Pokemon World


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It had been a while, so Cherry guessed she should be getting back soon. She found a leaf or something that holds water, filled it, and headed back.

Trace blushed a little, "U-um. So. We should move on, right, let's do that!"

"Well, I don't really know the way, this time.", said Cherry. "Would you like to lead us this time?"

"Then the elegant leader gives the cut- I-I mean, second in command, Leo, the ability to lead for now."

Leo looked at the ground. "Was he about to call me cute?" She thought to herself but shook it away and looked at Cherry as she shoved a berry into Traces mouth. "A-alright, I beleive the next town's called Goldenrod..."

ooc: I'm just gonna assume they were in Ilex Forest...

@Aki: That's what I thought, too.

Trace ate the berry, "Y-yeah. Infatuation. Berry. Mhmm." He shook his head, "goldenrod it is, then."

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