Over protective...


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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2007
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I was on a different website not too long ago. Probably about an hour... But anyway my dad saw me reading a message from someone else, and guess what? My dad started asking questions I didn't know the answer of. Like is that person a boy or girl? Did they ask you where you lived? He just kept throwing questions at me and I didn't know the answer. So I said "I don't know." then him and my mom started talking to each other. My mom defended me and my dad. She said that he was just trying to protect me. Does your parents spy on you like that?

I don't have overprotective parents (but they do protect me), simply because I've never given them a reason to be suspicious about anything. Just remember that it takes a while to build up a solid foundation of trust, especially when you reach the turbulent teenage years. That's not to say that my parents are never concerned about me or not wanting to know what I'm doing. My parents are involved in the right way...we have our sticky moments and sometimes I get on their case when things don't go my way because of them...but over these many years, I've learned to love it (because they're always fair and usually right) and I wouldn't have it any other way, ever.

Your parents are not spying on you. They're not being unreasonable. Take it from my view, an objective (outsider's) point of view. They love you. They want to be involved as best they can without being too invasive. Please trust me on this one. You may not see it in their eyes right now (sometimes even I don't with my parents) but someday you're going to thank them for being concerned. Someday you're going to be a parent yourself...right now you'll probably say, "I'll never put my children through this overprotectiveness," etc., but once you are a parent, you'll know exactly how they feel. Don't think of it as strictness, overprotectiveness, spying or anything. They're being parents and they care...very deeply, and they don't want to see their child fall...I don't know what it's like to see your own child fall yet...but I imagine that it hurts very much. I hope this helps and I'll be here if you want to talk more. Good luck with everything!

^^ Couldn't have said it better myself.

My parents spy on my when I'm on the computer, and so do my brothers.

They are just trying to make sure I'm safe, my parents anyway My brothers try to catch me on bad sites to dob me in to my parents. :wacko:

Mine don't spy on me while i'm on the computer,but they also check my history afterwords. Just to keep me safe/.

My parents don't really 'spy' per say but they do walk in randomly, open my door and yell 'Whadda you doing?' and look at what I am doing. Most of the time I am on TamaTalk so they don't care. Plus, I have my own computer so it wouldn't matter. As long as I am not on a sex or porn site they are fine with it, no giving out my email, phone number, address etc.. But most parents are like that.


I wouldn't consider it 'spying' like I said before, they are just looking out for me, besides I am not at idiot (no matter what people say...) because my dad works for a computer company, and I have had these talks in school where we even chat with a complete stranger who wants to meet up with you etc.. It's a scary thing, but the whole school does it every year. After watching that, half of my class got rid of their myspace. Getting back on topic, no, they just watch out for me. (Although getting your wall bashed in every five seconds is no fun either :marumimitchi: )



They are probably asking all those questions because they care about you. If you were chatting in a chat room online, my dad would probably ask, "Who are you chatting with?" That is what he does when I am IMing. He is just making sure I am not talking to a stranger- he only lets me talk to my sister's friend and 2 of my friends.

I know they're trying to care for me but it's awkward when they watch your every move. They let you know you're not alone...just to spy on me. They even went to my profile they are freaking spies!!! :)

Well my mum occasionally asks what I'm on. My dad isn't ever there so he doesn't care. It's my grandma! She's like this:

"Are you on a chatline?" Gran

"No." Me

"Yes you are your typing!" Gran

"Because I'm on TamaTalk." Me

"I bet that mother of your lets you go on chatlines."

So I get how you feel. And also she asks me if I talk to strangers over the internet.

I was on a different website not too long ago. Probably about an hour... But anyway my dad saw me reading a message from someone else, and guess what? My dad started asking questions I didn't know the answer of. Like is that person a boy or girl? Did they ask you where you lived? He just kept throwing questions at me and I didn't know the answer. So I said "I don't know." then him and my mom started talking to each other. My mom defended me and my dad. She said that he was just trying to protect me. Does your parents spy on you like that?
their not spying on you. they want to keep you safe. i don't care if it sounds cheesy, but they do it becuase they love you! my mom does that sometimes, i just answer her question. she just wants to keep me safe.


EHMAGAWD my 'rents are THE WORST! They wont let me do anything! If they knew i had a TamaTalk...theyd freak. They don't let me go ANYWHERE by myslef. For example if me and mom are at JCpennys and I want to go upstairs and she wants to stay downstairs...she wont let me go upstairs EVEN WHEN I HAV MY CELLY WITH ME!!!


[SIZE=14pt]My parents do or at least my dad does and it annoys me greatly.I'm 16 and I have enough of a brain in my skull not to give out information .He doesn't ned to bug me everytime I'm on Tamatalk,Gaia,quizilla,Deviantart, or any other site I happen to be on at the time. ><; I could go on into a rant but it'd take too long. <<;;;;;[/SIZE]

My dad does that ALL THE TIME. He's only trying to protects you, but I have to admit, it is VERY annoying. I remember when I had just gotten a new boyfriend my dad started asking a whole lot of questions like, "is he a Christian?" "Where does he go to church?" "What denomination" and a lot of really personal religious questions. Religious questions don't bother me, but when my dads interregating me on someone I'm still trying to get to know it gets really frustrating.

I was on a different website not too long ago. Probably about an hour... But anyway my dad saw me reading a message from someone else, and guess what? My dad started asking questions I didn't know the answer of. Like is that person a boy or girl? Did they ask you where you lived? He just kept throwing questions at me and I didn't know the answer. So I said "I don't know." then him and my mom started talking to each other. My mom defended me and my dad. She said that he was just trying to protect me. Does your parents spy on you like that?
I am lucky they don't! ;)

Maybe you should talk to your parents, and tell them to give you some personal space and not to be so protective...

though it depends on what you say.

Sometimes and it's irritating but I don't blame them. They didn't grow up with this internet stuff where you can talk to be around the world- that's a big deal. And when some of those people- even if it's only a few- want to hurt others, the parents have a right to be protective. To keep you safe.

I'm sure you know better but it really does keep you in check.

My mom logged into my Youtube account and deleted some of my faveorites.

but honstely there just trying to protect you.

I can't stand anyone apart from my friends watch me on the computer. If my parent starts to watch me I'll put it on my desktop or paint until they go away. They pretty much leave me alone anyway.

Well not like that but there was... one incident where I felt I was in a plastic bubble.

OK I'll tell you:

I was about 5 years old at the time. My parents had read in a parenting book that grapes could be deadly to young children because they're about the size of a child's windpipe. One day in preschool, my parents were wondering what the snack would be and the teacher said "Grapes." My mum asked if they'd be cut up. Teacher said no, and asked why. Mum had told the whole story to my teacher in front of all my friends at that time. Boy was I embarrassed!

My parents have checked my history, so I now clear it. I understand why they would have done it when I was 10 or eleven, because then I really wasn't old enough to be responsible about that sort of thing. It does annoy me now, because I'm 13 and I know the limits perfectly well. But be thankful your parents care about you at all, that's what's most important.

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