Pwnsome things.


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Ginny's Favorite PWNsome Things.



-Manga/ Anime


-Laptop// Krystal the iPod

-Music in General



-Colorfulness and coloring












-Me. I PWN.

...And much more.




-Figure skating

-Chef Boyardee

-My lunchbag, (Ksenia)

-My bendy lamp

-My bendy straws



-This topic

-Amateur flutists (inside joke o:)

-Inside jokes


-Danny Gokey


-Smelly soaps

-Soft carpets

-My laptop


^ all pwn.


-My computer, Weiwei

-Lord of the Rings

-Obi-Wan Kenobi

-Anakin Skywalker





Things I stalk/love/need/couldn't live without:

• Tamatalk and its many lovelies.

○ Coffee. [particularly Starbucks]

• Music.

○ Shockingly bright colours.

• Heat/sunshine. [Three cheers for current MA weather!]

○ America's Next Top Model. [Yeah, I watch it]

• Fuzzy stickers.

○ Neon heart-shaped paper-clips.

• Disney. [xD]

○ Short shorts.

• Layers.

○ Converse.

• Brownies.

○ Letting loose and being crazy.

• England.

○ Shopping.

• Lipbalm.

○ Freckles.

• True friends.

○ Nail polish.

• Lurve.

○ Movie nights.

• Vacations.

○ Sleepovers.

• Pointless girly magazines.

○ Family.

• Shades.

○ Watching people's Youtubes.

• Free stuff.

○ Drama/singing.

• Feeling smart.

○ iPhones.

• Caffeinated drinks.

○ Ice cream.

I could go on. But I've bored everyone enough already. If I feel I need to add more, I'll do it later.

-The internet.


-Neon Colors.

-Flashing things.

-Scene style.

-Zebra .

-Bass Clarinetss 8DDDD.

-Band/Marching Band.






-Friends xD.




-Salty foods.

-Sweet foods.



-School (the seeing my friends and band part of the day).

-Colorful hair accessories.

-Being loud.

-Being Random

- TT

- All my friends

- Computer

- TV

- Gossip Girl

- Full-contact tackle ultimate <33 [banned by the teacher </3]

- Basketball

- Sports

- Summer

- Science

- Vitamin water

and much more.

Short Stack, Bradie in particular, My songs on my iPod, my band, Feebee's hair, my eyes, Mikey's eyes, Tyler's hair, Hayden's siggy, neon colors...

Ksenia, Hayden, Tyler, Mikey, Kat, Katie, Krystal, Feebee, Esther, Carly, Tess, Weiwei, Starry, Vivienne, Malinda, Oscar, Huntr and Anyone who I have stupidly forgotten.

Also, laptops, chai lattes, drums, pianos, guitars, saxophones, triangles, braces, retainers [yup. They're cool], being a freak, hair accessories, MSN, and my siggy and avatar.

But above all, TT and it's PWNful people.

- TT.

- Computers.

- All of my friends.

- Colors.

- Art.


- Music.

- MSN.

- Happiness.

- School. [sometimes.]

- Dinosaurs.

- Candy!

- Coffee Ice Cream.

- Cookies.


-All you TTers and TT itself.

-The phone.

-Red Bull.

-Coffee and Tea.

-Short Stack.



-Bright colours.

-My laptop.

-My cell.




-Shaun The Sheep.





-My family and friends.

-Skinny jeans.







-Mountain Dew.

-Zodiac signs.

-My blue cushion.





-The Internet







-Colourful stuff








-Good conversations

-Good websites



Theres way more, but I'm too tired for my brain to properly function.

Pwnsome things...

-New star trek!

-Futuristic things




-xbox 360


-milk 2 go



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