O hai!


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score
Lancashire, England
I've been around here for a few days now, but I never introduced myself :p

I've been lurking around this forum for a long time, checking in when I wanted to read somebody's Tama log or find growth charts etc.

Finally decided to join, and so far it's been great fun :D

Well, I'm Alice :)

I'm a 21 year old teacher in training, and I just finished a degree in Fine Art and Creative writing.

I've been a huge fan of Tamagotchi ever since I recieved a red P2 for Christmas in 1997. I had been begging my parents for a pet, but since they don't like animals, they bought me a Tamagotchi. I wasn't sure at first, but when I went outside to play in the snow, one of the other girls on the street had recieved exactly the same one, and hers was up and running. She showed me how to hatch mine and care for it, and for days afterwards we'd sit in the garden and compare Tamagotchis :p

I actually cried when it died for the first time because I didn't realise you could just reset them XD Once I found out you can just keep on hatching them over and over, I was addicted, and very happy to have been given a Tamagotchi instead of a real pet. I could take my Tamagotchi to school, and on holiday, and it kept me amused on long car rides, unlike a real pet.

My friends grew out of theirs when we reached Secondary School, but I was forever carrying mine about. I had an orange P1 as well by then, and I used to get picked on for playing with them at school lol :D

Then suddenly when I reached College, the Connexions started appearing, and I began to collect them. People no-longer picked on me for playing with them; instead they would say things like 'no way! Is that a Tamagotchi? I thought they didn't make those anymore, that's cool' :D

Now I'm starting my life as an adult, and I love Tamagotchis more than ever. I never did get a real pet, and I still don't want one :p I've a small collection of about 15 Tamagotchis (nearly half of which are unopened though) and I just keep wanting more!

It sounds like you guys can all appreciate the Tama love, so I'm glad to have somehwere I can talk to fellow Gotchi fans :p

Wow, lol, sorry for the life story!

Other that Tamagotchis, I have many interests. I love theatre and costumery, Art- I'm always drawing and painting (I also make some money painting pottery, as well as things like Warhammer Miniatures. I've also been making custom painted Tamagotchis haha. Maybe one time I'll show you :) )

And as you can probably tell from my screen name, I have a lot of love for bugs ^-^ Tamagotchis and creepy crawlies are the two most insanely cute things in the world, I think :p If I see a bug, I have to pick it up, I'm like a 4 year-old lol :p

Well, it's been nice rambling to you all, I guess I'll see you around!

(Oh yeah, feel free to add me on Facebook; you can search my email: [email protected])


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Welcome to TamaTalk! I hope you enjoy it here. :p

I remember crying the first time one of my P1 Tamagotchi’s died as well. Yay for reset buttons xD

I also like theatre, been in a few plays and stuff too - do you like acting?

Anyway, welcome. :D

Hi and welcome to TamaTalk! I enjoyed reading your story. My first Tamagotchi was a P2 as well. :D I hope you've been enjoying it here!

Welcome to TT ^^ I'm sure you'll like it here!

Hi all! *waves*

Thanks for the responses ;)

@Ryuk: Thank you very much for the friendly welcome ^-^ I'd also like to add that your choice of username is really cool :D

@OldSchoolTama: Lol thanks, to be honest, I didn't expect anybody to read all of my rambling haha! I was expecting more of a tl;dr type of response XD Now I'm happy!

@+[ b r u t a l ]+: It's fun to paint pottery! I do commissions for earthenware, such as plates with portraits of people's pets (that one seems to be popular lol), copies of people's signatures on hen-party or birthday plates, or themed mugs etc. It's cool because I used to be a customer at the shop (you can come in and paint your own pottery too) and the owner liked my painting so she hired me ;) I only started painting Tamas on a rainy afternoon, and I've only done about 4. Here's one I started this evening :) It used to be a pink connexion V2 :p

@jappyx: I do more modelling than acting. I've been out to do photoshoots based on the Cottingly Fairies story, and the Pre Raphaelite King Arthur paintings. I just like getting dressed up B) But I like going to the theatre, and I love ballet!

Wow, lol, sorry for the life story!
XD It's OK. Anyways, welcome to Tama Talk!

My first tama was a V3. I was depressed when it died, but I knew about the reset button. I read stuff too much. XD
