Rate the person above's Avvie game!


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Um, excuse me, because I give you a low rating does not mean you give me one, unless it's truthfully.
ahem... goggleface what happened to that? your just giving me an low rating because you are cyber bullying me and want to hurt my feeling? Seriously I gave you many tries and I was being FRIENDLY i wasn't trying to be FUNNY obviously your not very happy in real life.. what is happening? Is something upsetting you to you to try and upset me? seriously, if you continue i dunno what will happen, I thought we could be FRIENDS not ENEMIES but nooo you are too SELFISH to apologize like I have you just want the last word.. YOUR CYBER BULLYING A TEN YEAR OLD HOW LOW CAN YOU GET? sorry.. just upset.. you dont understand how much i have experienced in life than normal ten year old.. most of them have happy rich family.. I am so jealous.. am I blabbering sorry.. ugh

btw 5/10

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... I'm 13. You're not that much younger than me. o_o

Are you trying to make this a sob fest for you? I don't see why you're getting offended over someone else becoming offended at what you said. I gave you a low rating because the picture was low quality, it was hard to really see what's-her-face-I-know-she's-from-Pokemon, and the likes. This avatar is just boring to me tbh.

You realize you're just making yourself look like a spoiled brat from getting so over worked by a person on the internet, right? Don't get so worked up over what someone says.

And btw, no. My life is NOT happy. You're right. But you don't see me sobbing over it on the internet.

What if I gave you a 10/10? Would that make you happy? Knowing you've won?


okay we will work this out... just you wait.. (No im not trying to win)

I don't want to win anything you just don't understand.

BTW remember 10? I can't deal with stress like you can. BTW a black dog in a scene with a purple background saying Chicken Smoothie is not from pokemon XD


Your old avatar was.

Um yeah I'm not going to comment on how immature and hypocritical you are. I don't care that you're ten.


Goggle-Face, that's kind of mean. Some people joke like that. If you have never experienced it before, you certainly haven't met my brother. BTW Jadeie's avie used to be Nurse Joy.


I honestly couldn't care less anymore. I'm not even going to comment on you two anymore outside of ratings.


that's effing goregous.


It's so artistic I'm going to go cry tears of joy.

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