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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2006
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[SIZE=21pt]Could someone who knows their fashion good help me pls!! O.K. this is my problem. I am going to this way cool party with my best friends. I just have to be sooo cuter than on of my bffs. O.K. it my sound a bit wacko. and you might think you are best friends why try to top each other. Well you don't know her! She like has everything and flaunts it! ALOT!! She knows she has more money than me and flaunts it! ALOT!! I am not stinkin poor but I am not stinken rich. O.K. so here is my out fit so far and all I need is the hair!![/SIZE]

Banded Bottem Hooded Henly- (It is a shirt with a half short sleeve sweater! CUTE!) Color-Brownie and Lazer (Blue)


Stripe Leggings- (Love Them!) Color-Lazer (Blue) and white


Hearts and Dots Flip Flop- (OMG the cutest!! They so complete this outfit!) Color-Brownie, Blue, (Like a teal or an aqua) and Lime Green


Stripe Tote- (OMG soo cute I really want but this outfit is expensive so it is optional) Color- Brownie, Blue, (Like a teal or an aqua) and Lime Green


It is blondish brown, and it has natural blonde highlights. It stops where my about where my rib cage stops. My bangs stop where my neck stops. My hair is strait as a bored! (I HAVE SOOO CUTE HAIR!!)


Looks Good In:

Strait (I do look good with my perfect strait hair but I want something more bold!)

Ponytails to the side down at my neck




Looks Horrible In:

Frizzed (OMG!!!)

Ponytails Up High


That sounds really cute, but I am kinda looking for something new that I did not post. But if nothing else works that is definetly Plan B!!



Okay :B

What about crimping your hair? Crimped hair usually looks really pretty, and I don't see it on a lot of people.

[SIZE=14pt]I would if I could If I had one. I want on sooo bad but I cant use any of my money now bc i am saving for a new cell[/SIZE]

1. Tie your hair in a loose ponytail.

2. Curl the top layer of hair.

That looks super cool!

How ridiculous can you get!? This topic is for a stupid cause its not a emergancy about what you wear
She just needs advice on what hairstyle to wear. Give her a break.

Here's what I think your hair would look good in:

* You should layer it, it'll probably look cute. (I want to layer my hair,I have the same kind of hair)

* Make it a little wavy (cute hairstyle)

* Leave your hair straight and put a matching headband on!

Part your hair, and then put this cream in (you can get it like, anywhere) and it's supposed to make your hair curly/wavy, and I do it all the time. Then wear a matching head band with whatever outfit you choose.

Thanks you guys for the tips! I will be sure to use one. I am think that by what ya'll said I should curl so I will curl. The headband I just don't know.. I really don't like them but they look cute on me and I want to be comfortable at this party. It is from 10:00p.m.-12:01a.m. And I think there will be cute boys there so I don't want to walk around with my fingers in my hair! LOL!!! :D But I will definatly curl! :D Thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!






P.S.- Tamakitty07 do you know the name of that cream?????????

Ok calm down.



with hair at side(ponytail and push it to side)

I think it would really help us see your outfit if you posted a picture of the outfit. It doesn't have to be on you, but maybe laid out on your bed or something. Then I can really get to work! And maybe a pic of your hair or something.

Why not try plaited pigtails? I think that plaited pigtails are so cute! Or what about Two buns? Like in the same place that the pigtails would be. D'ya get me?

I don't think buns look so well on anyone like 2 on the sides of their heads.

I do think layering is a good idea. Maybe you can put it in 2 loose pigtails closer to the back of your head.

Are you going to wear a skirt or something with your leggings? I think they're a good idea, but I don't know if I'd wear leggings without anything else.


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