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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score
AZ peoria
just want to know what u think!

cause i have a myspace and today some guy added me and then told me his name how old he was and he said that we were gunna be "close friends" and wanted to know if i was single!!!!!! it was kinda scary after that i delited him with out even replying back!!

but other wise i think myspace is safe!

whats u openion(SP)

Meh, I don't go on myspace, but not because of the pedophiles roaming around in there. You just have to be careful.

just want to know what u think!

cause i have a myspace and today some guy added me and then told me his name how old he was and he said that we were gunna be "close friends" and wanted to know if i was single!!!!!! it was kinda scary after that i delited him with out even replying back!!

but other wise i think myspace is safe!

whats u openion(SP)
Delete him and block him. That spells out trouble.

I don't have a MySpace anymore because everybody has one now, but in terms of safety, it all depends on how you act on that site. If you choose to post revealing pictures, add people you don't know, and give out all your personal info, that's dangerous site behavior. But if you only add your real friends, keep the pics modest, and limit the info you put on there, it should be fine.

As long as you follow common sense, block anyone you don't know that seems potentialy harmful, never tell any personal info like school, full name, parents names, ect. then you'll be ok.

You have to be careful on ALL sites but on some, like MySpace, there's seems to be more lurking freako-s than on others such as here at TT.

If you have any doubt what so ever, play it safe.

The only reason kids/teens get ubducted(sp??) on Myspace, (as well as Facebook and many other sites) is because they post TOO MUCH INFO, as well as NOT SETTING THEIR PROFILE ON PRIVATE.

Also, put your pictures as only your friends can see them, because bad people can edit those pictures and put them on bad sites. It rarely happens, but it can.

And don't add random people, let random people add you, and don't tell people everything about you.

I don't think Myspace and Facebook are bad, it just depends on if your stupid or not online.

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Think about Internet safety. If a stranger sends you a message on Myspace, what would you do? Respond, tell him your name, and introduce yourself? Think again. Delete the tread, and never give out personal informantion on the Internet. No matter how friendly the person may seem, you don't know who they are. Do the right thing, and delete.

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I think MySpace is safe as long as you don't give out your name or any personal info to some random stranger. I read in the newspaper that 20% of kids meet their online friends at an actual place O.O

Myspace is as safe as you make it.

If you're an idiot, put a bunch of info about yourself, talk to add people you don't know, then yes. It's dangerous. EVERY site is dangerous, including tamatalk, even though it seems most here seem to pretend that's not true.

Make your profile private, delete your name in the system, and make it so people can't add you without knowing your email address. Don't add people you don't know.

Myspace is only as safe as the person who uses it.

If you are going to put up your name, school, town, city, and add random people to your friends list, then I would say the website is very unsafe. No website is ever safe just like it is. The people who use the site need to know how to be safe. So, set your profile to private so only your friends can see it, don't put up your pictures, where you live, your full name, etc. And DO NOT accept random friend requests. Only add people you know.

i dont have one but my big bro does this is his profile:

im a guy, who likes pie!

thats all u need to know!

:( my brother is smart!

i say myspace is not a good site for kids but its ok itf u are mature and alert

i just dont talk to any one i dont know! thats how u stay out of trouble! simple as that! :p

i dont have one but my big bro does this is his profile:im a guy, who likes pie!

thats all u need to know!

;) my brother is smart!

i say myspace is not a good site for kids but its ok itf u are mature and alert

i just dont talk to any one i dont know! thats how u stay out of trouble! simple as that! ;)
That's because it's not meant for kids o.o'

The youngest you're allowed to be is 14, but you get a bunch of like 10-11 year olds lying about their age just to have one.

My Space is as safe as you make it be. Like everyone else said, don't give you personal info. Me, myself, I'd never sign up for My Space. Maybe Facebook.

Personally I wouldn't go on it. Seems like thats one of the main spots where people can take advantage of you people. Creeps out there, ya know.

Myspace isn't safe. If you are a girl, boys harass you. I heard someone got abducted because of myspace o.o'
Yeah, someone did get abducted from Myspace. I heard several people have actually. One of the stories actually freaked the living bejesus out of me. I mean, it scared me so much I had to be with someone at all times. o.o Gosh, that story still sort of scares me but not even 1/5 as much.




If you go on Myspace and tell people your phone number, where you live, add random people to your buddy list, and give out other REALLY personal information then it isn't safe is it? Not really


On the other hand...


If you make your page private, only chat to people you know, and have a very secure password then it's OK.

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