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SO many people compliment on my handwriting, including my teachers! A lot of people looked at my handwriting and thought that I printed it off a computer :D I write extremely slowly though, which is why I didn't even have time to do the last 2 pages of my maths common test (dang it those questions were easy! :D )...

Pretty self-explanatory.Just a random question that came to mind when I was writing music.

Like, on the internet you have no clue how people write since its all typing and it all looks the same unless they change the font.

My handwriting is a pretty good size.

I think my handwritng is ugly.

& when I write it's like a mixture of printing ad cursive o.o

I can't write in a straight line. I's always going off the line, perpendicular to the line, and maybe if I'm lucky right on the line.
same here! My hand writting is BIG, slopy, ez 2 read, and you know the rest... :gozarutchi: :unsure: :wacko:

I have large, sloppy hand-writing. It doesn't help that eraser marks are all over my papers due to my OC factor.

If I try, I can keep it straight.

If I try to make it look nice, it looks.. medium sized and nice.

If I don't want other people looking at what I'm doing, my handwriting tends to be microscopic.

If I'm rushing, it's thin, loopy, cursive-ish and sloppy.


I have, lousy, handwriting.It's large, half of the time I am WAYYY to lazy to lift my pen, so my e's go into my other letters.

I write my name in all caps, dunno why.

Quoting an earlier post, here we go:


You can see... just how... terrifying.

You have nice handwriting [:I love the choice of ink.
Thanks x3

My parents hate my handwriting, though.

They say it needs to lean the right way :/

The weird thing about the way I write is that I don't hold writing utensils the right way.

So now I have a lump on my middle finger (ew) and my parents constantly yell at me for it.

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