Over protective...


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i know, my dad does that sometimes but back in the good ol' days there wasnt this much crazy technoledgy! like touch sceens, lap tops, ipods. but its really scary what people try to do with kids these days. :D


My mom, till this day she is still protective of me and I'm 22. I don't even live with her. I can understand why parents are that way, because there are a lot of online preditors out there and your parents are watching out for you and they don't want anything to happen to you, they aren't being over protective. Don't get mad at them for just watching out for their children. You may think they are being over protective now, but when you're older you'll start to understand why they did it and you'll thank them for it. I never understood why she did that to me when I was younger and I'd always get mad at her, but now I understand it and I thank her for it, if it wasn't for my mom being so protective, I probably wouldn't be here today considering all the stupid stuff I did when I was younger.

I was on a different website not too long ago. Probably about an hour... But anyway my dad saw me reading a message from someone else, and guess what? My dad started asking questions I didn't know the answer of. Like is that person a boy or girl? Did they ask you where you lived? He just kept throwing questions at me and I didn't know the answer. So I said "I don't know." then him and my mom started talking to each other. My mom defended me and my dad. She said that he was just trying to protect me. Does your parents spy on you like that?
They used to be , but as I grew older they realized i'm more independent.

I'll still always be their little girl though.

Try to explain to them how you feel though

If your parents are like mine used to be .. they wont under stand xD

Ok, that wasn't apropriate. Sorry.

Just show them you can take care of yourself

But don't give them the intention that you can do everything by yourself. Its always nice to have your mom and dad do things for you.

Not really that protective.

My dad can't check my history, I keep my account on password protected. They can see the sites' I'm on anyway, we have a huge screen for gaming. But when I'm online they can see the site I'm on. I don't mind really ^.^ Unless I'm on this Naruto forum were people post Teen rated pictures, that's when I'm careful (Yes, this forums' Spam section is a joy to be on! Desu! XD That's the forums phrase)

I also get out in the neighborhood, I can ride were-ever as long as I get back in a reasonable time. I ride all over the area.

My mom says sometimes when she sees me on TamaTalk, "Are you giving out our phone number?" but I can tell that by her eyes and tone of voice is that she's just trying to be funny.

My parents are kind of Protective about me, most of the time they don't really care...


They don't know about Tamatalk, but my brothers do! ( I think....)


Anyways my mum check's my emails!! It really bothers me! I keep on telling her to stop, and she says "Okay.." but she still checks them anyways! It really bothers me! So I tell all my friends to write nothing personal or something important, cause my mum will know about it, and will start asking questions about it. What else....


When I was 12 or 13, I would be on the phone with a friend of mine ( either boy or girl ) we would be talking, and my mum would be listening into our conversation! That really bugged me! But one day I caught her, and she was like "Sorry.." and she never did it again! :) So that made me a little happy! But anyways, my parents always want me to be safe, but sometimes they can go a little to far, it's the same with my 6 older brothers!



About the "annoying" questions:

Well, you know all this internet theft and other bad things that happen when you chat with others and stuff, you Dad was probably trying to make sure that person you were chatting with wasn't a phony person that would try to trick you into something bad. After all, parents want the best of their kids. ;)

OMG! YES! My mom comes into my bedroom and tells me something while she looks at my laptop. When my auntie came to my house to stay for 6 months, SHE kept looking over on my back on the computer. I was guessing that my mom told her to do that. When I was watching this Zoey 101 goodbye zoey, they said "love" and my auntie just started watching the laptop!!!!! (She wuz in the bed by the way). LUCKILLY my aunt is gone. Also, I hate it when my mom looks over at my laptop because it gives me the feeling that she doesn't trust me. This all started when I started to play maplestory. I went on maplestory for the whole day. Then she banned me from maplestory cuz its "chatting" WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO BE IN MY BUISNESS!


yes they are protective especially my dad he is so protective, but they only do this becaus they love me

my mum wont let me have my laptop in myroom because she wants to see what im doing, but she is doing this to protect me

No, my parents don't do that. I live in a family of computer geeks, I grew up on the computer, my Mom and Gran used some of the first computers, the list goes on for a while. But, my parents give me the internet blah blah carefull blah IP tracking is easy for stalkers etc talk once in a while, and leave me alone. They do insist they see the sites I think about joining and approve them, or not, before I join. Which is why I'm only on here and Warriors Wish.

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yup both parents there crazy with it. Like, for instantance, they always check my history but i delete it :D and they always barge in saying what are you doing and saying dinners done just to get me off the computer and its really not even started. Tey always say no posting pics of urself on any website because then a muderer with come and track u down, kill you, steal our money and everything we own. It's a little crazy, and i dont like it even if they are supposedly doing it because they love me.

yup both parents there crazy with it. Like, for instantance, they always check my history but i delete it :D and they always barge in saying what are you doing and saying dinners done just to get me off the computer and its really not even started. Tey always say no posting pics of urself on any website because then a muderer with come and track u down, kill you, steal our money and everything we own. It's a little crazy, and i dont like it even if they are supposedly doing it because they love me.
It isn't smart to post pictures of yourself on the internet. You could have far worse things than a murderer happen to you. You could easily be raped, regardless of gender. Never post pictures of yourself; it's common sense. People can track you down with something as little as your first name.

My parents are, I guess. They check my history... the omly site I go on is Tamatalk and Youtube, and Tamazone, so there really isn't anything to be afraid of.

My mom was never really over protective. She's protective, as every mother is, but she doesn't go overboard with it.

Right now her issue is me working nights. I have to call her every time I go outside for a smoke break, even though she's always sleeping. Basically it's, wake her up when I leave, call her when I get there, call her on my breaks/lunch, call her when I leave and wake her up when I get home.

It's extremely annoying but I understand why she does it.

She never really tells me I can't do things, just that she doesn't like the thought of me doing it. That's all she's ever really done ^.^;

She's really laid back.

Mine sometime go over board. I really think they should stop though. Even though they don't put a tracking device on me though. XD

Not Particulary. My mother might ask sometimes "Your not writing anything bad are you?" But it really doesnt bother me. MY parents are Concerned about my saftey and thats ok.

No, my parents don't do that. I live in a family of computer geeks, I grew up on the computer, my Mom and Gran used some of the first computers, the list goes on for a while. But, my parents give me the internet blah blah carefull blah IP tracking is easy for stalkers etc talk once in a while, and leave me alone. They do insist they see the sites I think about joining and approve them, or not, before I join. Which is why I'm only on here and Warriors Wish.
Right. And no chatrooms. D8 Which really rather sucks sometimes, but, I guess ya learn to live with it.

Nope but my cosin does... Yesterday she did a school play and we watched it and her mum had to go home because her little sister was ill so my mum had to look after her and her mum kept on calling my mobile asking wether she was there or not and when she sleeps round my house she calls every minute and asks wether shes alright Lol

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