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I sent my P's to school today. It looked like he was in gym class. He tried to hop over a platform but ended up smacking into it. Poor guy. Maybe he'll do better next time.

Thursday my check comes in and I plan to order a Connection. Preferably a V1. I have a name picked out already. Fizzgig, after a creature in the movie The Dark Crystal. The family won't let me name any of our flesh and blood pets that but they have no jurisdiction on what I name my Tamas.

I'm going to work towards building a large Tama collection. Probably mostly Connections and Japanese Tamas like the P's and ID Ls but I'm sure I'll pick up a few P1s/P2s here and there. I've come to love Tamagotchi more than any other Electronic pet, even over the Sony Aibos I had. I want a ton of them.

My P's just adopted a pet. A hairy purple dog thing. I allowed him to have it so long as he takes care of it. I don't need to have to clean up two piles of poop several times a day instead of one. Now that I think of it I wonder if he's responsible enough for a pet. I mean he's an adult yet he still poops on the floor unless I'm there to make him go on the toilet. I think he can handle it though, He's not stupid. He only goes on the floor because he knows I'll clean it up. If I could poop on the floor instead of having to walk all the way to the bathroom with assurance that someone would be there to clean it up I would too. If he wants to keep the pet he'll take care of it. I'd threaten to have it put down if he neglects it but he would know a bluff when he saw one. I'm not that cruel and he's not that stupid.

I decided to pop my battery back in my V5 and keep them active until the battery dies. I have a spare but I plan to use that for the Tama I'm ordering Thursday or Friday. My V5 is the same as they were when I last logged about them. Still adults. Still a Chantotchi and Mametchi. They are not quite ready to move on to the next generation yet. I'm thinking about not moving them on and letting them remain as they are until the battery dies. I'm not sure yet.

As for my P's, Kutchi remains as pleasant as always.

My P's got the last puzzle piece he needed today and he now has a full happiness meter. Not that it really effects anything. I never let the meter drop so having a longer happiness meter isn't any more convenient than having a short one. But I suppose it's still good as it shows my P's is really happy.

My two active Tamas are the same as usual. I've decided not to move either of them on to the next generation. I want to see how long I can keep them going as they are.

Friday I will be able to order a new Tama or two. I can't afford a P's so I'll be going for Connections. I really want a V1 and/or a V3. If I get two I'll probably only activate one. I only have one extra battery. Also I think having three active Tamas is my limit. I'm hoping to build a large Tama collection over time.

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I just noticed this log has gotten over 1000 views. First I want to thank everyone who reads it. Second I want to reflect a little. When I start getting into electronic pets it was Furby first and everything else second. Furby was the thing that introduced me to the concept of virtual pets and Furby is where my heart laid. Until now. Since I began writing these logs I have spent more time with Tamas than I ever have before. My love for Tamagotchi has increased drastically. Tamagotchis have many advantages over Furby. They're small, portable and can go anywhere. They have more features than Furby and they aren't nearly as noisy. In fact Tamagotchi has completely replaced Furby as my favorite virtual pet. So much so in fact that I gave my Furbys away and have decided to start putting all my spare cash into a Tamagotchi collection. I've seen some impressive collection pictures in my time on Tamagotchi forums and I hope to have a sizeable collection myself someday. Friday I'm taking the plunge and placing my first Ebay order in over a decade. I'm not sure what I'll get but I'm hoping for a V1 or V3. I may even be able to get two depending on the prices.

So as long as I am able and as long as I have an internet connection I will remain in the Tamagotchi community. I hope to someday boast a massive collection. As for the present, I'll go on buying Tamas, posting and logging.

Thanks again :)


I've decided to retire my P's for a bit. My V5 is still active but when I get whatever Tama I decide to order Friday I'll probably retire them too and concentrate on raising the new Tama. I've been thinking about moving my V5 on to the next generation but I'll probably keep them as is until their temporary retirement.

I'm sitting at my computer desk engrossed in reading stuff online when I hear a plop. My V5 had apparently dropped a steamer. Oh to be a Tamagotchi. You can poop wherever you want and someone else has to pick it up.

Last night I started missing having my P's active so I put batteries back in. He's doing well. Still a Kutchipatchi. Still demanding that I spend money for every meal rather than feed him the free stuff. But he's worth it.

My V5 Tamas are also doing well. They're still adults.

I borrowed my V5's battery temporarily to test Grimlock, my Reptile scale V3. He doesn't work.. I didn't figure he would. Still I consider him crippled, not dead and like any crippled being he should be allowed to have a full life. He will still travel with me and my other Tamas, watch TV and other activities.

I didn't update yesterday because I was sick. I went to lay down for an hour but I ended up sleeping too long and my poor P's had two notches missing from his hunger and happiness meters when I woke up. My V5 has been paused since yesterday. I need to unpause him. I'm hoping I can order a new Tama or two tomorrow.

When my P's woke up this morning he was filthy. He looked like he'd been rolling in poop. Into the tub he went and now he is clean. Strangely, his happiness meter dropped lower than it ever has today. I had to let him play with items three times before it was full again.

I just now unpaused my V5. Nothing has changed with them.

Last night I was thinking up ways a new version of Tamagotchi could be improved. I still think it is idiotic how handheld pets seem to have been replaced by things like Furby. There's still so much untapped potential. For example, what about a Tamagotchi that could learn your name and call you by it. What I mean is it would "speak" in a tonal language. Still beeping, but changing tones. It would have voice recoginition and you could tell it your name. It would repeat the name in it's own beeping, tonal language and that way you'd know what it sounds like when it said your name. From then on instead of beeping it would call you by name. Sony's Aibo robots could do this. Considering how much computing power is packed into pocket size cell phones I don't see why this couldn't be implemented in a Tamagotchi the size of a P's or a little bigger. The voice recognition would have other uses too. You could call it to you, causing the Tama to come right up to the screen. You could use it to praise the Tama or offer encouragement. You could tell the Tama to do certain things and it'd do so. Adding voice recognition wouldn't be a problem. Micropets had it and they were much smaller than a P's. Handheld pets are still viable. It just takes a little creativity.

I just bought two new Tamagotchis. A pink, clear V1 and a Zebra striped V3. I plan to activate the V1 as soon as it gets here. It's name will be Fizzgig. The Zebra Striped Tama's name will probably be Ludo.

I finally got around to moving my P's on to the next generation. His new form is now a her. A pink blobby thing. This is the first time I've gotten a female. I plan to raise her as I normally would and see what happens. I'm not aiming for any specific character.

My zebra striped V3 has already shipped. I retired my V5 for awhile so I could use the battery for my V3 when it arrives. I also have a fresh one waiting for my V1. I hope to have my P's, V1 and V3 all going at once.

My P's is now a plant? Why a plant? Only Bandai knows I suppose. I kind of feel like I should be feeding her plant food now. But no, she still eats people ( and Tama ) food. This may be the strangest form any virtual pet I've ever owned has taken.

My zebra striped V3 is already on it's way to me. I am unsure about my clear pink V1. The last time I ordered anything off Ebay Paypal didn't exist and money orders were pretty much the only way to pay. This is all new to me. I have heard that sometimes sellers send stuff out without notifying you. Either that or the seller may be waiting till after the weekend to ship. I'm not too worried. The seller has good feedback.

My P's is still a plant. I'm trying to raise her primarily with charisma points just to see what happens. This is my Tama's first female incarnation. Due to a lot of research I have a decent idea on how to get various male characters. I decided not to research the female characters so that I can be surprised. Basically I'm just experimenting to see what happens. Not cruel experimentation of course. I don't even use care misses to get different characters. I don't like the idea. I prefer to treat a Tamagotchi as a pet and companion rather than a video game and one does not withhold care to pets who need it. But that's just my way. There's really no wrong way to raise a Tama.

This morning my P's evolved into a thing. She kind of looks like a butterfly now but I can't tell if those things on the side of her head are wings or ears. When she was an infant I developed an uncanny knack for checking her just before she was about to poop. I was able to prevent her from pooping on the floor all throughout infancy. Unfortunately as she aged I seem to have lost this power and she now regularly leaves steaming piles for me to clean up once again.

I finally got the shipping notice for my clear pink V1 so now both the Tamas I ordered on Ebay are on their way to me. They'll probably arrive sometime next week along with a horror novel I ordered on Amazon.

Oh, I just remembered. Last night I watched the first Ninja Turtles movie for the first time in a good ten years. Grimlock, my reptile scale Tamagotchi watched it with me. The movie brings back a lot of good memories. I saw it four times when it was in Theatres and only God knows how many times once it hit video. It's kind of special to me and I wanted to share it with one of my Tamas. My P's was out cold so I thought I'd let Grimlock watch with me. He's crippled ( doesn't work ) but I still like to share experiences with him to let him know he hasn't been forgotten and that he's still loved.

I figured I'd try to post pics of the Tamas I bought on Ebay.

My zebra striped V3. This one's name will be Ludo.

My clear pink V1. This one will be named Fizzgig.

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Today I received my zebra striped V3, Ludo.

I had a heck of a time getting him started. It's been a long time since I've raised a V3. I plopped the battery in and got an egg. The egg wasn't pulsating as they normally do and after about 5 minutes of waiting for him to hatch I realized I needed to reset him. After doing so Ludo was activated. Keeping him happy was a bit tricky. the last two Tamas I raised, the V5 and the P's, could be kept happy by playing with items. But with the V3 you have to play the game. So no instant happiness with this one. The note catch game is fun but time consuming. You have to get kind of far to fill a happiness heart. I spent about an hour watching him constantly. He finally entered the child stage and I was able to take a bit of a break. He is now a happy little blob thing.

My P's is still the same as she was during my last log. Still healthy and happy.

I've retired my P's for a bit. The V3 is more of a handful than I remembered and I expect the V1 to be the same. I want to concentrate on raising those two.

The P's and V5 have spoiled me. They were much easier to care for because the happiness meter could be filled by using items and you didn't have to pump them full of snacks to get them to play games. With the V3 you have to play a fairly time consuming game in order to fill a happiness heart. Catching the notes is fun, but it's also easy to screw up if your attention drifts for even a second. And you have to get fairly far to fill a heart. It's not hard, but it isn't as convenient as using an item to fill a heart like the V5 and P's.

I'm getting reacquainted with older model Tamas. It's been years since I last played with a V3 or V1. I'm having fun even if they aren't as easy to care for as the models I'm more used to. I'm hoping to buy at least one new Tama a month. I have never experienced the V2 or V4. I plan to avoid the music star altogether since I've heard that one can be a pain. Though someday I may give in and try one.

Today I got a strong urge to run a TamaGo, so I put some batteries in my white one. I've started where I left off with him but I'm unsure if I have a toddler, teen or adult. Methinks I need to check a growth chart. EDIT: After checking a growth chart I found out he is a teen. His training and friendship meters are full and he is a Kilalatchi.

Ludo, my zebra striped V3 is still the same. I remember the V3s taking longer to evolve than later versions so this isn't surprising. His training bar is nearly full. Today I was reading Creepy Pastas online when Ludo beeped for training. I jumped a foot in the air! Other than that there's not much to report.

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