oh no i think my parents are.......


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Maybe its just a bad day.

Is it?

Because if they dont always fight,

Its probably just over something silly.

Correct me if I wrong.

Your parents don't have to split up just because one fight. But if they are constantly fighting and arguing it's best for you and them if they might be separated for a while.

Your parents don't have to split up just because one fight. But if they are constantly fighting and arguing it's best for you and them if they might be separated for a while.
Well they normally argue quite a bit, my mum says she will slap him in the face soon and then she says just you wait

My parents used to always get in fights...... But that wasn't the reason why they divorced.

My parents still fight and they live 4 000 miles away from eachother..

My mum and dad argue all the time,And sometimes My mum Just walks out but comes back about an house later Its mainly around christmas when the both scream the house down at eachover over the stupidest things like why havent you put tea on or why havent you washed my suit or something.Most parents argue alot because of certain things But in very rare cases they feel they are so annoyed at eachover that they get divorced,But don't worry because it is unlikely to happen ;) I know it can be really upsetting because they are your parents but just try your hardest to be grown up about it :chohimetchi:

Pm me if you need any advice about it at all :)

-fp :)

wow. my mum & dad are split up already! i miss mi dad soo much.(i dont really like mi mum that much)

Parents may argue alot....but it doesn't mean they don't love eachother. :chohimetchi: Fighting and arguing always occurs when people are together....they don't always agree with eachother and they may fight. If it's hurting you deep inside, tell your parents.

"Forget it!"

"Shut up!"

"I hate you!"

The world may seem to be crashing down upon you as you hear parents yell at eachother. A mean word here, a slammed door there.....before you know it, it may seem like your parents will never love eachother again. They still love eachother, but they are simply having an argument. Temper tantrums are ok...for 2 year olds. Your parents should know better then to scream the house down. Tell them that their fighting upsets you, and maybe it'll stop. More than likely, there will be no divorce. People who love eachother get into fights too ;)


Don't worry, your parents probably won't divorce, divorce isn't caused over fighting, it's other stuff I guess.

If they do divorce (which is a 1 in 1000000000000000000000000000000 chance) divorce isn't that bad, so then you have 2 houses! I'm glad my parents are divorced, it just seems better that way with my family...

thanks guys, my parents had a looooong conversation in the kitchen me and me little sister's hearts were thumping,

we were kind of spying on them. A cople of words they said were:

Its not like it used to be

I can't go on like this for the next 40 years

my mum was crying and after the conversation the bin was FULL with wet tissues.

thanks so mutch for the advise guys.

what does this mean?


Please do not spam, seeing that you are new I will just say that spamming is not aloud.

She said that her parents are fighting.

My parents fight all the time, one ime my mom left and spent the night at a motel, without telling my dad, it was just me and my dad home after she left, my brother was at a movie, she called me and told me where she was though.

They alsways yell, slam doors and stuff. My dad was actually talking to me about if they get a divorce where I would go. With him of course. ;) He takes better care of me.

But anyways, I am glad they are done yelling.

My parents fight all the time!! My mom would scratch my dad my dad would yell at her. I actually thought they were gonna get in a divorce. The the next day mum says "Oy my chulo! I lubb you!" they were hugging eachother and kissing eachother T_T. Aint tha weird? I just cant understand parents.

I don't really like talking about my parents divorce but they are and it's quite rare for my parents to fight now... so yeah.

It's a big thing and also they probably won't get divorced because it's near Christmas and i'm sure they love you and don't want that much perssure on you around now

thanks guys, my parents had a looooong conversation in the kitchen me and me little sister's hearts were thumping,we were kind of spying on them. A cople of words they said were:

Its not like it used to be

I can't go on like this for the next 40 years

my mum was crying and after the conversation the bin was FULL with wet tissues.

thanks so mutch for the advise guys.

what does this mean?

That sounds unfortunate.

Maybe you should talk to them about it. Say how worried you are but you can handle the truth. You do have a right to know.

Poor you. ;)

Judging by the things they have said, it looks like they may well get a divorce. But if they do, you will still be able to visit both of them and they still love you to pieces! It may be upsetting that they have to split up - but I think things will be a lot more peaceful if they do. MANY of my friends parents have split up and they are coping just fine! It is not a good thing at all - a marriage is a promise to stay together forever, but I'm sure you'll get by! :)

Good luck! :)

oh god, my mom and dad are argueing like mad, my mum shouting swear words and dad argueing back. I think ther're going to get a divorce. :)
Don't worry. All married couples do that sometimes. But don't interfere. If they are going to get a divorce then there is nothing you can do.


I know what you're going through. My parents are NOT going to stay together unless my father learns how to treat people. He is incredibly rude and disrespectful to me and my mother, when my mother does everything for him around the house and works two jobs to help out with money, and I have been the easiest and kindest daughter to raise that he could ask for. He has also managed to become such good "buddies" with my teenage little brother that my brother doesn't respect my mom either. Honestly, he never should have become a parent. I have a lot of hard feelings for him right now, and I hate to say it but it's true. It's not like he just gets angry, says a mean word, and gets over it. He is constantly rude to me and mom and NEVER tries to fix anything between us because he never takes any blame at all. He blames us for everything and has no remorse...therefore...I can't waste my time and feelings with a person that doesn't care to be kind at all. :blink: I've tried to talk things out with him, but he just yells at me, says I'm crazy and making things up...that I'm wrong wrong WRONG...and walks out. Forget it. At this point(it's been this way for years) Mom would be much happier without him and his constant hatefulness. Oh yeah, he also says now that he is going to be the "ruler of his house" now, and "change things the right way" and we all(including mom) have to "bow down to whatever he says". He is nobody's master, and no role model with his drinking and smoking(a couple different things) and staying out all night. NOT going to happen. Not ever. Period.

**Much needed .^^

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