Popping Zits


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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
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Portland, Oregon
I have a bad habit of popping my zits. I've heard that it gets rid of them faster, but I've also heard that it's dangerous. So which one is true? And if it is dangerous, how can I resist the urge?

I usually pop zits that hurt. xD I don't how it could be "dangerous" but they leave scars that take longer (for me) to go away then the zit. If you wanna resist the urge try scrubbing them with a towel. I don't reccomend scrubbing them with a scrub brush because germs could be in the scrub brush making zits worse.

My friend "pops" then picks them which leaves loads of scars afterwards. I doubt its dangerous but YOU will get alot of scars.

I always get my mom to pop them. When I do it, I usually leave nail marks from applying so much pressure which makes the area more irritated, leaving a bigger red spot.

Here's a tip: make sure you wash your hands before you pop them, and try disinfecting them or washing them afterwards.

I always pop mine when they get too big with boiling water. It won't leave any scars if you use hot water, just don't use it too hot. I dun know how it can be dangerous.

I have this problem, too. I iz so tempted! D:

The danger, I guess you could say, it as others said, scars. You also spread the grease, dirt, germs and whatever else makes a pimple elsewhere.

I've learned it's better to no unless I can see a huge white cap. You may want to look into getting some of those "popping" tools. I have a case with different heads on them for different types of pimples and whatnot. Veeerry helpful.

This is what I do:

1. Place a washcloth in as hot of water as you can stand. The hotter the better because it opens your pores.

2. Place and hold the washcloth on your nose for about a minute give or take.

3. Take the tool [clean it first of course] and do all that jazz. xP

4. Clean your face.

5. Splash cold water on your face; this closes the pores.

My mom is always, "Stop picking at your nose! D:<"! xP

Popping zits, no matter how tempting it is, is never a good thing to do. I'm not saying that I've never done it, but I just thought about it, and...

Your hands carry alot of bacteria and oils, and that's something you don't want on your face. Think about where your hands have been. And popping zits can cause further redness, bleeding and infection, just making the zit even worse. A scar is left behind.

Instead of popping your pimples, try to treat them with "benzoyl peroxide" labelled ance treatment from local drugstores. It's drying to the pimple, which eventually causes it to fade away. Expect a couple of days to clear it up.

Why do I say this? Well, when you have no pimples, you can't pop any pimples, can you? :eek:

It isn't really a good idea to pop your pimples. Number one, they are going to leave nasty scars if you really pick them hard. Number 2, they will bleed. Number 3, the area could be infected if your hands are dirty.

One time, I had this pimple on my stomach, right? So I picked at it and I picked at it. It started bleeding pretty hard, which I didn't mind, because I like to bleed, but that's beside the point. So anyways, I kept picking at it, it kept bleeding, and I'm surprised I didn't leave a hole in my stomach after that! But after it was gone, and healed, I had this big ugly scar where my pimple used to be.

Now, this happened sometime in August, and I still have that scar right now. So unless you want to infect yourself, bleed, or get scars, I suggest you don't pick your pimples.

[SIZE=14pt]I don't use my finger nails.I have a tiny little tool. that I use.One end gets rid of white heads and the other end is used to push out zits underneath the skin. x3 I luffles the thing and it doesn't do that much damage (except for when I push it too hard and it tears a bit of skin from the surface. ouch xD ) [/SIZE]

You shouldn't pop your zits.. just use an acne treatment. Treatments with benzoyl peroxide are you best bet. However some people are allergic to benzoyl peroxide, so test a small area of benzoyl peroxide on your hand or something before using it.

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I always get my mom to pop them. When I do it, I usually leave nail marks from applying so much pressure which makes the area more irritated, leaving a bigger red spot.
Here's a tip: make sure you wash your hands before you pop them, and try disinfecting them or washing them afterwards.
yeah, that's what I do.

it is tempting.

if you do pop them there is a small chance it will leave a smaller-than-a-penny, red, orangish mark

i dont know if this information is true(cause m'dads a nurse) or is it to prevent me from popping them

i just preffer popping bubble wrapping after cutting my first 3

don't pop them. its not good. its can infected and will leave ugly scars.

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