......

No school today or Monday!!

See ya in TamaChat tomorrow! :lol:

Oh my gosh!! I was connecting LILLY and JEFF... JEFF turned into a Mametchi when he went over to LILLY's screen! So I guess he was a mametchi. 0_0

Wait a sec! I could... well I could mate LILLY and JEFF! Nah...

But but but... LILLY is a Nazotchi on JEFF's fiend list. Hmm...

But I can't get LILLY and ABBY to give JEFF presents. o_O

No MM yet...


The MatchMaker just gave JEFF a baby boy!!! Aww! It's so cute! Here's an update...

Pink/Purple/Orange fanned Version2

Name: ABBY

Stage: Adult

Type: Kuchipatchi

Generation: 5

Blue w/ Flowers Version 2


Stage: Adult

Type: Debatchi

Generation: 18

Green w/ flowers Version 3

Name: JEFF

Stage: Adult

Type: Mametchi (some kind of Mametchi)

Blue Swirly Orange and Yellow Mini Tama

Name: No name

Stage: Adult

Type: Ginjirotchi

Generation: 0 (you can't have generations on a mini!)

There's an update I don't usually do. OK, see ya in TamaChat tomorrow!


Well, JEFF is gone. :) DAVE, his son, is a... Mohitamatchi. He's a mini elvis! XD Sadly, my mini passed away at 9:00 AM when it woke up. :lol: I have a little Marutchi now. But... a few minutes ago it beeped, and it was really hungry. Looks like no Mametchi this time. :D Oh well. So DAVE should change when he wakes up tomorrow into a teen and the MM should come for LILLY and ABBY today or tomorrow. My 4-day vacation is half way done. :p Why, why, why?!? I have a theory...

I know why the guy who invented school is dead. An angry mob killed him!

I luv saying that. I had fun in TamaChat. B) Thanx everyone! :)i

Well, I woke ABBY and LILLY up early and the MatchMaker came! Yay! They both got baby girls. :blink: Back to school tomorrow. :eek: Well, DAVE should wake up soon and he should evolve. I'll get back to you when he does. :D
