relatives that you just CANT stand !


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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2006
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new york
well i've have countless fights and arguments with my aunt

and geez i swear one day shes gonna get punched in the face

shes so annoying and has an anger problem and raises her voice for the littlest things and her voice is high pitched and annoying and

especially now that im sick so i get sensitive to things and that just makes me wanna jump off a roof

i swear i was like soo close to hitting her,but she stopped nd i calmed down

and of course i wanted revenge and wanted to get her pi**ed

so i found llop holes in wat she said that day

and i gave her an attitude

she was soo0o0o mad !!!!! lol :rolleyes:

0o0o and she's 26 or 27,i forget

I can't stand my grandpa to be honest.

He's stubborn, and once he gets started on something he doesn't stop until everyone agrees with him, or at least pretends to.

He's always on about how he hates my job, insisting I go back to school regardless that I don't know what I want to do and don't have money TO do it.

I'm the only one in my family who's ever stood up to him, only problem with that is he yells at my grandma whenever anyone does anything to upset him.

He's sexist in a lot of ways as well, which I'm pretty sure I can blame on the time period he was raised and how he was raised. He was born in 1925, so you can guess how he acts towards 'certain' people.

My cousin(a male) and I have the same tattoo. He LOVES his tattoo, but hates mine because I'm a girl. Even though they're the exact same thing.

I'm not allowed to wear shorts or tank tops/t-shirts over there because he'll see my other tattoos and yell at my grandma for them. When I had my snakebites, I had to hide them, yet my cousins have gone over there with tattoos and piercings and he's never said a word. It's as if I'm the only person in my family not allowed to do anything outside of his standards.

Needless to say, I don't go over there much anymore.

Actually, my mom sometimes.

She always treats my brother like a prize.

She thinks my sister's better then me because she's older then me.

I hate being the middle child. I get treated like garbage usually.

It pi**es me off. My sister got TWO boquets of flower for her dance recital and the whole family went. During my band concert, only my dad came. It got me so mad. Oh, and when I tried telling my mom or sister about the concert, they didn't care.

Oh and my thinks that every acting opportunity that I see is a scam. She's what's standing in the way of me living my dream currently.

And sometimes my grandpa can be a little mean but he's usually cool.

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I absolutely can't stand my Aunt to no end. Once, I was sleeping on a bed because I was bored and she was trying to change the tv but didn't know how to. So then she asked me and she KNEW i was sleeping and I just opened my eyes and blinked a bit and she started crying and went whining to my mom saying that I disrespected her.


She acts like such a child. She's a annoying as heck, and blames me for hating her. But yes, I do hate her now. For everything she's done to my family.


Anyway, my mom doesn't talk to her anymore, and of course so did I. She gets upset over the silliest things, it's ridiculous. -____________-


he's a caniving little dirt bag.

he calls me emo all the time.

he calls me ugly, which everyone disagrees with

he tries to start fights with me.

he thinks he's tough and that he scares me.

he's a freaking 11 year old blonde catholic school boy.

oh yeah, that's frightening

i can bring him to the ground easilly in a matter of five seconds.

i've done it before.

he doesn't accept the fact i'm atheist.

and he tries to blame everything on me.

i'm the one who always gets in trouble when we fight.

because i'm 13.

and then.. he's a 11 year old with gingivitis.

that's PATHETIC.

he doesn't take showers, and always smells.

i hate that.. horrible hygene.


he's just an obnoxious little runt who thinks he's tough.

he tries to be like my older brother (who's awesome)

tries to talk like him..

dress like him..

do bmx like him..

and stuff.

he's just annoying and obnoxious.

and he always complains about me being on my lab top.

he says i have no life..

he does nothing but play video games and watch tv.

i just don't like him.


he dissrespects his mother and father.

he cursed at his mom, and said some rather innapropriate things to her.

he has no respect for anyone

he even disrespected my mom

but that's okay, she didn't let it go.

she threw his stuff out the window

hahahahah he deserved it

My aunt. >< Seems like alot of us don't like our aunts.

Mine is like, I dunno, 50-something? And she's a school teacher. I don't know who screwed her up so much, but the rod up her butt must have a rod up it's butt. She overreacts to everything, she acts like she knows everything when in fact, I do know more than her. My mom was asking random questions from my cousins's Fact Or Crap game, and she got everything wrong, and I got about 80% of them. She's stubborn, she orders everyone around, she makes big deals out of nothing, she has no respect for anyone whatsoever, sometimes I just wanna- GYAH! *wrings imaginary-aunt's neck with hands*

My sister.. She gets on my nerves easily.

She's older than I am, but she acts about half her age most of the time. Whatever she does wrong, even nearly failing the ninth grade, is blamed on her ADHD and I know for a fact it's only because she's lazy. That may sound harsh, but it's true.. She's actually told me this before.

Whenever she gets bored she'll come and stare at whatever I happen to be doing. If I'm reading, she wants to start a conversation. If I'm on the computer, she wants to know what I'm doing.

She has almost no friends, and because she can't find her own, she acts like Nicole is her best friend. o_O;;

She can't cook for herself while our parents are at work, so I have to.

If I tell her I don't want to do something with her, it somehow gets around to my mom who usually blames it on me being ignorant..

And while I pay for all of my own clothes and haircuts, my mom pays for her everything.

She's just.. She gets off the hook easily, and it bothers me.

I also can't stand being around many of my cousins very long because they're all younger. They're either brats or they like to hang on your legs, which is only cute for a while until you realize your leg is going numb.

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Oh yeah my siblings too!

They annoy me

Never give me space

Always watch me over my shoulder when I'm online, or watching youtube or something

Try to pick fights with me

Ignore me

Never leave my friends alone when they come over

Never care

Always think they are better then me

Disrespect my parents

And more that I can't think of. Oh yeah, my sister hit me above the lip with a METAL baseball bat, and never apologized, my sister locked me out of the house (lucky I can fit through the doggy door. Lucky me, i'm 12 and can fit in the doggy door) and she locked me out of my room for three days when she and her friend were playing in my room with my lock. After that, my lock on my door got taken away, which sucked so badly. I need a lock again though.

My sister.. She gets on my nerves easily.She's older than I am, but she acts about half her age most of the time. Whatever she does wrong, even nearly failing the ninth grade, is blamed on her ADHD and I know for a fact it's only because she's lazy. That may sound harsh, but it's true.. She's actually told me this before.

Whenever she gets bored she'll come and stare at whatever I happen to be doing. If I'm reading, she wants to start a conversation. If I'm on the computer, she wants to know what I'm doing.

She has almost no friends, and because she can't find her own, she acts like Nicole is her best friend. o_O;;

She can't cook for herself while our parents are at work, so I have to.

If I tell her I don't want to do something with her, it somehow gets around to my mom who usually blames it on me being ignorant..

And while I pay for all of my own clothes and haircuts, my mom pays for her everything.

She's just.. She gets off the hook easily, and it bothers me.

I also can't stand being around many of my cousins very long because they're all younger. They're either brats or they like to hang on your legs, which is only cute for a while until you realize your leg is going numb.
i kinda have a similar prob wit my bro

he has adhd also

so wen he get on my nerves or wen we fight i always get in truble because i always get told

u noe he cnt control himself and i noe he can cuz hes on meds

so that atleast helps but its so annoying !!!

ugh my nana can get sorta annoying sometimes.

cause when i am doing somethings like drawing or reading

she comes up to me and says Ella do you want to do yoga

with me??and im like no nana i am fine and she is like aw

come on ella lets try is it will be jolly fun.ugh i do NOT

like those type of people >.<

I can't stand my grandpa to be honest.
He's stubborn, and once he gets started on something he doesn't stop until everyone agrees with him, or at least pretends to.

He's always on about how he hates my job, insisting I go back to school regardless that I don't know what I want to do and don't have money TO do it.

I'm the only one in my family who's ever stood up to him, only problem with that is he yells at my grandma whenever anyone does anything to upset him.

He's sexist in a lot of ways as well, which I'm pretty sure I can blame on the time period he was raised and how he was raised. He was born in 1925, so you can guess how he acts towards 'certain' people.

My cousin(a male) and I have the same tattoo. He LOVES his tattoo, but hates mine because I'm a girl. Even though they're the exact same thing.

I'm not allowed to wear shorts or tank tops/t-shirts over there because he'll see my other tattoos and yell at my grandma for them. When I had my snakebites, I had to hide them, yet my cousins have gone over there with tattoos and piercings and he's never said a word. It's as if I'm the only person in my family not allowed to do anything outside of his standards.

Needless to say, I don't go over there much anymore.
[SIZE=14pt]I can't stand my grandma...[/SIZE]

I could never hate my grandpa because he was always sick(He had Colon Cancer when he was young).

Why I can't stand my grandma:

She's obnoxious

She always thinks bad things(Please review my topic I made afew weeks ago..)

She threatens me, like saying if my grades EVER go down, she kicking me out of band.(uh, its my parents choice)


I am very sorry that your grandpa dislikes your job...Maybe you should tell him something like "Atleast i'm making money, I currently (Like?) the job I have, and I plan on working there until I can(Or atleast want)go to school."

Thats not good he's sexiest, Your cousin has a tattoo thats the same to yours, but he's a male and your grandpa doesn't like it becuase your a female? I am very sorry if this makes you mad, but thats foolish!


You should be able to wear whatever you want, and if your tattoos show, he shouldn't shout at you or your grandma.


I am very sorry your grandpa is like that, I am glad that my gradnpa would never act like that(Even though I AM VERY sorry your grandpa treats you like that.) because when our grandma ha work, we were the ones to take care of him(We even had to give him his chewing tobaco,Skol...).He wasn't very stable, he was vomiting everywhere, then he died in October...




My Nana.

She is 'dying' and we have to go to church so we can 'make her better' and cries when we don't visit her every 2 days >_> Or call her 3 times a day.

She tried to seperate me from my mom too. And plays the favorite game.

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