o.o That's odd....


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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It could be pure coincidence but lately I seem to keep thinking of things in my head, and then they happen.

Two examples happened on facebook. There was this girl I wanted to add (a friend of a friend) but we had never talked before so I didnt bother.

Five minutes later, she added me. I was like, "Okayyy."

Then, yesterday, I found this girls profile who I had spoken to in like, 8 years.

I was thinking of adding her, but I decided against it. She probably didn't know who I was anymore.

This morning, I got a friend request from her.

I found it very odd.

But this seems to happen alot.

I'll think of something and it will happen.

A little while ago, I was watching T.V, and I really wanted to see this one episode of the show I was watching.

It was that episode.

Just little things....but it ALWAYS happens; everyday.

And it sometimes seems more than just coincidence


Sounds like fun to me !

Can you hope or think alot about TamaMum being able to afford a swanky, expensive holiday this summer because she won the lottery...?

(It would help me out a lot) :hitodetchi:

That happens to me too! Like, a lot. I can guess things that no one else can guess.

I guessed that my friend's mom would find her diary on her desk, and she'd get grounded for a month.

I guess what my friend is thinking all the time.

I guess what type of class we're having that day- Independent study, group work, teacher instruction.

It's strange. We'll be sitting in class, and my friend'll say: "Gee, I wonder what we're doing today." Me: "Group project." Her: "How'd you know?" Me: "I dunno."

Then, I had an incident with Myspace, basically the same as yours with facebook.

Also, the same thing with texting. I wished this guy would text me, then I remembered that he didn't have my number. Then I got a text from him. It said: "Hey Phoebe this is -inserthisnamehere- I got your number from -insertotherfriendsnamehere.-" And I was just like -isweirdedout-

That's really cool. :]

I have had that a couple of times before.

This one time, I had a dream that I tripped over something and fell into my friend K on the way to lunch. Next day, it happened. ;O

I was pretty weirded out. I was just like, "Woah - serious deja vu!"

Happens to me all the time. I didn't see my secondry school before I went on induction day, but when I got there, I knew what was around every corner O.O I'm kinda phycic. Sounds like you are to

That happens to me quite a bit. :)

I was trying to think of some examples (But was at a loss.), when it happened this morning.

I was laying in my bed, not wanting to get up, with the radio on. I remember thinking, "For My Life Would Suck Without You being #1 on iTunes, you'd think you'd actually start hearing it on the radio."

The next song that came on was My Life Would Suck Without You by Kelly Clarkson. I love that song~~!

Like with the guy I'm going to the dance with tonight. During the fall all I wanted him to do was to ask me to Homecoming. When I actually saw him at Homecoming (Both of us as singles.), I hoped and waited for him to ask me to dance or something. But it never happened. But, lo-and-behold, there's the semi-formal dance tonight and he asked me to go with him. :p

So I guess it's pretty common and happens to people every now and then. It is pretty awesome when it happens. ;)

^ Aw! Congrats on going to the Dance with your crush. <33

Anyway, I had this whole freaky-coincidence thing again this morning.

I wished for a song to play on my iTouch and lo and behold - it did! :D

It happened again yesterday. xD

In the morning, while my mom was straightening my hair for me, I said to her, "I wish we had a new kid in our grade....but I want a boy. We already have too many girls!"

Then, at recess, my friend told mt that a new kid is coming tomorrow (today) and his name is Richard! Hehe. Wishes do come true. :3

That's so cool. That doesn't happen to me. Well it used to but then I lost my "powers" xD. I miss them.

I had this dream once... twice... about Harry Potter, and if you were in Ravenclaw then you were able to like... make things happen, so everyone wanted to be in Ravenclaw, and I kept not getting it, but then I went to the sorting hat AGAIN and they said to go into Ravenclaw and I suddenly had these AWESOME powers that let me control everything. It was so super-special-awesome. I was so saad when I woke up cause it wasn't real.

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