No Bandai! No!


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I don't think that Bandai can come back fully from screwing up the tama v5s. It seems like most people do not like them. I know that I amvery dissapointed in them... ;)

i dont really like the v5 because i like looking after just one tama it made me feel as if it were mine now its feels like im just on the sidelines of a family like, the tamas depend on each other now instead of you-but i like the marrige thing and the new characters :unsure: :huh: :p :p :D :) :mametchi:

I don't know why a lot of people don't like the Famitama/V5 and they like the V4/.5 more, as the V5 is going back to the virtual pet state it was a while ago.

I don't know why a lot of people don't like the Famitama/V5 and they like the V4/.5 more, as the V5 is going back to the virtual pet state it was a while ago.
maybe, but I think it's the family concept that bugs people. Just like Firefox said, you're more on the sidelines now, rather than feeling that special connection with the one tama you're caring for. I s'pose the v5 is better in that way, but if I had to choose, I'd personally rather go for the v4.5 than the famitama.

I don't think that Bandai can come back fully from screwing up the tama v5s. It seems like most people do not like them. I know that I amvery dissapointed in them... B)
i think isn't true... check the ebay auctions and others boards: a lot of people are crazy for the familitchi/famitama! :(

yeah, I s'pose it's the money they make that counts in the end... why would bandai change tama versions yet to come, if people like the newest ones...

... what if the people who don't like them just keep quite, not to ruin other people's fun..?


I'm really tired.

I have a v5. I like it, but I have a question. Can the v5 tamas go to school? Like, I want my kids to go to kindergarden! I want them to be smart!
Another question I have: The travel on v5 is limeted it seems. I can't go anywhere but the amusment park! Can I go to other places?
Nope, on the v5 the family members do not attend preschool or school, nor do they go to work.

Some people like the v5 while others really want to complain, but I don't think I can really say too much more because Bandai can't please everyone. Nobody can please everyone.

I'm sticking with v4s because the family concept makes the egg look a bit too cluttered for my taste. I don't think I could do an entire tama family, all at once. :eek:

i think they should have jobs and be able to interact with the family.

i have a wacky idea that you can have an option on the tama allowing you to switch to a different family member and you are able to take care of each family member seperately.

if you have a problem with tamas, dont complain to bandai, they might find it rude and not do anything about it.

if you really have a problem, you should suggest something to bandai, because im sure they will accept any SUGGESTIONS, to make more money.

brilliant idea! the only downside to that is, that it would take so long to take care of each of them... maybe options with caring for all, or just one at a time? or some actions, like feeding, would happen at the same time, some games could be 'family games' which all members could participate in and get happy hearts filled, whilst others you could play with one character, and at the beginning of the game you could choose which. that way you could bring each tama up as a more indivdual!

Yes, it's true,

having a tamagotchis can make us mature.

And might get ready when we grow up,

to take care children.

This can even show us responsibility.

Yeah, there adding all this new stuff to keep it fresh, and not boring. EX: would you still play a v1 6 (counting the .5) versions later? or would you just stop buying the tamagotchis all together out of boredom?

Yeah, there adding all this new stuff to keep it fresh, and not boring. EX: would you still play a v1 6 (counting the .5) versions later? or would you just stop buying the tamagotchis all together out of boredom?
I still love my v1, and have it running right now. The only Tama I've stopped raising is the v5.

I was going to e-mail them a suggestion, but they sent back saying, "Thank you, but Bandai doesn;t accept suggestions or ideas for toys from the public."

Urrr... Bandai. : (

I commend the v5 for being somewhat different, though. I jsut wish that they'd fix some of the bugs with the v1-v4.5. Like the screen size, sounds, and add a variety of characters that don't depend on gender or points. Still, the v2 and v3 are my favorite!

I don't want to crash your car, but I disagree. I still respect your opinion(and the others, too) though.

The point of the Tamagotchi is to care for the creature(s) in it. The jobs, events, items, etc. are there to make it a lot more interesting so you don't get bored waiting for it/them to grow. That's the fun of it.

I couldn't agree more. Below are my thoughts on tamas.

I currently own 2 V2s, a V3 and a V4. The new V5s just don't appeal to me.

I remember how excited I was when I bought my first tamagotchi, a midnight blue V2, back in December 2005. The main objective is of course caring for the tama, giving it lots of love, and see what character it evolves into. I absolutely love the thrill of guessing which character my tama will become next.

The V3s are just as good as the V2s, but with some new items, food and characters. Although I still prefer the V2 characters more. But besides that, they are equally brilliant.

When it comes to the V4s, I gotta say that the whole skill point system makes the evolution surprises fade, as you can tell exactly what character the tama will evolve into simply by looking at the skill points, its gender and following an evolution chart. Another drawback is the mail feature, which resulted in me having to check my tama a lot more often. The games take a while to play as well. As with the school and job feature, in my opinion, has gone a tad too far from the original concept of a tamagotchi. As a first year university student, I simply do not have the time to gain enough skill points. Sometimes my tama just passes on without getting a job.

The V5s? Well, I think I am going to give them a pass. The designs for the V5 are just ridiculous I think (although other may find them awesome). What happened to the simple and innovative egg-shaped tama that we all love? I wouldn't want a key dangling from my tama thanks.

My V2 tama Sammy is singing as I write this. cute. After all these years, my first tama is still my favourite. I love it simply because it possesses the features that makes a tamagotchi something to be loved, a virtual pet without the nuisance found in the V4 versions and beyond.

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