relatives that you just CANT stand !


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My uncle. Whenever he's not in the perfect mood he just moans all the time! ^_^ :angry: :angry:

He complains about everything!

I play the piano, keyboard, guitar, acordian, mouth organ, pretty much every percussion instrument plus a litle violin. I got taught all of these things buy a teacher. He plays a little guitar he tought himself how to. He CAN'T READ MUSIC AT ALL, he's obssesed with cords yet he still thinks he knows more about music than me!

He knows nothing about the computer and I'm quite good (Although everyone says I'm an absoloute computer genius), so he says the computer is a useless piece of modern garbage. He also says that about anything with a plug.

When I'm at his house I can't run, make loud noise, have my phone on, play anygame with technology, can't watch T.V or go outside! I have to study, read, draw or sit and do nothing.

He asks questions like, "What note is this?" and hums a note.(he can't sing so I never get the note right.) so he yells "YOU'RE AN IDIOT! ARE YOU TONE DEAF! I THOUGHT YOU WERE A MUSICIAN!" He calls my sister a stupid idiot. He says she's a nutter. SHE'S 7!

He only does this when he's with just me and my sister. We can't stand up to him cause that just makes things worse. He 'looks after' me and my sister every school day, like dropping us off and picking us up. We walk most days and he lives up a huge hill! The biggest blooming hill i Bishopbriggs! So when we tags behind a bit he yells "keep up idiots." and he says that every two seconds.

Sometimes I want to kill him.

When he's in a BRILLIANT mood he dosen't yell but still complains.

[SIZE=8pt] it felt good typing this.[/SIZE]

A little of each one I can't stand.

Dad: He woke me up around MIDNIGHT once because he was trying to look at porn and lost internet connection. And asked ME how to reconnect it. When all he had to do was reset the router >< And when he get's pi**ed and I make it worse sometimes, when it get's real bad he beats me like a rag doll.

Mom: When she PMS's it's hell on earth. She dragged me into a fight a few days ago, and I got MAD back at her and yelled back at her. Once I got so mad at her I started to punch her back and threw my Tea on her. T~T

Brother: We are neutral so it's half and half.

Timothy: Even though he -may- have Autism he's annoying. Screams when I change the channel, try to get him off the computer etc.

My uncle Wally: Started like preaching to me about not treating my dad the same way he treats me. Saying God doesn't like it. Lol I atheist.

My grandma (moms side): She was cool until she got cancer. She acted like a royal jerk, and even shortly before she got cancer she was rude. >-o

Even though I don't "love" any of my relatives, just find them as family. I really don't like any of them.

Oh... don't get me started. :p

My Dad, a.k.a., Mr. Always Right/Hygene Man/Treat-your-matureing-kids-like-2-year-olds Man/Professer Get-Mad-At-The-Tiniest-Things

His nicknames say it all. He's Mr. Always Right. When it comes to your opinion, it doesn't count, only his. He makes these bizarre statements that are 1,000 miles away from the truth, yet he believes it with all his heart. And he doesn't believe his kids tell the truth. Oh, and Hygene Man? I bet he holds the record for most tooth-brushes in one day. I think he brushes his teeth on average... ooh, about 10 times a day. He's constantly cleaning, and if we take a break, he gets after us. Which leads to Treat-your-matureing-kids-like-2-year-olds Man. He can't even trust his 19-year-old son, let alone me. Can't trust me in tying my own shoes, either. Can't trust me for sitting down on a bench. I'm serious. Oh yeah, and he gets mad at the tiniest things. That is an explanation in itself.

My Mom, a.k.a, Mrs. Raise Your Voice at Everything/Screaming Woman/Guilt Trip Lady/Professer Get-Mad-At-The-Tiniest-Things (yes, another one)/Mrs. 12-year-olds-deserve-more-trouble

Pshh, yeah, she talks way too loud, and sometimes she says things that are very very VERY personal, and the whole world hears it. Same for Screaming Woman. She just talks way too loud! Oh yeah, and here comes Guilt Trip Lady. When she doesn't get her way, she always says, "But nobody listens to me" or "Who ever loved me? Nobody!". Get-Mad-At-The-Tiniest-Things says it all. Then comes Mrs. 12-year-olds-deserve-more-trouble. And she takes it all out on me. If I accidentally knock down a little plastic keychain at the store, she yells at me like I just murdered someone. But when my brother throws a football at a whole shelf full of glass figureens, or spills ice cream on the hotel room floor, she just says, "Oh..." and cleans up his mess. Grr.

Well, just my mom and my dad aren't the whole shibang, but I have tons more family members that annoy the heck out of me. I just didn't wanna post them 'cause my post would take up one whole page. :p

A little of each one I can't stand.
Dad: He woke me up around MIDNIGHT once because he was trying to look at porn and lost internet connection. And asked ME how to reconnect it. When all he had to do was reset the router >< And when he get's pi**ed and I make it worse sometimes, when it get's real bad he beats me like a rag doll.

Mom: When she PMS's it's hell on earth. She dragged me into a fight a few days ago, and I got MAD back at her and yelled back at her. Once I got so mad at her I started to punch her back and threw my Tea on her. T~T

Brother: We are neutral so it's half and half.

Timothy: Even though he -may- have Autism he's annoying. Screams when I change the channel, try to get him off the computer etc.

My uncle Wally: Started like preaching to me about not treating my dad the same way he treats me. Saying God doesn't like it. Lol I atheist.

My grandma (moms side): She was cool until she got cancer. She acted like a royal jerk, and even shortly before she got cancer she was rude. >-o

Even though I don't "love" any of my relatives, just find them as family. I really don't like any of them.
To the Dad part...Wow. Im soo sorry. I can't believe he looks at porn...And to everyone. Im really sorry...Why should i be complaining? I guess I'm really spoiled...You guys have it way worse. Im reallly sorry...Hey on the plus side when your older you get to move out! :rolleyes: But once again I amm soo sorry to everyone.

I don't have any relatives I can't stand because I chose to not deal with them anymore and disconnect from them until they decide to contact ME. It's mainly my older sister who's 10 and a half years older than me (who at last correspondence by email got really nasty with me over a computer problem I asked her about, so I said heck with it and stopped trying to talk with her) and my grandmother on my father's side who played favourites between me and my sister, and when I didn't call her every month she got cross and rude to me. She expected me to call her every month and get my driver's licence instead of completing my education just so I could see her :) Right.

Basically I hate everyone on my dad's side of the family except for my dad's father's dog. :(

They drive me nuts, and are basically no fun. Also, they think that it's OK to make fun of people, and, yeah.

And my grandfather and his wife of that side, they bought more for their dog than me or my brothers. In fact, we got no gifts from them this year. Neither from my aunt or uncle of that side.

And my dad doesn't even wrap birthday presents for me anymore.

My parents are total opposites.

*rolls eyes* Hopefully they don't come by this Christmas. They never talk to us when they come by. They only talk to my dad.

Ok, this may be one long post...

My Aunt

Ugg, I can't STAND my aunt! Her kids (coming soon to this post), her and I went to the nearby wave pool together. And she wouldn't let me go in at least 4 FEET of water! She was afraid that one of her kids would follow me! Hello! Use your VOICE! She can perfectly say "Ok *insert child's name here*, don't follow *my name here*. I don't want you to go too deep." Geez! And she almost NEVER smiles! I went up north to meet with her and stayed there for 5 DAYS and she only smiled once or twice! She almost never laughs either. And she'll let her kids do ANYTHING! An exaple is... uh... I'll give a few key words. Request. Child. Bread & Butter. 10:00 at night. That's all.

My Uncle

Ok, my uncle is...weird. He would sit down on a chair on the back deck, and my dad would come to join him. Dad would try to go in a conversation with him, but Mr. You Don't Matter doesn't say a word! And when my aunt (from last paragraph) and him meet up, they start screaming at each other, and he says, "I don't like you." Ugg...


My Cousin #1

All right. Some stories are in this paragraph. I was on vacation. It's around 11:00 at night, and I'm tired beyond belief. So I'm trying to sleep, and #1 and #2 are SCREAMING and YELLING and SCREAMING some more. Then, #1 knocks on the bedroom door, and didn't know it was her. And just when I'm about to say "Come in..." ,my aunt (you all know her) said, "*insert #1's name here*! LEAVE *my name* ALONE! And I'm like, "Ugg..." and I'm tired and weepy. So at around MIDNIGHT, 2:00 AM my time, I finally sleep. Good Lord I was so tired the next day...

My Cousin #2

Ok, let's wrap up this post. My Cousin #2. She climbs all over me. SHE WHINES. A LOT. Like, for example, I went up north to celebrate my grandma and grandpa's 50th wedding annaversery (sp) for 5 days. And I had the choice to sleep on the floor in the master bedroom with my parents, or sleep on a bed in her room with cousin #1. My brother said, "Psst, *my name*, take the floor. Take.The.Floor." And I'm like, "Mabye I'll sleep on the floor the first night, and mabye sleep on the bed a few nights later." So #2 says to my uncle, "Can *my name* sleep with us the first night?" And he's like, "She should sleep with her mom and dad the first night." And she's like, "Nooooo! LET *my name* SLEEP WITH UUUUSSSSS!!!!!!" And he says, "*sigh*, let her be with her parents!" And... eventually... she acually AGREED! :) I was pretty happy when I went back home...

So, that pretty much tells you how bad my relatives are. And since I went up north for 5 days, I... was able to write this post... in a topic called Relatives you just CAN'T stand! xD

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My grandma. I swear to god there is something wrong with her.

She tried to control everyone all the time. She is freaking cheap and she obsessed on how people spend their money. She always tells my mom what to do and she's an adult echem. She buys us tons of cheap stuff we don't want, instead of one nice thing.

She's obsessed with food. She stuffed a grape in my brothers mouth when he wasn't looking. Whenever I say no thank you to something she offers me, she makes a big deal out of it and says it's good, it has protein, it's all water and makes up these stupid excuses. I don't care. I'm just not hungry! I tell her I don't want any more food and she goes and pours a bunch more and I go "I said that's enough." And she goes well it's only a little bit more.

And she hates my dad and my aunt because they married her kids. For no reason. She always tells me bad crap about my dad and I have to correct her cause she's wrong. She hates pretty much everybody. She's always in an argument because she's so controlling about money, food, and she's annoying to be around anyways. She's sixty-something and she doesn't know what kids like now and she always treats us like badly and then hugs us later and says she loves us to death. Cause we're all she has, she has no friends because of her controlling behavior. She doesn't know that everyone is different from her. She thinks everyone is like her and underestimates everything.


Well I could go on forever and I better stop now. :)

Oh... don't get me started. :)
My Dad, a.k.a., Mr. Always Right/Hygene Man/Treat-your-matureing-kids-like-2-year-olds Man/Professer Get-Mad-At-The-Tiniest-Things

His nicknames say it all. He's Mr. Always Right. When it comes to your opinion, it doesn't count, only his. He makes these bizarre statements that are 1,000 miles away from the truth, yet he believes it with all his heart. And he doesn't believe his kids tell the truth. Oh, and Hygene Man? I bet he holds the record for most tooth-brushes in one day. I think he brushes his teeth on average... ooh, about 10 times a day. He's constantly cleaning, and if we take a break, he gets after us. Which leads to Treat-your-matureing-kids-like-2-year-olds Man. He can't even trust his 19-year-old son, let alone me. Can't trust me in tying my own shoes, either. Can't trust me for sitting down on a bench. I'm serious. Oh yeah, and he gets mad at the tiniest things. That is an explanation in itself.

My Mom, a.k.a, Mrs. Raise Your Voice at Everything/Screaming Woman/Guilt Trip Lady/Professer Get-Mad-At-The-Tiniest-Things (yes, another one)/Mrs. 12-year-olds-deserve-more-trouble

Pshh, yeah, she talks way too loud, and sometimes she says things that are very very VERY personal, and the whole world hears it. Same for Screaming Woman. She just talks way too loud! Oh yeah, and here comes Guilt Trip Lady. When she doesn't get her way, she always says, "But nobody listens to me" or "Who ever loved me? Nobody!". Get-Mad-At-The-Tiniest-Things says it all. Then comes Mrs. 12-year-olds-deserve-more-trouble. And she takes it all out on me. If I accidentally knock down a little plastic keychain at the store, she yells at me like I just murdered someone. But when my brother throws a football at a whole shelf full of glass figureens, or spills ice cream on the hotel room floor, she just says, "Oh..." and cleans up his mess. Grr.

Well, just my mom and my dad aren't the whole shibang, but I have tons more family members that annoy the heck out of me. I just didn't wanna post them 'cause my post would take up one whole page. :D

What I bolded:

It's the EXACT same thing with me. It pi**es me off so badly.

My little cousin >.< He is pure evil. He wouldn't care if he killed me! He pushed me into a lake once and told everyone "I jumped in". He pushed me onto the highway! There's a lot more too...

I wonder how my Aunt would react if I told her she was the mother of Satan :)

Oh my sister. Guess what she did yesterday?

Sooo I was sleeping over at my friends house and we were gonna go see WALL E and stuff. So we were gonna get all fancy schmancy cuz we felt like it, so i needed to borrow ten dollars (my mom forced my sister into letting me borrow it) and her bag to carry my stuff. So my sister has this red polka dotted dress that I really like. My friends told me to get that one so I asked my sister and she started yelling at me. I tried to just go get it myself and she started to squeeze my veins *shudder* then she poured water all over the dress.

She didn't even have a good reason to not let me borrow the dress.

Eh we ended up not going fancy anywho

I can't stand my brother. BRANDON. >.> He's sooo annoying. Little brat screams and cries whenever he doesn't get his way.

One of my Aunts annoys me, also. She thinks she knows everything and just gets on my nerves in general.

And, my dad. My He never listens to what anyone has to say and is just really mean.. Ugh.

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My uncle. He tries to be my dad but way worse. My dad lets me do things - and my uncle doesn't. O

Once he was visiting and it was getting late, so I was in my room watching tv. He opened the door like he owned the place and turned off the tv saying "you should be in bed." That made me so mad. My dad always lets me watch tv before bed. My dad came in and I was just sitting on my bed. He asked me why I'm just sitting there doing nothing - and I said "your sister's husband" (I was upset XD I wasn't upset about the tv, but I was upset that he acted like he could tell me what to do in our own home.) "turned off my tv." My dad looked at the tv, walked over and turned it on and said "goodnight" and left. :mellow:

My uncle. He tries to be my dad but way worse. My dad lets me do things - and my uncle doesn't. O
Once he was visiting and it was getting late, so I was in my room watching tv. He opened the door like he owned the place and turned off the tv saying "you should be in bed." That made me so mad. My dad always lets me watch tv before bed. My dad came in and I was just sitting on my bed. He asked me why I'm just sitting there doing nothing - and I said "your sister's husband" (I was upset XD I wasn't upset about the tv, but I was upset that he acted like he could tell me what to do in our own home.) "turned off my tv." My dad looked at the tv, walked over and turned it on and said "goodnight" and left. :D
lol u have an awesome dad

2bad i dont live with any of myn

lol but i do like my aunt sometimes

like she doesnt care about wat i do

so i stay on the computer till 12am or watch tv

:D :D :D

My sister.

Shes autistic and can barely speak if at all. I hate her and wish that i didn't have a sister at all. I want nothing in the world then to have a normal sibling. You guys that do have normal siblings, love them. You don't have any idea how lucky you are.

My uncle.

My one of my dads yonger brothers. he is the oldest so all of them are jealous all the time. When i was little i saw him and my dad get into a fist fight and have been scared of him for life. His wife though is really nice and i love her. I don't know her that well but i wish i did.

My second cousin Liz.

What can i say. She a normal annoying little cousin who i hate.

My dad.

I just dislike him alot. -.-


My sister.
Shes autistic and can barely speak if at all. I hate her and wish that i didn't have a sister at all.
That is an awful thing to say.

Your sister didn't choose to be autistic.

She didn't choose to not be able to speak.

And you hate her for it even though it isn't her fault.

I find that awful.

If I had said that I would be ashamed of myself.

I can understand that you'd like a non-autistic sister but really,

to hate her because she is mentally ill and can't speak is sickening.

I'm not trying to be mean but come on, seriously.

My Dads Dad

He is sooooo mean! he hates electronics, whenever i bring my hamster to his house when we're visiting, he wants to put her in a mouse trap, he got angry at me because my moms cellphone rang, and one time when i was watching hannah montana, he said "no wonder these kids are so effing screwed up. they watch (hit with an s) like this all the time. it makes me SO MAD!!!!

My sister

My sister... lets just say... SHES PURE EVIL!!! She throws things at me, shes a green belt in twd, she can beat me up, shes 9 and weighs 90 pounds, im 12 and weigh 60 pounds!!

(BTW, Im tring to gain weight this summer, so far, not so good...)

That is an awful thing to say.Your sister didn't choose to be autistic.

She didn't choose to not be able to speak.

And you hate her for it even though it isn't her fault.

I find that awful.

If I had said that I would be ashamed of myself.

I can understand that you'd like a non-autistic sister but really,

to hate her because she is mentally ill and can't speak is sickening.

I'm not trying to be mean but come on, seriously.
I don't think you have any right to say that. You don't know what i have lived thorugh with her and have no right to judge what i say. Try living my my place for one day and you will shut up. Don't say anything like that to me. How dare you think that what i say is sickening. you have no right.

What, you don't think i have ever heard what you just said before?!?!?!?!??!?!?! Do you have an autisic younger sister? NO. So don't say that about what i think. you have no idea what my life has been like.

I've got quite a lot to say about all of them. But I'll refrain myself XD

My Dad. The only thing he wants me to do is clean my room, throw the softball, and read books he picks out for me. And when we fight or when i screw up... Well, he's more a man of action. We'll say that.

My Mom. She's physical when she yells. And not only must she always prove herself correct, but she always seems to have to prove herself superior to me. She does her best to put me into awkward situtaions. She even tells me that a lot of the time she doesn't love me.

Both of them. When I tell them that they shouldn't hit me and my sister and brother, they just stare blankly at me for a minute and asks me why I haven't called the police then. They threaten to send me to foster homes, and they just aren't generally nice to us. Unless we constantly clean the house and say nothing.

That's when they love us best <3

And becuase OCD/Depression/Anger Issues/Insomnia is hereditary. Thanks, Mom.

But that's not really her fault XD

Basically they've raised me and my siblings violently, but they don't see why we're so messed up. Oh well.

There are more, but I'm lazy now XD

I think you both are being ridiculous and you both need to either take this to private, or stop now. She's entitled to her opinion and she could of approached it better, and the same goes for you. Agree to disagree and move on. Seriously now.

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