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Rawr Rawr Dinosaur >:D

Well-known member
Jul 16, 2009
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In the Do you believe in freedom of speech topic we started to talk about Obama... We just started to spam. So I made this topic. If it belongs in Seriously Non-Tamatalk I Am sorry.

Personally, I complete dislike him. I don't agree with what he's doing.

Please. Please. Please. Do not flame. I know people probably will but please express opinions but do not flame. There is a difference. Please do not flame for the last time. xD

Well, as a 12 year old canadian, I don't pay much attention to american politics. But what I've heard from my brother, Obama is better with foreign affairs.

I am pro-Obama.

I am so happy he got elected. I think I would have just died if McCain got into office. D8

A bit off-topic, but you know what's scary? I'll be able to vote for the next president. o:

^Ypur that old? :0 I didn't know. But, I get to vote next election. 8D

I actually wanted to have McCain in office. He would be able to handel wars better the Obama could. I also wanted him because he lives in my state. xD

^ Yes, I'm turning fifteen in less than a month. :)

And I'm gonna be a sophomore in high school this year. o;

Voting in the next election is kind of intimidating to me, but empowering. I'm looking forward to it, but that also means I should pay better attention to politics. xD

Anyway --

My parents are Democrats, and I've been raised in their ways.

I agree with the Democrats more liberal way of thinking than Republican ideals.

(Besides the Pro-Choice part. I'm 100% Pro-Life personally, but I'm still a bit unsure about whether I want abortion to be illegal.)

Obama is Democratic, so I automatically was interested in him.

I loved his idea of change. McCain agreed with a lot of Bush's ideas and plans, and I did not want another Bush in office.

And I'm for universal health care.

The only reason I knew McCain didn't stand a chance was because of Sarah Palin. McCain has health issues so he probably might hvae died and Sarah Palin taking over office to control once of the most powerful countries in the world.

And I want abortion to be illegal.... Its like killing a human life. I feel like sending a letter to Obama saying. What if your mother got an abortion!

The only reason I knew McCain didn't stand a chance was because of Sarah Palin. McCain has health issues so he probably might hvae died and Sarah Palin taking over office to control once of the most powerful countries in the world.
And I want abortion to be illegal.... Its like killing a human life. I feel like sending a letter to Obama saying. What if your mother got an abortion!
I knew he wouldn't stand a chance because America wanted CHANGE. America was (and still is) in a big recession and they didn't think "Bush-politics" would get them out of it.

I am 100% personally against abortion. I agree, it IS a human life, and it IS murder. I actually sent a red envelope to Obama's office this spring protesting. But I don't know how I'd feel having my opinion shoved down people's throats. And you can count on a public out cry / protest if abortion ever was outlawed, not to mention all the under-the-table abortions that would go that are dangerous.

Not at all. His plans have been tried over and over again. Universal healthcare has not worked in any other country. That's why everyone comes to America to get work done, because we don't have it. Our healthcare is fine, this is just a plan to get the government involved in your life. Did you know that the bill states the government has direct access to take money out of your bank account for your health care, and you don't have a choice? And did you know they choose what surgeries you get and if they don't want to pay for a life saving operation you don't get it? Even if you offer money out of your own pocket, if the government doesn't want to pay for it, they pay for end of life counseling. That pretty much means they pay for counseling to ready your death. If you don't believe me, read the bill. I've read it.


The highest unemployment ever was under Bush was 4%. Now it's almost 10%. Printing up money brings the dollar down, not up! I'm so sad that bill passed earlier! Don't flame me, but

is him without a teleproctor. Unedited! He has someone make a teleproctor for him for every speech he gives. That's why he usually sounds good in his speeches. They aren't his. 


The press is for Obama, that's why the television is always talking positively about him. Don't believe everything you hear and get involved. I hear this stuff all day, and I'm very involved. I hate when people vote uneducated. His idea of change sounds good, but are you happy with what you have now? Jobs are being cut daily, the economy is worse, and the government is taking over your lives. It's all been tried before. It's a change for the worse. I don't care if you like him or not as long as you know what he's doing. And you probably wouldn't if you did. NO FLAMES.

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Not everyone has access to health care, yet everyone deserves it.

So I am FOR universal health care. I am FOR helping those less fortunate out.

However, it's not helping you.

You won't get a life-saving operation if it's too expensive and the govt. won't pay for it. Even those that don't have healthcare right now. [see last post]


For the people that can't afford it and deserve it. That's the incentive to work hard. You can't get handouts all the time in life and let others take control of it. That's why people aren't working as hard as they used to. They expect handouts. It's also not fair for the people that work hard every day for others to get it free.

For the people that can't afford it and deserve it. That's the incentive to work hard. You can't get handouts all the time in life and let others take control of it. That's why people aren't working as hard as they used to. They expect handouts. It's also not fair for the people that work hard every day for others to get it free.
That's so selfish in my opinion.

I agree that everyone needs to work hard. But there are people out there who work their butts off and still can't get health care, and it's not their fault. Things happen, and besides, you never know when YOU'RE gonna be on the other side and need help.


Just no.

I agree with everything Miss Matchmaker posted.

No one is really looking into what Obama is doing..

That's a matter of opinion. I don't think it's selfish because what about the people that do have the money and spend it on drugs and things like that? It's like when only 1% of the people who get abortions were raped. Also, the healthcare plan will make it worse for those who say, their house burnt down. They won't get a lifesaving operation because the government just won't pay for it. It's scary for them to have so much control over you.


Also, @ Demonslayer, I really wish they didn't pick McCain. The only reason I liked him was because of Sarah Palin. (;

I actually talked to my mom to get a better understanding of this.

My mom is a public attorney; we get kick-butt health care coverage.

Last time I went down to Children's Hospital, JUST FOR A ROUTINE CHECK-UP,

The bill was $800. o;

We didn't have to pay that, because of my mom's insurance.

My mom's insurance has a deal with the hospital, so they payed like, $200, and then the rest was kind of just... thrown out.

But how do you expect someone who has a minimum wage job / job with no or little health care to cover $800?

It makes no sense that people WITH jobs really don't pay health care, but people with poor jobs who can't afford health care have to cover it.

And when they can't cover it, they can't get the health care.

Which is wrong, because not everyone who has a dead-end job or no health care is a drug addict or a bum. Sometimes it just HAPPENS. Sometimes things are out of your control.

These are people who don't qualify for welfare and aren't old enough for Medicare.

These are the people who slip through the cracks.

And they need covered too, which is what we are trying to achieve here.

Other countries give everyone health care, and we can too.

It doesn't work in other countries. That's why everyone comes here to get healthcare.


And I don't think it's fair that we work hard and pay and they don't have to work hard and they get it anyway. That's just encouraging people to be bums.

And why should the government have control over our lives - literally - for a 10% of the population to have check ups?


Edit: I think this sums us up, lol. ;]

“Left” leaning Americans believe the “Right” does not care about people in poverty and has no desire to help others in need when it comes to their health; the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality. The Right believes that the Left wants to sacrifice personal liberty in exchange for a Nanny State because they are not mature enough to take care of themselves. They are both correct, and also both incorrect.

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“Left” leaning Americans believe the “Right” does not care about people in poverty and has no desire to help others in need when it comes to their health; the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality. The Right believes that the Left wants to sacrifice personal liberty in exchange for a Nanny State because they are not mature enough to take care of themselves. They are both correct, and also both incorrect.
Yes, lol.

So obviously I am a "Left" leaning American and you are a "Right" leaning American. xD

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