[Research] Imaginary friends


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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2010
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Hi, I'm doing research on the gender of imaginary friends. I have a theory that the gender of your imaginary friend(s) can hint to your future sexuality. For example, a few of my female friends are straight, and they had male imaginary friends. A bisexual friend of mine had a male and female imaginary friend. A gay friend of mine had male imaginary friends, and a pansexual friend of mine had an imaginary friend with no gender. Please answer these questions, if you don't mind!

1. What is your sexuality?

2. What were the gender(s) of your imaginary friend(s)?

Thank you! :3

well, I'm straight, and I didn't have an imaginary friend, per se, but I thought you were supposed to, so I made up Kiki (female). To be honest, in my youth I experimented alot with girls (like, from ages 5-8, I'm 17 now). I'm not necessarily attracted to females, but I appreciate the female form. I get why guys love us :3.

I am female, not interested in either gender, yet, and I'm 16. All my imaginary friends were girls.

I'm straight (but adventurous lol, I've kissed a few girls in my past, I'm willing to kiss them again but I don't wanna be in a relationship with another girl...I dunno what you would call that.)

I had an imaginary horse named Chocolate who was a boy. I also had an imaginary little sister named Sarah.

I had 8 imaginary friends, 4 were female, 4 were male. I mostly "played" with two of the girls.

I am straight but I would experiment if I were single.

Oh and I am a she.

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Don't really know.

It named St. Pooky Eo Hune.

It was more of a cat, though. xD


Male named Bob.

I had a Bob too... xD

I'm straight, and I had a guy imaginary friend named Bob, then I had a whole bunch of guy ghost imaginary friends and stuff when I was like 6... and I think I had a female dragon too?

I had a little lion cub imaginary friend when I was younger, he was a male & he talked. Haha!

I'm straight.

I'm straight and I had several imaginary friends. They were basically like a family there was a father a mother a sister a brother and another brother. It was weird but probably from my mothering nature :)

I'm a girl, I don't really know what sexuality is and my imaginary friends were four female dolphins, one male dolphin, several gender-less seals and a female duck. :p

~ Dazzmina ~

I'm a girl, I don't really know what sexuality is and my imaginary friends were four female dolphins, one male dolphin, several gender-less seals and a female duck. :p

~ Dazzmina ~

Uh... if you don't know what it is, do NOT say it! :eek: How dare yoooouuu!

I had an imaginary friend named Mr. Nothing. Now all my imaginary friends are Tamagotchis, but mostly male.


**why is there stuff like this on a tamagotchi site?** XD

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