Nerve problem with guys! XD


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congrats!! but it didnt sound like a big success xd heres what: i you want to talk to him, YOU gotta keep the converstition going, not him, he'll just walk away!!!! (i do it on aim when im bored, my friends say hi and then i say hi and they dont answer xp) also, heres another tip, never just let there be silence hanging, it will be akward and one of you will be like i gotta go!!!!! also, be yourself dont lie, if you do it will lead 2 disater!!!!!!!!! just talk about your hobbys and stuff, does he like to read? (i doubt it) how about a tv show you watch? i suggest you talk about a show like Hole in the Wall or some crazy game show, or some show that is popular in your school. once you can relax while talking to him, and he is kinda interested in you, ask him about skateboarding, once he explains a lot and stuff, ask him if he can teach you to skate board a little after school, then PING!!! FIRST STEP TOWARDS SUCCESS!!!!!!! after a while he will ask you to a movie or something else simple, and maybe after a while he might ask you to be his girlfriend please, it you use my tips, tell me how it goes!!!!

congrats!! but it didnt sound like a big success xd heres what: i you want to talk to him, YOU gotta keep the converstition going, not him, he'll just walk away!!!! (i do it on aim when im bored, my friends say hi and then i say hi and they dont answer xp) also, heres another tip, never just let there be silence hanging, it will be akward and one of you will be like i gotta go!!!!! also, be yourself dont lie, if you do it will lead 2 disater!!!!!!!!!  just talk about your hobbys and stuff, does he like to read? (i doubt it) how about a tv show you watch? i suggest you talk about a show like Hole in the Wall or some crazy game show, or some show that is popular in your school. once you can relax while talking to him, and he is kinda interested in you, ask him about skateboarding, once he explains a lot and stuff, ask him if he can teach you to skate board a little after school, then PING!!! FIRST STEP TOWARDS SUCCESS!!!!!!! after a while he will ask you to a movie or something else simple, and maybe after a while he might ask you to be his girlfriend please, it you use my tips, tell me how it goes!!!!
Thanks a lot for the tips! ^^ It's funny you mentioned skateboarding cos a few days ago, my friend emailed me a link she randomly found of him and his friends on skateboards. XD I MAY see him at a japanese festival on saturday if he goes which I'm sure he will. I'm keeping my fingers crossed but I think I'll just talk to him at school because I think he thinks I'm stalking him or something and I don't really want to weird him out even more atm.

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Thanks a lot for the tips! ^^ It's funny you mentioned skateboarding cos a few days ago, my friend emailed me a link she randomly found of him and his friends on skateboards. XD I MAY see him at a japanese festival on saturday if he goes which I'm sure he will. I'm keeping my fingers crossed but I think I'll just talk to him at school because I think he thinks I'm stalking him or something and I don't really want to weird him out even more atm.
I don't think it's good if he thinks your stalking him... :)

Thanks a lot for the tips! ^^ It's funny you mentioned skateboarding cos a few days ago, my friend emailed me a link she randomly found of him and his friends on skateboards. XD I MAY see him at a japanese festival on saturday if he goes which I'm sure he will. I'm keeping my fingers crossed but I think I'll just talk to him at school because I think he thinks I'm stalking him or something and I don't really want to weird him out even more atm.
your very welcome, ive never dated a boy though, i firgured out all of those because even when i had my fourth grade crush i didnt have boy nerves (strange huh?) so good luck!!!

PS i made the last part sound a little rushed, so take that part slowly!!!

I don't think it's good if he thinks your stalking him...  ;)
I don't mean stalking as in following him to the toilets, to his house and stuff like that but just like "happening to be where he is" once I've spotted him type of stalking/following. Well anyway, one thing I am positive about is that he thinks I'm weird. XD

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Puppy love.

If you've never met him, chances are, you aren't in love with him. If you really want to, I'd go and talk to him, try to hang out with him. You REALLY don't need any guys in your life for now.

After coming back frpm the holidays, (This week is the first week and I said hello to him for the first time on the last day of the second last week before the term ended.) I haven't actually said anything to him but I don't know...I feel like he doesn't recognise me. XD I saw him during a festival during the holidays and he seemed to recognise me then but..yeah. This maybe because I cut my hair really short and he hasn't rcognised me but I'm not sure..I walked straight past him with my friend and I don't really know if he noticed....>.<; I'll have a heart attack if I have to introduce myself to him again.

Well...basically, the only two things I've said to him are "hi" and "I know you". I'd be pretty surprised if he DID have any interest in me and just started talking to me about skateboards or something at 200 words a second.

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Try to calm down and form an actually conversation with him! When you called to him, he probably turned around because he didn't know who the heck you were. Why is it so scary? Your lucky you actually have likable boys in your school! x.x

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Haha, I actually said hi to him today and as usual, I got the usual weirded out look. Thanks for your advice Aerostella. That's a good point there! ^^ I didn't think of that! XD I was thinking of saying something along the lines of: "Sorry, I'm freaking you out arn't I?" and also maybe telling him my name as I haven't really done that yet. x.x My friend and I are having the same problem. We both like guys that don't know we exist but then she got his email, talks to him and managed to invite him to a Halloween party. She suggested that I search for his email address but I think that will freak him out even more and I don't want that to happen.

Guess what??? He talked to me! Well actually, I spotted him at the tuckshop and he asked me if I had 60 cents. XD I also achieved telling him my name and he just kind of nodded. No strange looks today I think...^^

I finally worked up the courage to talk to him today. I called out to him and said hi but he turned to look at me and then turned back. =[ I wasn't as upset as I usually am with guys I like but my legs were still shaky two minutes after I'd talked to him. XD
:p Don't be so worried about being a bit funny around him...get some time to get to know him and for him to know you... get to know his interests and how they relate to yours... are they complementary? Is it one sided? Is it you pretending to be interested in everything he is? --Take note of these things because these are the things that make or break a relationship... plus, if he really likes you he won't be turned-off by your goof-ball-ed-ness. If a guy likes you, let him like you for yourself and not the you that you present to him.

Take this for example: My fiancé and I got together to make comic books. I like drawing, he likes writing, we both like comics and sci-fi. On our first "business meeting" which I thought meant "date" I just sat across the table giggling like an idiot... I just couldn't control myself.... I really liked this guy and my brain just... went on vacation? After a few hours of awkward "what? is there something on my face?" I finally got a few pieces together to start basic talking... We've been together for four years now, seeing each other every day, never skipping.... our relationship only seems to grow stronger over time...

I guess... just make sure you are being yourself. I wouldn't try to act in a certain way around him because in the end you want him to like you and not the person you show to him. Don't worry about looking stupid or getting shaky just talk to the boy, maybe he feels funny around you too and if he sees you being silly, maybe he'll feel more comfortable about his feelings... thus feeling more inclined to share them with you.

Does this make sense? Does this help? Sorry... :)

Okay, well I really like this guy who is in the same grade as me but the only two main problems I have with him is that:A. He doesn't know I exist


B. I get really, REALLY nervous around him.

The other day at assembly, his class happened to be in front of our class and as he walked in, I felt really nervous. I had this sick feeling in my stomach and I was a bit shaky-ish.

A few weeks ago, I found him by himself by the water bubblers, drinking fountains, whatever you want to call it and I thought of introducing myself but I felt glued to the spot, my legs and arms felt like jelly and my voice got stuck in my throat.

If I ever talk to him, I know what to say but I have a feeling I'll make it obvious that I like him. XD
Don't worry. Guys are so stupid and have no sense of body language. XD

Now your nervous, but in the future, talking to him will get easier. Trust me, I know. ;)

:p Don't be so worried about being a bit funny around him...get some time to get to know him and for him to know you... get to know his interests and how they relate to yours... are they complementary? Is it one sided? Is it you pretending to be interested in everything he is? --Take note of these things because these are the things that make or break a relationship... plus, if he really likes you he won't be turned-off by your goof-ball-ed-ness. If a guy likes you, let him like you for yourself and not the you that you present to him.
Take this for example: My fiancé and I got together to make comic books. I like drawing, he likes writing, we both like comics and sci-fi. On our first "business meeting" which I thought meant "date" I just sat across the table giggling like an idiot... I just couldn't control myself.... I really liked this guy and my brain just... went on vacation? After a few hours of awkward "what? is there something on my face?" I finally got a few pieces together to start basic talking... We've been together for four years now, seeing each other every day, never skipping.... our relationship only seems to grow stronger over time...

I guess... just make sure you are being yourself. I wouldn't try to act in a certain way around him because in the end you want him to like you and not the person you show to him. Don't worry about looking stupid or getting shaky just talk to the boy, maybe he feels funny around you too and if he sees you being silly, maybe he'll feel more comfortable about his feelings... thus feeling more inclined to share them with you.

Does this make sense? Does this help? Sorry... :)
Thanks so much! ^^ That does kind of help actually. I'm planning to be me in front of him so that he knows who I really am. Being someone you're not just makes the whole relationship complicated. >.<;

Squidward is Cool-Hahaha, really? I always gets scared that they'll know I like them. ^^; I'm HOPING it'll get easier after a while. At first, I can't work up the courage to talk to him and I expect myself to be at a loss of words but it isn't that bad. I just kind of have to control the wobbly legs. XD

cuhh-Please don't SPAM on topics.

I've been trying to say hi everyday but it isn't working like that. >.<; I managed to say hi to him after school and umm...I don't know how to describe it but know how sometimes the "cool" people don't wave but they kind of raise their chin at you in a way? XD Yeah, that's what he did. Again, no weird looks so that was okay. The past two days when I saw him I failed to shout hi as I was across the hall to him. He kept looking over at me as if he was expecting me to say hi and freak him out. XD Isn't that great? I think I'm making pretty good process so far. It's just I need to start a proper conversation. Maybe next week...?

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I got a hi today but I still got a strange look. >.<; Sorry, this topic's kind of turning into something like a blog isn't it? XD I don't really know how I could start a convo though...I mean I know he skateboards but he doesn't know that I know that and I don't want to freak him out by saying something like " know how you like skateboarding..?" or something like that...Maybe I can say "How are you?" or "What subject do you have next?" Haha...yeah umm...anyone got any ideas? Also, what's a good way of getting your friend to say hi to the guy they like? I think I might've said this before but my friend is in the same situation as me except in her case, they guy doesn't think she's weird or anything. I've managed to say hi and stuff but she hasn't. ^^;

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