Pipers Tama log


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SO RICKY CHANGED he is a crackertchi.. Hes so cute. 1 years old and twenty pounds THE POOR THING. im sorry ricky.

Felix and neco are 6 years old there gonna mate soon so sad ima miss them so much. I might get a v6 if i do then i will give my v4 to my sister since its rightfully hers.

This is perfect. Wanna no why? of course you do!

crakertchi is in the mame family and sooooooooooo i can get a matsuritchi. YAYAY ricky just got excepted into school with mr. canvas. YAYAYAYAbut hes unhappy right now so were playing climb. still unhappy he must need some desipline ready and timeoutAWE dont cry ricky. im sorry.

Felix. just ate a hotdog. EWWWWWWw.he is still 6! the matchmaker comes at age 7 right?

THEY HAD KIDS. Neco and felix are parents.

Neco got married to a beautiful Uramemetchi i think its caled. He has a baby girl. I will name her After an old friend of mine. Her name wil be nessa. im so excited and i figured out. the matchmaker comes at 3. so if u dont like the first pick u can set it back to 2:59 and then at three the matchmaker reappears.

Felix got married to a ( now i no he wanted violetchi but he fell in love with another girl) shes a okay i forgot but she looks like a worm with a big nose. Shes cute. They had a baby boy. Whom i will name. ummmmmm Damin.





i cant belive this.

my sister is taking back felix. (its origannall hers) sux. This is goodbye almost. tonight is our last night with Felix and baby. *sad* well he will visit on the weekends when i babysit him will my sis works. ima miss him soooooooooooooooooo much so when he leaves then this loggee will be for ricky and nessa

OMG i just got a music star. this is hard. music stars are confusing just got a baby girl and i named her lauren if u have any info for me pm

but. and then. this is. not. how come. HUH? Shes two only two how can she have a kid.

ricky and nessa had kids shes only two

sorry i havent posted for a couple days been busy.

they have all been paused because ive been gone so.

lauren is in a band call the zombies and is into pop music my name on tamatown is af9300 visit my room if u see me online and vote for my cd

i have my other v4 now and burt (my sisters tamagotchi) is visiting. He is a gozarutchi she forgot him when she went to town. and this morning when she went to work!!@

my other v4 names is Emma shes zero. since nessa and ricky had children they had two girls. i will name rickys Lilly and Nessas Cassie

so time line






well tatafornow

the tamas are all good still this will be my last post today because i have a friend coming over ssoooo emma met a guy in tama town but shes to young to have a bf but his name is edgar. Hes cute and a mohatitchi or whatever hes soooooo cute well were gonna go meet edgar in tamatown.

i lied. this isnt my last post.

we met edgar at the preschool adn watched the love movie. how cute. ima see if it will work for lauren. ttyl.

okay so i forgot what i was gonna name cassie so her name is norah now.


anyway burt died. i was babysitting him and got up late he was dead. i feel so bad. i restarted him and its a boy named natt.

rickys daughter is still a baby and so is nessas

emma is a young mimitchi!!!!

lauren is a mimitchi

natt is still a baby

were listening to where is the love by black eyed peas. norah loves it so does lilly. there lil twins. and natt is a boy so hes kinda a twin.

but lilly just changed into a star!!!!!

oops next song tupac changes

laurens into ummmm pop music. her band the zombies has elaine and lisa in it lisa is makiko and elaine is a violetchi!!

so ya thats all for now really were gonna go meet edgar........... by ow


okay were back and edgar kissed lil emma and met the rest of the family


lilly and norah are the stars see there twins.

and lauren is performing i think the band is rocking out.and just got three zeros that said pro debut and like alot of money if u read my logg pllllz tell em what just happened

okay well since they are paused lets unpause the lil chillens shall we

natts with his mom so we'll have to wait til tomorow to check in on him. i check in every other day. norah has mail. its the preschool teacher!!!! emma is sick and very unhappy lets play jump rope okay we got 30 jumps!!!! nothings going on with lilly. lauren is 3 i have all girlssss

im glad i helped ya jaycee. i talked to her and gave jaycee xlayceeJayceex about 20 names to choose from. she picked Jamie!

well were are all very well emmas paused. i dont wanna jump rope hehehe im mean. there still stars norah and lilly. and laurens still 3 gotta quit pausing the poor lil guys. i cant wait for lauren to have a kid.

okay well thats all for the moment oh i should check on natt first

his mom said he is...........

time line





omg something happening the music notes lit up omg THERE PERFORMING. there soooo cute!okay now the crouwd 2as shown and then now shes home????


natts mom never answered. i wonder how he is and what he is.

there all good well ima make us top a ramen so by
