Pretty or Ugly?


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I'm not sure if I posted in this topic yet. o.0But I think I'm fairly ugly.

People seem to keep calling me pretty, yet I don't see what they see. 0.o
D:< You = pritty.

I don't think I'm very pretty. Let me get a pic. [i know I already posted here but that was forever ago D:]


my family, boyfriend, and some of my friends call me pretty.

but other people think i'm ugly.

sometimes i think i'm pretty, other times i think i'm ugly.

it depends on my mood..

Right now, I think I'm ugly.

But that's because I just woke up a half hour ago and haven't changed yet.

But most of the time I think I'm pretty.

[SIZE=14pt]I think im ugly... xD I have odd glasses, one green eye and one gray eye, a small but akward nose, I have one nostril that is bigger than the other... =[ I'm quite fat... lol.[/SIZE]


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I feel that im pretty because almost everyone I see says that i have really nice eyes ;)

i think im in between... i look like a rockstar without my glasses, but im just normal with them on but in a few months im getting contacts :wub:

In the middle. I personally think I am almost pretty, but not really pretty. I however have been called pretty AND--when I get into the topic of beauty--in the middle. Nobody's ever dared to call me ugly yet, if you dont count my best friends saying it when we're fooling around!!

[SIZE=14pt]I think im ugly. :eek: At stores other girls always stare at me and give me dirty looks. I feel like I don't even wanna show my face to the world. I look like this: choclate brown curly hair, silver and blue eyes, big/little cheek bones. Red rosey cheeks on top of my cheek bones, mix of my mom and dads nose. Thats what I look like. I have two boys that fancy me: 1. My sick in the head cusion, 2. weirdo boy at my school whos sick in the head too. my cuz always tries to kiss me. Thank god I don't live by him! Boy at my school. He's hipyer. He has to take meds. And afiter he has his meds. Boy is he disgusting. He REALLY wants to be my boyfriend. I'm like ew! He got held back. Thank god he's not gonna be in my class after summer break. ANd the sicko third graders that sit at our table all they do is talk about girls. And things that boys DON'T have. Sickos. Why do people raise their children to say that? geez those sickos are sick in the head.[/SIZE]
^ I'm the same. So I don't have any pictures of me right now. I need to take some..

I'm not the prettiest, but I don't want to slap myself every time I look in the mirror anymore, so I'm good.

I don't really think I'm ugly, but I don't think I'm real pretty either. I don't have a lot of acne. Sometime I get a pimple here and there, but usually it's not that big. I love my hair, it has a natural head-line that's off to the side (a lot of girls I see in school try to do that, but their hair just won't fall like that). But I have my flaws too (HUGE ears, crooked teeth). :D

Ehh I used to think I was hideous. But now.... I know I'm not all that ugly. In fact I don't really think I'm ugly anymore =)

i am ugly. i used to think i was pretty up until i got glasses. then i actually started to look better but when i take them off my nose looks big, my mouth looks odd and my eyes look small.i am also reaaly skinny which makes me even more ugly.

i am ugly. i used to think i was pretty up until i got glasses. then i actually started to look better but when i take them off my nose looks big, my mouth looks odd and my eyes look small.i am also reaaly skinny which makes me even more ugly.
I'm really skinny too. You're not the only one. The truth is, no matter how much people make fun of you for being skinny (just saying that cos' people make fun of me for it :furawatchi: ), the truth is, they're jealous because everybody wants to be skinny, even if they're already skinny. I want to be bigger tho...

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