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I get a lot of compliments for my handwriting - I actually <3 it too! It's circular neat print, and the i's are dotted with circles! :)


well, *edit: link was wrong, I'll change it* I honestly dot my i's with circles because, I HAVE TO. I really shout at people if they don't give me time to dot my i's. It's sad, really. D:

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If I'm im a rush I write fast its still small its just not neat and it stays on the line but if I'm not in a rush its small and neat and readable I do joined writing and I'm right handed.

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Its pretty neat but I press hard so that pretty much spoils everything that's so 'neat' about it. Medium size. That's enough.

Minds kinda messy, but still kinda neat.My handwriting is like what x.Hatred's handwriting is like.I dont really lift me pencil off the paper so its kinda connecting ^_^

Mine is just weird, is what I say...

A lot of girls in my class have nice neat [SIZE=7pt]tiny[/SIZE] writing.

Terrible normal handwriting. I start with full letters and end up with a squiggle line.

Two samples just now


My science book [Read. Learn about motion]


And its hard to read here because 99% of the time I use pink and purple pen [Learn respiration!]


Love ya


My handwriting is horrible.

It is far too small and squashed together.

I can't write neatly, my letters are all half done.

And the only time that I write even slightly neat is when I use a felt-tip pen.

Dunno why...

My handwriting is bad. ;)

It's well sized, but all my letters are squashed together.

It ends up like a mess.

Cecib :D

Mine's black and a bit spidery and I've been told it's sort of intimidating. I always write with the same fountain pen (the one labled 'Takanor' second from the bottom) which my friend refuses to use because it's 'too serious'. Biros and such are too skiddy, so everything ends up untidy. I like my handwriting though.

An example..

It's this poem by Rudyard Kipling copied out, if you want to know what it's meant to say.

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I have OK handwriting

All of my friends say it is awesome, and really neat. I write my friends' name on her paper for her-sometimes

I dot my i's with stars or hearts

I make my explination points fat, triangle-like, and I sometimes shade 'em

When I write without lines, I always write slanted.

I draw great though :D

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I have, lousy, handwriting.

It's large, half of the time I am WAYYY to lazy to lift my pen, so my e's go into my other letters.

I write my name in all caps, dunno why.


My writing's quite big, not joined up, doesn't have those flick things on the end of ts, ls, is, and whatever other letters have flicks and I can never stay on the line if there's no lines there.

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