My x best friend


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Mar 24, 2007
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.i dont get why she's being a butt head? go ALL the way down, then scroll up.


From: MP

To: K L

Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 4:29:08 PM

Subject: Re: ...

I hope you cry till you die! Loser


From: KL

To: MP

Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 3:28:41 PM

Subject: Re: ...

seriously. im crying right now


From: MP To: KL

Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 4:31:29 PM

Subject: Re: ...

Shut up loser


From: KL

To: MP

Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 6:09:55 PM

Subject: Re: ...

stop it!


From: MP

To: KL

Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 5:20:54 PM

Subject: Re: ...

I'd rather have my cute bf alex more than you


From: KL

To: MP

Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 9:30:03 PM

Subject: Re: ...

What did i do to you?! Seriously?


From: MP

To: KL

Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 7:17:36 PM

Subject: Re: ...


come over here and ill smack you upsde the head!


From: KL To: MP

Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 7:01:23 PM

Subject: Re: ...

I don't get why you're being so mean? I thought you were my friend...


From: MP

To: KL

Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 6:55:23 PM

Subject: Re: ...

HA you finally figured out that it;s true?! What a loser. u r not worth anything compared to alex!


From: KL

To: MP

Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 6:48:42 PM

Subject: ...

..u r probably wondering this but the reason why I'm mad at you is because that was way rude what you did. You care more about a boy than me. We even promised that we wouldn't have to boy get in-between us. I guess you'd rather have your new "boyfriend" than me.


Edit by TamaMum:

Don't post personal information like full names on the forums please?

Stay Safe on line :wacko:

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Wow,that is realy mean what she is doing,I suggest you tell someone about it if she continues because that is cyber bullying and it should stop.

I recommend you also go up to her in person and tell her to stop,if she just insults you or ignores you.Put a stop to it,explain to her that she can be your friend as well as have a boyfriend because she obviously dosen't understand you want to be her friend.

Ouch! Thats horrible! I'd have to know the whole story to tell you what to do, but I will say that something similiar has happened to me and my ''ex-best friend''. It would be a very long story if I tell you, but I do know what you're going through.

Good luck with resolving this issue though.


Maybe she's sick of you. Well, if she was, maybe she should've had a nicer way to put it? Nah....

She's just rapped up in this "boyfriend" of hers.

Your friend is really being an idiot. I recommend that you try and avoid taking offence from what she says, and ask a teacher or your parents about what else you should do. I hope she stops being mean to you soon.

Tama :) Phantom

Wow, what a idiot if i were you i'd freaking kill her
um... that's illegal and you could get put away for a long time if you kill people :3

Best to let it blow over for now. Use the "block" on msn and avoid her for a while.

Either she is not worth it - or she'll come to her senses.

No point in ruining a perfectly good friendship just so that you can have the "last word" in an argument ^_^


What I can say is to ignore her. She can be mean all she wants, and you won't have to hear it. Just don't yell at her back. From what I think, she's looking for a fight. As TamaMum said, block her, so she won't be able to yell at you.

Hope it works out well.

Tell her something like this:

"dmoquinn said this, "F- off you big loser. If you be so rude, why is there a reason? Kick yourself!"

Yeah, ignore her.

Going through similar situation.

I made her shut up when she sent me a text saying (In txt language)

"ur jst s0 in luv wit urself nd i dnt lyk it! i dnt care wats da haps in ur lyf. if u gt isues coz ov ur period nd hav moodswings den u cn tak ur anger nd jump off a clif wit it b*tch. im ova dis frendship!!!"


I laughed at how pathetic she is and I had ended our friendship ages ago but she clung to me ;)


I replied

"Put your opinion in a sandwhich and choke on it"


And I never got a reply.


Tip: Agree with her! It annoys people heaps!


"Your so stupid"

*"Yes! Yes I am!"

"no one likes you!"

*"Yea! I'm so hated!"

"You smell bad"

*"Actually I smell terrible!"




That annoys them and they shut up cos they realise they can't get to you!!


(P.S. Shes a useless bumhole. Not worth your precious time darling)


Tip: Agree with her! It annoys people heaps!


"Your so stupid"

*"Yes! Yes I am!"

"no one likes you!"

*"Yea! I'm so hated!"

"You smell bad"

*"Actually I smell terrible!"
Lol I do that all the time to people xD It really does annoy them, and you aren't saying anything back to them which they could use agaisnt you, like if you called her a *bad word*, then she could tell people that and then they'd all gang up on you and you'll just be like, 'AHH!'...

But I'm rambling.

What you should do is simply ask her why she was your best friend if she seems to hate you so much, flat out, face-to-face. If she can't come up with a reasonable answer, then she's just doing to show someone else. If she can, she was just using you as a friend because maybe no one else could put up with her -.-

I understand it's hard. I have fights all the time with my BFFL, but it blows over. It's part of a friendship, disagreeing. Or that's what people tell me.

Whenever I'm crying about friend problems, my mom tells me that girls can be real catty.

Or maybe someone has spread rumours that perhaps you don't actually like her?

Or maybe she had a really bad day, or perhaps having a rough time at home maybe?

I really hope it all works out for you ^.^

Best Wishes



Listen you SL&*! I Didnt do anything to you. Your so into him and I wonder why the h*L@ is he dating you. Oh well I guess he was so desperate he had to go for you. Your NOT exactly the most wonderful thing ever so stop thinking that you are. And have a nice bit@$y life with him. Even though he WILL dump you soon.

Say it to her. Then just walk away. Like half my school is so mean to me and one of these girls said something like that to my friend. If she has such an attitude with you, then she isnt a good friend. (Mods dont get mad at me i censored as muc has I could so she knows what im saying and i cant get in trouble for having an opinion of what i would say) And if you want you can say that to her. Because it sounds kind of true about her at the moment and she should hear what she is being.

Going through similar situation. I made her shut up when she sent me a text saying (In txt language)

"ur jst s0 in luv wit urself nd i dnt lyk it! i dnt care wats da haps in ur lyf. if u gt isues coz ov ur period nd hav moodswings den u cn tak ur anger nd jump off a clif wit it b*tch. im ova dis frendship!!!"


I laughed at how pathetic she is and I had ended our friendship ages ago but she clung to me :mametchi:


I replied

"Put your opinion in a sandwhich and choke on it"


And I never got a reply.


Tip: Agree with her! It annoys people heaps!


"Your so stupid"

*"Yes! Yes I am!"

"no one likes you!"

*"Yea! I'm so hated!"

"You smell bad"

*"Actually I smell terrible!"




That annoys them and they shut up cos they realise they can't get to you!!


(P.S. Shes a useless bumhole. Not worth your precious time darling)
I think your friend PMS's a lot.

Oh and by the way, I think that she is rude o:

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