(Yes, some of you may have seen my goodbye topic but I was just looking for codes)
Please do not triple post. I see the third post was an accident.
Yes the robbers are annoying. Especialy when your expecting some nice gotchi points. However wouldn't it be a little boring if there wasn't a 'theif' thing. I mean it would always be money and there would be no surprises.
I don't like it when he takes my money but he is a pretty neat feature.
There is a limit aswell. He can only take 500gp max. In fact I beleive he always takes 500gp.
My little sis kept getting robbed. She had been robbed about 6 times in her tamagtochi's life and it was an adult. Mine was an adult too and I never got robbed
Meh, I couldn't care less about Robbers. they have only taken 100 from me once, and I'm gen 10. I've got tons of points anyway. (I kinda like the Robber, hes all sneaky...kinda like a ninja! I'm kidding.)