Okay, really strange, believe me if you want...


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0o0 whoa

I am just starting to become a christian and all that, all my family beleives in god =D

Well, I don't feel all that safe posting this on the internet, but I have a HUGE confession to make and it's been killing me inside for the past half a year or so. I've known about it for some time and the few people I did tell either made fun of me or called me crazy or patted me on the shoulder and said good luck... well... here goes...
I have to say that... well... how do I say this....

God spoke to me... ME!

and average 14 year old girl, God talkes to ME and you know what he said!

"My dear daughter, I have great plans for you. "

of course I was startled and said, "but God, How do I know that it's you and that it's not some impersination.. um... thing."

he said, "I am, who I am, and you are me daughter. I am your father and love you. You have given your life to me, and now I will put your life to work. I have planed this for you before you where every born."

I was amazed at this point, so I said, "Well, God what is it that you want me to do?"

he said, "I want you to study my word and learn about it's meaning, teaching yourself in it's ways. When you are ready I will send a man to come and he will tell you to leave. You will bring nothing but 1 echange of clothing with you and NOTHING else. I want you then to travel until you find a persan that will give you clothing made of cheap cloth and you will travel with this man all over the world preaching the gosple and the end times. I want you to correct the wrong minds of the people that have forgotten me and and my teachings. Your death will be in a martyre, but fear not, my child, for I have great plans for you in the great kingdom of the new Jeruselum. Your days of travel will be numbered and I will take good care of you. As you teach I will give you abilities, but until then I only give you the gift of knoledge and wisdom to grow and learn of my ways. I have blessed you, my child. I will always be with you.Amen"

after that I thanked him with an Amen and well... he didn't LEAVE me, but he stopped talking. What surprised me most tho, is that he would go through all the trouble to talk to me himself and not send an angel. I've been noticing strange changes since then as well. When I read the Bible it makes more since and I can almost pick out every little detail in what it says. I'm also able to give interesting advise when I ask God for help. Of course it hasn't been easy... at all. I've noticed that Satins tricks have been right on my tail this whole time. You have not idea how scared and exited I am. I'm actually shaking so badly that I can barely type right now.

God has also been giving me so many signs to carry onward. My pastor, Bro. Billy, has started preaching more that ever about us working for God, and I can see in so many ways how this is effecting me. It's super scary and I really need some encouragement.

Please don't flame and say that I'm crazy and just imaging things. I don't do drugs and really, what makes me wonder THE most is WHY he chose me, so don't go saying "He wouldn't choose a TEENAGE GIRL like you!" because I don't know why he chose me either!!!

There are a lot more details, but I think they get a little too personal to post on the internet (as if I hadn't gotten personal enough) but I'll be happy to answer questions if I can.
That's pretty cool. I support whatever God has in plan for you 100%. I don't know if he has spoken to me but I think he has...

:D OMG!! something similar happened to me!!!!

One night i forgot my homework at school and i was almost in tears because my teacher gave me heck the other day because i forgot my homework the day before. If you are away one day you get another day to finish it at my school so that night i prayed to Bhuda and God for me to be sick the other day and it WORKED!!!!


I really don't know what to say so I won't say anything.

I don't want to offend anyone with my words.

But Its great your faith is so strong.

Wow, that is amazing!

I have never thought about this stuff and Im kinda emberassed about it since I am a christian...

Now reading this I wonder if I started being nice to EVERYONE I knew and prayed every night and read the bible

will I get a prayer? hmm, I hope I will ,

Wow, that is amazing!I have never thought about this stuff and Im kinda emberassed about it since I am a christian...

Now reading this I wonder if I started being nice to EVERYONE I knew and prayed every night and read the bible

will I get a prayer? hmm, I hope I will ,
I don't think that's true.

don't you know that good intentions get you nowhere?

What God really desires isn't our good works, but our faith. When our faith is strong we have a natural desire to fulfill what God desires. If you only do good works for your own personal goal there is no reward, but to do it, being comletely humble, gives you great treasures in heaven.

That is sooo awesome. Lucky you. Whenever I talk to God, it feels like I am talking to the sky. He never talks back to me or gives me signs or anything. Any advice or ways to change my viewpoint on this anyone?

wow thats cool, it brings faith back to me! ive always been a very religios peron aswell and although its hard to believe that...its also hard NOT to believe that, thats really cool im exited for u, and i hope i hear more about u ion the furture, and this may sound personal but what is your name? if i ever hear about u in the future :( :)

Wow, that is amazing!I have never thought about this stuff and Im kinda emberassed about it since I am a christian...

Now reading this I wonder if I started being nice to EVERYONE I knew and prayed every night and read the bible

will I get a prayer? hmm, I hope I will ,
That's not exactly how it works. You should seek God's face... not His hand. In other words, don't seek Him for all the stuff He can give or do for you, seek Him because of who He is.

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I can put myself in your shoes and see that.

I don't have a religion, so I tend to ignore these topics.

I dont believe in god and sorry but it sounds like you are imagining things. probably someones idea of a joke or one of those weird dreams that seem so real. I'm not trying to mean and if it offends you then dont let it its my opinion but how would you remember all that. its so scripted. no one would remember it word for word like that.

You are truly blessed. I can only hope that one day I might cross paths with you. Peace be with you.

And to cluck_Cluck_CHicken, If God spoke to you, it would be a VERY signifigant moment in your life. You WOULD remember it word for word.

omg! (and of course I mean oh my goodness, I do not use the lord's name in vain)


That is really amazing! That is so cool! Good luck!!!!!! =]

You are truly blessed. I can only hope that one day I might cross paths with you. Peace be with you.

And to cluck_Cluck_CHicken, If God spoke to you, it would be a VERY signifigant moment in your life. You WOULD remember it word for word.
If So called god spoke to me i would question my sanity, wake up and relise that god doesnt exsist. Or find out who thunk it was funny to do that.

If So called god spoke to me i would question my sanity, wake up and relise that god doesnt exsist. Or find out who thunk it was funny to do that.
If you dont believe in a god (and thats fine, I dont either) that is one thing. But to just come out and say 'God doesn't exist, those who are spoken to by god need to rethink their sanity' is not very friendly of you. We are all friends here on Tamatalk, and to bash someones beliefs so blatantly is not what we should be doing as friends.

Wow, I have read that and every post on this topic and I must say, wow.

That really makes me believe, makes me know that he's definitely watching over every one of us, protecting and helping us. I do have one question: I own a game called The Simpsons Game and on the last level, you need to have a dance-off with 'god'(I didn't capitalise because the 'god' on that game is not real, there is only one God, my God, our God.) is it bad that I should be playing that? He makes some comments and it's all fake, but, is it okay to play it, will God still love me?

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