My Would-Be Self


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(Whoops, totally knew that :p My bad, I was thinking of Yuna, lolfail.)

Isan, seeing that the battle had ended already, ran down to the other Guardians. "Wow! Good job, guys!" He exclaimed, thankful that everyone was okay. He glared down at the boy who was on all fours; during Isan's period of watching the battle from afar, the senior had remembered his classmate's name. "You've been defeated, Lyle; surrender now and we'll harm you no further." He said rather blatantly to the blue-eyed teen. Lyle was going to have quite a bit of explaining to do.

When Yuna asked him about Cain, Isan shrugged. "I have no idea, he hasn't called me or anything. Onerai-kun, what's up with Cain-kun?" Isan asked his crush's Guardian Chara, placing a hand on his hip as he waited for a response with patience. The curly brunette kept an eye on Lyle and his Chara just to make sure he didn't try anything sneaky while Isan was distracted.

Lyle sat back on his knees as Ryoku finally calmed down and stopped shouting. He was well aware that he had lost, but it took Ryoku another moment to finally come to terms with it. The Chara huffed and plopped down on top of Lyle's shoulder.

"You don't have to worry; I'm not going to do anything," Lyle said bitterly. He looked off to the side, refusing to make eye-contact with any of the Guardians. Ryoku tugged on the boy's ear to get his attention.

"Why did you give away the X Eggs?" the Chara whispered into Lyle's ear.

"We don't need them. Okay?" Lyle gave a sideways glare to Ryoku as if to say Drop it. Besides, Lyle was quite aware of how useless they would be to the Guardians now. The Dumpty Key was still in his hand, twinkling in the sparse light that had made it through the gray clouds. He tucked it away in his coat pocket so that it would be more difficult to take it away from him.

Onerai looked toward the guardians and said, "Cain's sick. I'll be filling in fo him... Who in the world was that?" Onerai inquired, staring at the guardians.

"His name is Lyle, a senior here." Isan replied, his attention now redirected toward the defeated teen. Studying the boy as he was kneeling on the ground, Isan walked over to him and squatted down in front of Lyle.

"You're going to have a lot of explaining to do, Lyle-kun," The curly brunette said, emphasizing Lyle's name. Isan's leering chocolate-brown eyes never left Lyle's face, even though the boy refused to look at him. "Don't think you're just going to walk away from this mess."

"Does it look like we're going anywhere?" Ryoku sneered as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Good luck getting us to talk, though. Lyle is the kind of person that-" Ryoku was silenced as Lyle quickly reached out and snatched him from his perch on the boy's shoulder. Lyle placed a finger over the chara's mouth to prevent him from blurting anything else. He kept his blue eyes averted from the Guardians, partly out of anger and partly out of nervousness. His normal personality was shining through; his hands shook and his heart was racing in his chest. Lyle wanted to believe that this was because he was tired, but he knew better. He didn't like being around so many people, let alone having to talk to them. Despite his worries, his mind was working at the speed of light.

I can't get out of this. They know what I'm doing now. All I have to do is lay low and prevent them from noticing me for awhile and then I can get back to my own work. It's not like that wasn't very difficult in the first place...

Lyle couldn't help but think of his own collection of eggs he had gathered over the past couple months. Of course, he hadn't dared to draw out many eggs so close to school hours, but Ryoku had been feeling a little riskier than usual today. Lyle glanced at the Chara to see Ryoku's red eyes glaring back at him. He could feel a tiny pinch at his finger and knew that Ryoku was attempting to chew through.

"No! Don't! I don't want you to start saying anything stupid," Lyle hissed.

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Isan smirked at Ryoku once he and Lyle finished their little argument. "At least your owner knows when to shut you up. I'm afraid his efforts are in vain, though..." Isan's thoughts trailed off, and then he stood back up slowly. "...Follow me. We're going to the Royal Garden."

Isan walked over and patted Taiyo on the back. "Taiyo-kun, please follow behind Lyle just to make sure he doesn't attempt an escape." Looking back at Lyle, Isan smiled mock-kindly. "I wouldn't advise running away from Taiyo-kun, though; he's rather long-legged and lean. Some friendly advise from me."

Directing his attention toward the two female Guardians, Isan placed his hands on his hips. "Now, as for you two, I'd appreciate it if you'd look after these three victimed girls until I can purify their Hearts' Eggs. Oh, and Mizu-chan....congrats on your first transformation!" The brunette boy mentioned, flashing the blue-haired girl a bright smile.

"Thanks, Isan-kun!" Mizu smiled back, feeling quite proud of herself.

She walked over to the steps where the three girls were sitting and joined them, beckoning to Yuna.

"It's gonna be all right," she smiled at the girls. "Your dreams will be back before you know it."

Mizu stared off into the distance and watched an airplane zoom across the sky.

Rei departed from Mizu, undoing their character transformation. Mizu instantly felt tired.

"Wow, Mizu-chan! That was awesome!" Rei said.

"Yeah, Rei," Mizu breathed. "But it sure took a lot out of me."

Feeling lightheaded, she held her head in her hands for a moment and stared down at the cracked pavement.

"You okay?" Rei asked, concerned.

"Um... yeah, I think so," Mizu said, forcing a half-hearted smile.

Taiyo shuffled behind Lyle.

"Yes, I would agree with Isan on that," he said, his British accent still with him, making him sound even more smug. "So, to the Royal Garden, everybody?"

Taiyo heard Fushigi say, Yess!!!! We've got him now!

Taiyo silently rolled his eyes. Fushigi always acted so dignified, but when it came to combat, he acted like any other person.

"Yeah! Let's go to the Royal Garden!" Yuna already was running, with Adrianna and Ariana fluttering behind them.

Her hair flew behind her as she ran to the Royal Garden. She finally arrived at the table, and sat down.

Gasping, she looked back as Ariana and Adrianna finally arrived.

"That was really tiring!" Ariana gasped.

Adrianna sweatdropped. "Obviously."

Lyle's legs trembled slightly beneath him as he stood up, fingers still wrapped around the annoyed Ryoku. The little Guardian Chara continued to glare at Lyle with angry red eyes.

"I already said we're not going to go anywhere," Lyle muttered. Although the statement was meant to let the Guardians know that he meant no harm, Lyle's intention was to try to calm down Ryoku. He knew that his Chara had a rather stubborn personality, but if he left enough subtle hints Ryoku would finally understand that now was the time for silent surrender. They wouldn't say anything, but they could still behave without attracting any more violence.

Lyle trudged along behind Isan towards the Royal Garden. In fact, Lyle had never been to the place before. It had seemed too over-the-top for him. As his eyes took in the flowers and architecture, he began to grow more and more uncomfortable. Who would want to be around a place that triggered sneezes and left one's eyes in colorful overload?

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Isan walked into the big dome that was known as the Royal Guardian, hearing Taiyo quietly close the door behind them. Walking up to the tea table, Isan sat down in his usual chair and nodded toward the chair opposite his own. "Please, do take a seat. We have much to discuss...such as why you're turning Heart's Eggs into X-Eggs." The curly headed teen prodded, his face calm with patience as he awaited the other boy's response.

Lyle paused before the table before he gently placed Ryoku on the surface. He gave the Chara a warning look as if to say keep you mouth shut or else, then he took a seat facing Isan. His arms crossed over his chest as he stared at his knees and kept his lips sealed. There was no way he was going to speak.

"Why make X-Eggs, you ask?" Lyle bolted upright in his chair when he heard Ryoku's smooth voice echoing in the garden. He opened his mouth to prevent his Chara from speaking further, but Ryoku swiftly cut him off with a wave of his cane and a few words of his own. "Now that's an interesting question." A grin played across Ryoku's face as he glanced back at his owner. Lyle looked infuriated, his face nearly turning red.

"Oh, don't be like that, Lyle. We both know I'm the only one that can talk us out of a situation like this, or would you rather do it? You know we can Character Change again if you like. Then you can do all the talking," Ryoku teased. Lyle shook his head and sat back in his chair.

"I thought so," Ryoku said as he turned his attention back to Isan. "Now, about those wonderful little X-Eggs. You see, Lyle has a wish, a wish that he very dearly wants to come true. The Embryo sounded like a perfect option for us once we figured out what it could do. Well, it sounded like a perfect option for him. I was born out of his need should I put this? Clever communication. Yes, that sounds like an excellent way of describing my specialty. Lyle is a quiet, innocent, dull little boy; he's quite harmless. Of course, he has to have some way of finding the Embryo, so we do it the only way we know how: we lock the X-Eggs." A small chuckle escaped Ryoku's lips as he leaned on his cane. His red eyes glanced back at Lyle as he asked, "Did I sum it up well enough for you?" His owner nodded. "Good."

((Whoa. That turned out to be way longer than I expected.))

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(2 Days have passed, so just pretend my latest post was nothing.)

Yuna stayed near Mizu, with the three girls. Her blonde hair blew against her head, and her sparkling blue eyes shimmered against the sunlight. Many boys were swooning over her, but she really didn't like any of them. She usually ignored them, brutally rejected them, or said a polite no. She really liked Cain. He was Yuna's main love interest. Finally, after a long moment of silence, she spoke up.

"Hey Mizu, wanna come over today? I have no plans today, so..."

(ok, thanks :) )

"Sure, Yuna-chan," Mizu replied. "I don't think I've got anything else going on."

"Yeah!" Rei agreed. "Besides, I'd love to hang out with Adrianna and Ariana!"

"So yeah, I guess it's a yes," Mizu smiled.

Rei floated excitedly over to the other charas.

"Hey, maybe you guys could help me figure out a new way to do my hair!" Rei chattered on excitedly. "It's so long, and it's always in my way, so I was thinking of maybe trying a new style. And besides, you guys are the fashion experts."

"Oh Em Gee! I'd be glad to do your hair. I was always thinking of doing something with those side bangs," Yuna smiled. "By the way, do you think Cain may like me?"

Yuna looked at Mizu in doubt. She thought that Cain probably didn't, but hearing Mizu's opinion would dearly help/

"... uh..." Mizu said, a bit surprised at the awkward question. "Well, I suppose almost anything can happen after this whole memory loss thing. But... it could be a possibility, Yuna-chan. I mean, you've got amazing hair, and you're a great person, so I don't see why not!" Mizu smiled.

... of course, I wish I could say the same for me and Isan-kun... she thought sadly.

Adrianna and Ariana could sense that Mizu liked Isan. So did Yuna. It was really easy to see that Mizu liked him. The way she blushed when she said that Yuna and Cain where on okay couple. "You know, Isan could still like you. All you gotta do is be more noticeable. If I were Isan, I would have already asked you out!" Yuna put her hand on Mizu's shoulder. "Anyways, what are we going to do with these girls?" Yuna gestured her hand towards the girls.

As Ryoku revealed his and Lyle's true intentions to the two Guardians, Isan's facial expression changed from confident to confused very quickly. The particular term that stuck out to him was Embryo. And what was all this talk about wishes and locking X-Eggs? Although he was the Jester of the Seiyo High Guardians, Isan was still fairly new to the world of Guardian Charas and such. So the curly-headed brunette boy understood very little of what Ryoku was saying.

When Lyle's Guardian Chara finished talking, Isan held his hand up. "Whoa, hold up." He said, trying to digest what he had just heard. Isan turned to Taiyo for answers. "Taiyo-kun, could you please explain to me what in the world the 'Embryo' is?" Isan snapped his fingers as he remembered another question he came up with, swiveling his head toward Ryoku. "Oh! And what do you mean by locking X-Eggs? Is that what you did to these?" He asked, pointing to the X-Eggs that were lying—strangely, they were motionless—on the table.

"The Embryo," Taiyo began. "Is a legendary heart's egg. It is said that if you get a hold of it, it will grant you any wish that your heart desires."

Fushigi nodded.

"It's a pretty big thing," he said. "And it often appears when lots of heart's eggs are gathered in one place."

"Right," Taiyo said. "It's amazing... but in the wrong hands, it could do horrible damage."

Taiyo's brown eyes gazed solemnly at Isan.

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