Pokémon Black and White


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(im SO SORRY for such a laaaate reply!)


"oh my gosh! this necklace is sooo beautiful! thank you darius!" said angela, looking at the little raindrop-shaped necklace. she quickly put it on.


Angela watched the battle raging on and on. she decided to just stroll around the grass. maybe meet a pokemon. suddenly, a patch of dense, tall grass shake."i wonder what that is!" she said walking into the patch.

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"Quickly after them, jump in flippers, Stay out to get Dove, Batty"

"Now use Surf on Cinders"

(battle music starts playing)

a wild emolga appeared!

"violet, use leaf tornado!"

its not very effective...

emolga used electro ball.

"come back! go, gecks!"

"tree tree treecko!"

emolga used shock wave.

gecks avoided the attack!

gecks used magical leaf.

a critical hit!

Angela used the pokeball.

yes! emolga was caught!

"ill call you... Thundara!"

"Nice catch Angela! Also, I'm glad you like the necklace. It has some history, but to not bore you, I'll just you it came from a royal family named the waters. Cool, huh?" Darius said laughing.

"awesome!" she said, looking at her new necklace.Thundara also stared at it. she began to give angela 'he totally likes you!' looks.then she saw darius`s pichu."emolga!"she said, day dreaming.

(yes, this is a poke-crush starting!)

(Poke-crushing is awesome! :3)

Darius looked at Spark and gave him the "Dude, Thundara is totally digging you" look. While Spark gave Darius the "You like her, she likes you" look. Then, Darius stared at Angela, and Spark stared at Thundara.

"Quickly , Batty use take down to knock Cinders out of Dove's Grip" Dove got Hit by the Take down and Cinders started falling.

"Now Flippers use Ice Beam and Freeze Dove" Cody shouted pointing his finger towards Sarah

OCC: How Can Cinders ( a vulpix ) use surf

OCC: Oh i get it ahahhahaha)

"What this is so unfair a 2v3 im never going to win now, well anyway lets give it our best, Batty use air cutter on The pansear and Flipper use Watergun on pansear aswell"

"Batty Quickly knock the pokeball" The Pansear jumped out the pokeball

"Now while its stunned grap it and take it up to the sky"

"NO!!! It's mine! M-I-N-E mine I tell you! MINE!" Sarah throws a well aimed dive ball at the pokemon, which gets caught despite the fact it was in mid-air. "YES!!! I'll name her Aqua!" Sarah does a victory dance. "To Stration city!" Sarah says walking off.

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"NNOOOOOO" Cody said WHile Catching up to Sarah

"That dive ball was well aimed, I think the Pansear will be good in your care"

"Sorry i tryed to take it from you, i just get a bit competitive"




Home town:Blackthorn City


Description:Brown hair,blue eyes,average height

Crush:yes...not telling

Other:cheery and always will not give up


Partner Pokemon:Espeon



Nature:Quiet, likes to jump around when happy

Crush:Not yet

Other: CAUTION! Even though shes quiet, she can show a lot of trickery. beware!

(can I just start RPing or do I have to be accepted?)

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