Rainbow Bridge?


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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I was wondering, what are peoples' ideas on where animals go after they die? What better group of people to ask than the lovely peepz here? ^_^

I believe that they go to heaven. God wants us happy, heaven is perfect and animals are different from the rock sitting next to you. I believe that although we are above them, if you will, they are still his creatures and he takes them to heaven. Animals can be our friends and family and sometimes it's all we got and He wouldn't leave them out.

What about you?

I believe that's where my animals have gone, and will go in the future after they have lived out their terrestrial lives with me. I know they are up there waiting for me, and we will all be together again. ^_^

I feel that animals do have souls, and that they are all inherently good. We love our animals dearly, so I believe they belong in Heaven alongside us just as we are in our earthly lives. In my mind, we are equals in many ways, so it just makes sense that they will cross the Rainbow Bridge and go to Heaven!

I believe animals go to Heaven. Because...what is Heaven without animals? I have always believed that my dog, who passed away from old age, is up in Heaven, looking after me and my family. Animals have nothing but kindness to offer. They are all in Heaven.

Heaven wouldn't be perfect if there weren't animals! I definitely believe animals go to heaven. Not a doubt in my mind. And when I go up there one day, I can't wait to see all my beloved pets again. =]

I agree that animals have souls and cross over to another plane where we will someday go. I think that rainbow bridge poem really describes it rather well my vision of that other place. Although I will admit I cry everytime I read it ;P lol.

I am voting Rainbow Bridge. Everytime I read this poem about it, I cry. I would not be able to go on without believing in the Rainbow Bridge. <3 But that's just me.

Yeah, it's a nice poem.

But what if you die before your pet? Or you have multiple pets? Or a pet's person abused them?

Yeah, it's a nice poem.
But what if you die before your pet? Or you have multiple pets? Or a pet's person abused them?
I think all animals go to that place, and somewhere people who have also crossed over meet and greet them that they remember. I like to think my previous cat and dog (Max and Fredrick aka Dinky) are with my father and grandfathers while they wait for me...

As for abused pets, as they are not in pain no more they can meet other pets and begin anew on another plane and somewhere, be reborn someday in a loving home.

They go across the rainbow bridge up to Heaven and will be sitting at the gate waiting for you when your time is up. <3 My kitty Mapes'll be waiting for me † *sniff*

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No idea.

But even so, I'm not religious, so I doubt they would go to heaven, but that's my opinion.

Thats where I believe all my animals have gone.

Thats what my mother would say if any of our birds died. She would say: "I bet there singing right now in heaven"

Which always gave me a warm feeling inside. :]~♥

It makes me happy to think of that.

I believe that animals go to heaven, like we do. It's a nice thought, that they'd be waiting for us when we pass away. I miss my old cat, Maurice, but I now that he's in heaven now, with all the other animals. xD

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I allways imagine my cat has gone to heaven, the pem is so sad, but what is worse is this: https://www.indigo.org/rainbow/
It allways makes me cry, and I end up thinking of my cat. I miss her..
Yeah I know how that feels, but it's nice to know our pets have company and are being cared for until we can see them.

I'm not religious but I certainly believe they go to heaven. We will meet them again.

Yeah I know how that feels, but it's nice to know our pets have company and are being cared for until we can see them.
I like to think positive to, but I just can't let go of her, she's holding onto my heart and it's just to hard to let her go.

I miss her loads, bt one day we'll meet, one day..

Yeah the rainbow bridge to heaven *sniff* my fish and guinea pigs are waiting for me, I can't wait to see them! *cries thinking about them* seriously, it's wierd but I miss my fish (and guinea pigs, obviously)

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