PLEASE LOOK AT THIS!-Bandi's Plan For Tamaisland


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Hey...Umm...How come that when you go into tama island it says 12 tamas have been put on a Tama Island and the last remaining tamagotchi wins? :furawatchi:

How can the main characters be changed if there is only one winner? :huh:

(no offense)

I LOVE THE MASKTCHI! WAHEY! ;) :ph34r: :D :D :D :)

<.< I would like to point out that the topic starter has so far provided NO PROOF that this is actually what is going to happen.

>.> Now, if he/she would provide, say, a statement/comment from someone from Bandai, that would be different, but... no proof whatsoever.

^__^ I'm voting for Mimitchi and... that one with the flower-ears... XD; (Sorry-- lost track of the names after the original P1 & P2 versions. Lol.)

~Pixie Stix

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This topic is obviously just a theory and not based on fact from Bandai because otherwise they wouldn't have included Ichigotchi or Ringotchi - who have already been 'removed' from the tamagotchi's.

Unless of course Ichigotchi wins and they put it BACK onto the V4's- which would be good!

I voted for :hitodetchi: It is very cute to me!!!!!!!!!!! But for some reason , I don't really like eating strawberries........(sorry for going a bit off-topic)

Berrydaze -_-

I voted for <_< It is very cute to me!!!!!!!!!!! But for some reason , I don't really like eating strawberries........(sorry for going a bit off-topic)

Berrydaze :D
:D is really cute, I know!

I used to own one called Pasty! :blink:

I am voting for the violetchi , she is so cute , I love her even though I have never had her!!

<_< :D :D :blink: :mametchi: :wacko:

kutchipatchi got kicked off the island! oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well I think Bandai's just doing tama island to find out which characters are liked the most, so they can use our favourites on accessories and stuff.

I don't know where everyone is getting this "main" character thing, Bandai never put any of the characters above any of the rest.

Anyways, I'm always going to stay true to :( mimitchi.

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I'm voting for mimitchi or kutchipatchi because I think they're the most standard characters and I want to keep it that way!

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