My Would-Be Self


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Yuna saw Mizu needed help. She thought about some things when

"Y-you have three?" She said with amazement. "That's really rare Isan."

Yuna examined them and looked over at Mizu.

"Mizu, it's him."

"What? What am I?" Isan asked, looking back and forth between the two girls. He wanted answers. NOW.

Isan turned to look at Romeo with a very confused expression on his face. Romeo, equally as confused, shrugged. "I don't know any more about what they're talking about than you do, Isan-kun."

"Well, Isan... long, long ago when the Guardians were started, the first king had a special item. He said, 'Entrust to the Joker who will appear with three eggs.'"

"Hold on," said Mizu.

She walked away for a minute, then returned cradling a shining white egg with wings on the side.

"You've got the three eggs... you just need to be the Joker," Mizu said, looking Isan directly in the eyes.

Isan, still not quite sure what was going on, simply nodded in response. He looked down at the strange egg Miku was cradling oh-so-carefully on a velvet pillow. "If I'm the joker, then this entrusted to me...right?" Isan thought outloud. This egg had a completely different vibe coming off of it than his other two Guardian Eggs, so it probably didn't hold a Shugo Chara. But if not a Guardian Chara, what could be inside?

Isan cautiously reached toward the egg, his curiousity getting the better of him. Romeo floated over next to the egg, watching it with equal fascination. The tip of Isan's middle finger gently brushed the egg's shell as he came into contact with the tamago.

Instantly, just as Romeo's egg hatched, a jagged crack line formed across the middle of the new egg, but this time much quicker and as a result of physical contact with Isan. As the crack finally made its way all the way around the shell, the two egg halves popped apart.

The Royal Garden was flooded with a brilliant white light. Romeo flew behind Isan's back for cover, and Isan shielded his eyes with his arm. It's so bright! Isan thought.

Suddenly, as quickly as it had came, the blinding light disappeared. In the place of the egg was a lock. This lock was glowing with the aftermath of the light, giving it a beautiful luminescence. The metal of the lock was gold, but the body of the lock was some sort of multicolored diamond. The body was formed of four hearts of the diamond material, pointing inward towards the lock's hole. It floated temporarily in midair, and then settled down onto the red pillow on which the egg had been resting before.


Isan gawked at the beautiful little thing, which apparently was now his. "What...what is THAT?"

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"O-oh my!" Yuna said in amazement, gazing at Isan's Humpty Lock. "Th-thats a H-hu-humpty Lock... That Special Item is very rare. Now, I think I need to call my mom again, she is very worryful. Mizu, please tell Isan about Transformations and Special Items."

"Okay," said Mizu, taking a breath.

Now I have to explain everything. Where do I start?

"So. Well, special items are... special items, basically. I have one too," Mizu said with a far away look in her eyes.

She reached into her school bag and carefully pulled out a small glass case with a gold lining. She popped it open and took out a beautiful blue fountain pen. It was engraved with gold cherry blossoms. Mizu held out her hands, showing to Isan.

"This is a pen that my older sister gave me... she's away studying in China. I miss her..." Mizu looked down at her feet. "But anyway," she hurriedly continued, blushing. "Special items are said to sometimes help you in battle... but that hasn't happened to me yet... yet somehow I still feel like it might have powers..." she trailed off.

Mizu glanced up to see Isan's confused face.

"Oh, and by battle I mean X eggs. They are heart's eggs turned bad by evil X characters. The owner of the heart's egg feels a lot of pain. Our job as Guardians is to turn them good again," she paused for breath. "By using character transformations. You've probably already experienced a character change, right? Well, a character transformation is like that, but on a grander scale. Your chara- or in your case, charas- change your body and combine their strength with yours, giving you special powers to fight. Does any of this make any sense so far? It's really confusing at first, I know."

Isan smirked, looking down at the Humpy Lock in his hands. "Actually, Mizu-chan, I do understand this time." Romeo flew over to the Humpty Lock as Isan was studying it. Romeo touched one of the diamond hearts with his tiny hand.

Romeo gasped, then looked at Isan in the face. "Isan-kun, let's Chara Nari right now! C'mon, it'll be FAAAAABULOUS!"

Isan rolled his eyes. "Romeo, you just hatched a little while ago. Can we please take this slow for now?" Romeo huffed, crossing his arms sassily and floating over to sit on the garden table. Isan turned his attention back to Mizu. "So...have you transformed with Rei yet?"

"Well, you see," Yuna interrupted. She was so used to this, being Queen, she had to teach King and Ace about these stuff. She continued, "You can only transform when in battle, and you see, the X eggs haven't come here yet, because they thought the Joker would overcome them with his Humpty Lock. So, since they haven't come, we never had any battle, so we never transformed. Maybe we'll all go over there sometime and defeat those bad guys." Yuna got another call. "Yes. Yes mom, we're almost done. Sure. Fine. Yeah, I got it. Okay, okay! Bye. Yes mom, I know. Sure. Bye!" "Uhh, hey guys, we've got like an hour left, so, no rush."

"Yeah," said Mizu. "So... what now?"

"Well, I'm hungry!" Rei pouted. "Why don't you bring out those snacks you made for the meeting today Mizu-chan?"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot."

She reached once more into her bag and took out a bag of rice crackers.

"Here guys," she smiled. "I made them myself. Feel free to grab some. I'll go make some tea," she said, and walked away with Rei following close behind, munching on a star shaped cracker.

(Have you both seen the anime?)

Isan grinned; he was always hungry. "Arigato, Mizu-chan!" He reached into the bag and grabbed two rice crackers, one for him and one for Romeo. He took a seat at the garden table, and handed Romeo his cracker. Romeo sat down on Isan's right shoulder.

"Itadakimasu!" Isan and Romeo said together, biting down onto their crackers simultaneously.

Isan swallowed, then scratched his chin with his free hand thoughtfully. "By the way, Yuna-chan, where are the King and the Jack? The only people I've seen of the Guardians are you, the Queen's Chair, and Mizu, the Ace's Chair. And now me as the Joker."

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"Oh yeah, they've gone on some quest to find the joker who will help them defeat the dark side, so


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(I've read the manga for the most part, but I did watch one or two episodes.)

Mizu returned with a pot of tea and a few cups.

"Here you go, guys," she said as she carefully poured the steaming tea into the blue China cups.

Taking out four thimbles, Mizu said, "And of course I couldn't forget you guys," she smiled at the charas, handing each a "cup" of tea.

"AAAIIIEEE IT'S HOT!!!" screamed Rei.

"That's why you should wait, Ms.Impatient!" Mizu snapped back.

"Bleh," Rei stuck out her tongue.

Mizu grabbed a handful of rice crackers while Rei sulked.

"So Yuna, now that we have a Joker... will they be coming back?" Mizu asked.

"Yeah, they will." Yuna said. "I have texted them ten times to come back, hopefully they do."

Yuna grabbed four crackers, two for her, and one for Ariana and Adrianna.

"So what do you guys think about our transformations? Do you think they will look cool?"

(That's good! Especially CNT. Emilson, just make sure you keep watching the anime from the beginning so you don't get confuzzled.)

Isan blew on his tea, taking a sip. A light blush on his face appeared, and he squealed with delight; he loved that warm feeling you get in your tummy when drinking hot tea. "Eeee! So good!" Regaining his posture, Isan coughed with slight embarrassment. He then proceeded to answer Yuna's question. "Umm...I honestly don't know what mine will look like, but if it's anything like Romeo's outfit..." Isan trailed off, but the tone of his voice revealed what he was implying.

Romeo's face grew bright red with anger. "Hey! I happen to know all the latest trends in ropa (clothing), and THIS," He motioned to his outfit, "Is about as "in" as you can get." Romeo smirked. "And besides, your Chara Nari with me will most definitely have some reference to my appearance; that's a general rule for Shugo Chara."

Isan sweatdropped. He had a bad feeling about this. The image of him unwillingly flaunting around town wearing red skinny jeans and a kilt...Isan shivered at the thought. If he did that, he might as well wear a blinking neon sign that says: "I'M GAY" in rainbow colors.

Isan shook his head to rid himself of the horrifying thought. "Anyway...what do you guys think about your own? Mizu?" He turned to her, ready to listen intently.

"Hmm," Mizu put a finger to her chin and looked upward as she pondered the question. "I don't know... the way Rei is, I've always thought that I would look something like a hippie from the 70s or something."

"Hey! I'm not a hippie! I'm just concerned about our planet! Our world! THE FUTURE OF THE EARTH AS WE KNOW IT!" Rei yelled, standing up on the table to make her point.

"Well okay okay!" Mizu laughed. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll look good. I'll probably look sort of like Rei. The horror."


"I'm just kidding Rei! Jeez, learn to take a joke. Anger management."

She looked up.

"Oh sorry. We end up fighting a lot. But anyway, what do you think, Yuna?" Mizu asked.

"Well, I am probably going to be some glamour queen, because of Ariana and Adrianna's dresses and hair." Yuna said. Ariana and Adrianna stared at her. "Hmph!"

Mizu laughed. It was funny how they all got along with the charas in a love-hate sort of way.

"Yeah, that seems pretty accurate," she said. "Hmm... so, I wonder when Isan's other eggs are going to hatch?"

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