Official Valentines Hatching


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Okay, since my dad doesn't get back until like 6 o'clock, and I so can't wait that long to hatch, I had him unscrew the back of my Umi-No for me last night. The screws are super tiny; our screw driver is still a little big. Last time I tried to open it I wore a whole in the screw. :eek: I'm not too handy with tools. No clue how I'm getting an A in Woodshop. xD

*takes deep breath* Okay. Time to insert the batteries and attept to screw in the screws. Wish me luck. *starts fumbling with Tama* Please hold.

Ding ding! Sucess! I soon as I inserted the LR44 batteries, it started making a bleepy noise. Bubbles floated across the screen with Otototchi and Kingyotchi swimming happily across the screen. The best part it - I didn't kill the dang thing trying to screw in the screws!!! ... Time to set the timer.

Set! 4:01 PM Valentine's Day. A little white egg is jiggling up and down with bubbles floating around it. I now have a 5 minute wait for the egg to hatch - longer than the Connections; 1 minute.

Older Tamagotchis do not allow you to name your Tama. :( But they all have names to me. I think that I am going to call this one Yumi - I will make it a girl. The past two that I have *cough* attempted to raise I have considered male. B) You don't get a gender either. No date. No birthday. Just the simple time.


Sorry guys! Had to take a break - early dinner. Little bro has soccer practice in 'bout a half hour. :)

Soooo... updates you guys missed.... nothing. I paused my tama while I ate - I don't want to miss a second of my precious! Still didn't hatch yet.

I have tried to raise my Umi-No twice before... let's just say that it never went very well. :puroperatchi: Super neady!

OMG! Yumi hatched! Time to fill up her needs...

~Yumi's Stats~

Name: Yumi

Age: 0

Weight: 1

Water Quality: Perfectly clean 0/4

Hunger: 3/4

Happy: 4/4

She is a needy little thing! She will be this way all her life - she may slow down when and if she reaches adult hood.

Now her happy heart is down one! :unsure: And let me tell ya, I am no good at this guessing treasure chest game. :wacko:


I was playing the treasure chest game, and out popped the stupid octopus. :angry: It dropped all of Yumi's happy hearts to zero and made her water quality completely black. I had to flush the screen four times!

She doesn't seem to be gaining weight... glitch or the fact that the babies don't gain weight??? I don't know!

Okay, little Yumi is back to normal.

Well, we're off to Target to continue the V5 hunt. Wish us luck!

Hope you enjoyed the first section of the blog!


Beautiful post Cinderpelt!

Its an egg at the moment. My username is RS but I kept out missing the S forgetting it was right past the R. xD

Oh! Its a girl so I'm going to name it Jo Jo With a space (Yes I know).

Aw its so cute to see that little blob floating around the screen! Pictures later of what she evolves into! (Like, we all know what a V4 Baby girl looks like =D)

I pretty happy actually, I have the whole week of to look after her! Yay.

Jeez, I left the sound on my V5 and it beeped. I thought my V4 had turned into some monster (v4 dont make the same sounds as the v5).

Promise an update later.

I am really sorry! I didn't have time to hatch it i was soooooooooooooooooooo busy Don't be mad at me please!
Its alright, can you hatch it now though?

[SIZE=14pt]Time for an update!! [/SIZE]

Friday was not the best day for Yumi. ): The good news is I saved her from the White Bear twice. The bad news is she had two other near-death experiences.

I kept Yumi safely in my pocket in school on friday, checking on her often. Everything was great. I actually saved her from the White Bear during science class. At lunch I played a lot of games with Yumi. But I forgot about her after lunch.

It was a few hours later - Study Hall when I remembered about Yumi. I pulled her out of my purse. She was very close to death - no hearts filled, poo, and a death skull. I managed to get her back to life, although over weight. I promised myself I would play more games with Yumi later.

It was just after school. I could have sworn that I paused Yumi after Study Hall, but she was still on. So once again, she was near death - although not as bad as the first time. I brought her back to life. To get her weight back to 5 lbs (basic weight) again, I had to play well over 20 games of "Guess the Treasure Chest." I ran into six octopuses along the way - what a pain! But now Yumi is back to normal - safe and paused in my bedroom, after a very rough friday.

~Yumi's Stats~

Name: Yumi

Age: 2

Weight: 5

Water Quality: Perfectly clean 0/4

Hunger: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

She is still a Kuragetchi. :)

And as for Val, well Val is still paused. :/

Val - V4.5 - Global/Map - Hitodetchi

Happy: OOO

Hungry: OO

Age: 0

Weight: 10 lbs.

Generation: 2

Points: 8420

Well... that's all for today! :)

Aww, She turned into a toddler. Forgot whats it called?

I had her paused most of the day because I was out. >< She got into preschool okay though.

more update later.

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