One thing you gotta get off your chest!


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2007
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Okay,right now.I'm really pi**ed with webkinz.It takes my friends away.Well, actually just two sisters.that r my friend.They got obsessed with webkinz and now that's ALL they ever talk about!PHEW!I'm so glad i got that off my chest.Got anything that bothers you?post below.

-Candy ;)

[SIZE=8pt] Just no foul langugage please[/SIZE]

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I dont even like webkinz. alot of kids I know prefer tamagotchi.

i dont have a problem with loosing friends over them

Can I say two?

My sister is a total...meanie. GRR I hate really dislike her!!!

I MIGHT POSSIBLY MIGHT MAYBE like a friend of mine....

Same here. One of my friends I gave a webkinz only talks about webkinz. <.<
I don't even see what the big deal about them is. What do they do ? They are not match for tamagotchis * heroic voice *

One thing I wanna get off my chest is how it kinda saddens me to see all the new Tamagotchi come in and replace the old. Especially since they're becoming more and more overloaded with games.

this is just a rant. don't bother reading it if you're easily offended or if you have better things to do. ha ha

my friend [in 7th grade] is going out with a tenth grader. okay, there are 2 schools in my town. i go to one [a newer and safer one] and she and all of her other friends go to the other. there are als 2 highschools. he goes to the bad one. the first time she met him was when he was riding around the neighborhood at sundown. he started calling some of her friends names. i'm the only one that thinks they should break up. everyone from my rival school thinks they're a "cute couple". gross. ever since she's started going to public school [this is her first year] she thinks i'm a freak because i still have morals and, oh yeah, a goal. she's also started talking like a valley girl. there's a "like" in every sentance. she also curses. my opinion on saying "curse words" is hat the only reason that people use them is because they are so unable to otherwise describe how they feel. ha. she used to be a smart, nice person. she actually said that cursing makes her cool. i think that's sad. all i can say is that i hope they break up, and remebers who she is. or..............was.

Eh, I hate Webkinz. I mean, I have a Black Cat named Sasuke and he's really cute. But the site is WAY to babyish and half the people I am in contact with brag about having 32.

Last year, my friends and I formed a group called: "The Anti-Webkinz Gang" or something. It was really weird xD

here are some other things:

dont wanna go to my mom's private school

don't wanna go to school

boreder than you can imagine

and other ones you could never have magined::

i'm going to live to be 800 years old

i'm also a vampire. only better one. *laughs evilly*

harry potter is my homeboy

charlie the unicorn is after me

i have an irrational fear of sand.

my name is alex

i'm a girl

i'm alive

i have feet

with toes

and toenailes

i have hair

it's brown

and reddish

and black

and blonde

and pink [but we don't need to get into that]

i like pie

not cheesecake

cheesecake isn't a pie

i'm a pirate

i'll steal your gold

i make long lists

i live in a box

that's in florida

under water

i speak 12 languages

but 11 of them are known only to giraffes

i'm wearing socks

woah, that feels good to get out in the open

I have few things to get off of my chest, very few. I am not going to go into detail or be annoying and




I like this guy, my parent's think he is nice, but he is moving next year.

There you go, ;]

I have relationships with dream characters. *hides*

And I dislike webkinz right now for the same reason as you.

Um well, it REALLY bothers me when my friend doesn't listen to ANYTHING I say and just tunes me out when I want to talk about something that interests me, and not her. Then she goes and thinks I have to listen to her rant on and on about her boy problems and girly habits. :angry: Another thing I don't like is how tamagotchis are being made for all the little girls and EVERYTHING in TamaTown has a beak! :blink:

I don't even see what the big deal about them is. What do they do ? They are not match for tamagotchis * heroic voice *
Yeah Yeah. Neither of them are any match to school and good moments with friends. *blocks out heroic voice* FYI, They connect online, and you can have a real animal pet online that you can shop with, design your own room with, feed, and take care with. Not to mention there's a arcade.

My friend just says, Guess what! I got blah blah blah webkinz!! or, Have you blah blah blah on webkinz?

this kid in my math clas he sit behind me and kicks my chair and he calls out ALOT and i want a resticting order on him

Meh school grades! I have gotten all A's since the beginning of my school days, and now, since I am addicted to the computer, they are all low A's, and I have mid-terms next week. o.o They could either really help my grade, or really hurt my grade. A lot of pressure for me there.

And... High School Sequinette try-outs are coming up. Ever since I was little, I dreamt of being a Sequinette. So, the time has finally arrived and... meh, it is so pressuring and is making me really anxious. I just have to make it. :/

Darn, I was thinking something else, too... but I lost it. Drat, I hate that.


You know what I really dislike?

When someone talks to me and then comes back 6 months later.

I get really tense if you'd do that. Trust me, it ain't pretty.

**Decided not to share...too personal**

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