Nerve problem with guys! XD


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Didn't get to say hi today. >.<; What would be like a good conversation though? I don't really want to sound too much like I'm TRYING to talk to him so...any suggestions at all? I guess I'm friends with a lot of guys. I dun like ne1 now but when I did I'd have to talk to him...well obviously! So I just went up to him and said, "hey" he'd say like...I dunno "hey, have a good weekend?" I'd say, "ya, ho bout you" he'd say, "ya"

It was just small talk but like he noticed me. Then we became like friends I guess. Then I asked him to do this dancing thing with me...and he said yes...but then I stopped liking him XD!

Hope that helps at all:)

Um I just posted but here is another tip. You sorta gotta pretend you don't have much intrest in here's an idea. When you see walking up the hall or sumptin walk by him turn your head slightly and say "hey" but just as you'd say to a friend when ur sad or sumthin like sorta whisper it like...sorta fast...okay, yes I know I suck at describing stuff!!! :D

Um I just posted but here is another tip. You sorta gotta pretend you don't have much intrest in here's an idea. When you see walking up the hall or sumptin walk by him turn your head slightly and say "hey" but just as you'd say to a friend when ur sad or sumthin like sorta whisper it like...sorta fast...okay, yes I know I suck at describing stuff!!! :D
No not at all! I understand you completely. ^^ But isn't that like playing hard to get? Apparently guys don't like it when you do that. =.= The "How was your weekend?" thing seems like a good idea though. I'm friends with one of his friends and we have this thing where we do this "Hey, how was english?" " was french?" thing going on..maybe I'll get him to ask him for me or something...that way we can actually have a little conversation. XD

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With the help of my friends, I said hi to him twice yesterday! ^^ The first time, I called his name quite a few times but he didn't hear me so my friend called out "(His name), you b****rd!" He turned around straight away but he looked angry. I was cracking up laughing with my friend but I managed to say hi. Later, my friend pointed him out to me and I said hi again. He didn't seem angry anymore but I think today, I'll apologise for it. >.<;


I'm friends with a lot of guys, but you can't really put it into words well. xP

Cecib :D

Just try talk to him as much as you can without seeming stalker-ish if you know what I mean....Get your friends to go up to him with you and start a conversation so that it feels more comfrtable. Also you can try to becme friends with him...

Just try talk to him as much as you can without seeming stalker-ish if you know what I mean....Get your friends to go up to him with you and start a conversation so that it feels more comfrtable. Also you can try to becme friends with him...
Yes thats a good idea accualy.

Yes thats a good idea accualy.
Yeah, it is. Actually, that's kind of what I'm planning to do and I ALWAYS have a friend with me when I talk to him because I don't have the nerve to go by myself. I'd probably have a heart attack if I went and talked to him all by myself. >.<;

A few days ago, I tried talking to him but he completely ignored me and kept walking. =[ My friend said I shouldn't talk to him this week but maybe start again next week. I wonder what I did wrong? Maybe it was the "____, you b*****d!" thing? I doubt it though because that was about a month ago. =/

This is very interesting... :D

Maybe make a plan to just out of a "sudden" bump into him and start a conversation.

This is only an idea, so you dont have to do it.=]

Good luck.:]

You could be like.. um, "Hey, how are you today?" Thats a good conversation starter.

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