Rude Teachers ><


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
Do you have any rude teachers or had any? Like they tell you to Shut up in a rude manner or such.

Yesterday I was trying to tell my 4th period Teacher something when everytime I tried a retard behind me kept loudly Hushing me until I yelled SHUT UP I almost swore, then the teacher got mad, I tried to tell him but he kept hushing me cause he knew the retard behind me was annoying me with hushing so now he will do this to me till the end of school.

And last year my Math teacher was in the hallway, when she caught site of me she put her arms up and covered her ears. Since I do that in class cause she yelled alot she was bering very rude to me.

Anything like that happen to you?

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Nothing to get upset about. All they said was "Shut up" my 1st period teachers says that a lot. If it become serious then report them &gt;.&lt; (Like swearing, hitting, etc.).

MY TEACHER IS DA WORST IN THE WORLD!She makes us owe recess for no reson!

She never lets us say shut up and our sub yesterday let us and he said it!If he were my homeroom teacher we would all be happy

Yeah. Last year, my teacher always yelled at us and told us to shut our traps. She always screamed. It was annoying.

Matchy :D

I actually don't have any rude teachers at the current time...

But I remember in the 7th grade this teacher would drive me up the wall.

He was such a rude, boring, absolutely mean teacher, but for some reason

he was always nice to me...O.O But i just hated him anyway.

Like oh my gosh! I remember this one time when a kid in my

class was fiddling with his hair and the teacher was like

"Oooh so you like playing with your hair!"

Then he pretends to imitate the kid.

Then the kid says

"At least I have hair!" XD LOL

That was the funniest thing ever.

Then he sends him to the office when

the teacher was the one who started it!

Like wow...I'm so surprised that hes still not

fired yet. -.-"

I used to have a teacher that told the kids to shutup and when they made excuses she'd say 'I don't take any crap!' in a loud voice.

I had one substitute that was so mean and weird it was hilarious!

In the halls he said to kids 'No squeaking your shoes!'...after we came to school in the raind.

And he said 'If you do something bad I'll find ya'...' and went on about doing something bad for an hour x.x

Oh' and one time he was like 'Ya' know...we didn't have all these cool trinkets to help us with math in my days..' and talked about it for fourty minutes.

Luckily he's fierd now, he got fierd a few mothes ago -dances-.

Uggh, the choir teacher is so rude. He called our singing sick and anemic, and they told us we were terrible. And he says the other part is so much better. I probably sing better than all of those people.

MY TEACHER IS DA WORST IN THE WORLD!She makes us owe recess for no reson!She never lets us say shut up and our sub yesterday let us and he said it!If he were my homeroom teacher we would all be happy
Just owe recess?! Your lucky you even get recess! :eek: NOBODY in my school gets recess because we're in Middle School. So you really have nothing to complain about. And a lot of teachers don't let kids say shut up in class. It's rude.

Well yea this happened to me this year. In my homebase class (5th period) we were watching movies the whole week because of the Achievement Tests. So she has a fan that blows freezing cold air out (it's like air conditioning) and I had to sit right by it. She always says to us "If you ever get cold when that's on tell me and i'll shut it off." So this one day I was freezing and I asked her if she could shut it off. She said no. But what made me mad is that my friend said she was cold too. The teacher said if we were cold move to the other side of the room. But the bad thing about that is you can't see the TV. Then I moved over to the other side of the room anyways but my friend stayed over there and took my seat! :furawatchi: I was sooo mad at her. So I was sitting on the other side of the room bored out of my mind while everybody else watched the movie. And the thing that made me REALLY mad is that after I moved to the other side the teacher shut the fan off!!! :wacko: :angry: :) I think that teacher hates me...but I don't care because I hate her too!

My third grader teacher was really mean. She always told us to shut up. And she sometimes gave us recess detention for no reason. &lt;.&lt;

my old french teacher was so mean she would give awards for pure luck tell you of for just smiling and shout sit still if you just swayed to the music she ended up retireing* cus she thought we where so rude even though our school is offically the most polite in the county!

she going to have a hard time at other schools lol

super_mametchi :mimitchi:

*she didnt retire she got sacked because she called us offensive names and gave us baby hokmework cus she thought we where stupid!

I had this supply teacher in YR3 he made fun of my writing he said it looks like i was writing with a paintbrush every1 hated him cuz of that i saw the head fire him cuz of it i wuz lyk LOL!!

My preschool teahcer hated me, I could almost sware. I was clibing on this metal ladder that was attached to this big bubble thing that you could sit it. So while I was going up it, I fell and hit my head. (Keep in mind I was only about.. three and in preschool..) So I cried and ran to her 'cause she was the only teacher outside. She was all "Shut up and go away. Your heads fine now shut up. I hate my job.." She was so mean!

I don't have a rude or mean teacher.But our teacher next door yells at students when they behave bad.Common I kno.

[SIZE=11pt]Hehe :mametchi: , Actually it's funny at times when you have a rude teachers, and you have a couple of funny kids that behave badly in the class, it can be funny at times. Right now I have this Social Studies teachers she is just ridiculous. She likes old (50, I suppose) when she yells sometimes she loses her voice and it get scratchy at times, also she acts over sensitive at times, and sometimes she make up excuses.. It's funny when she says the Rude word, and when she acts sarcastic to some kids. We have some kids in our class that act quite "ghetto" (no offense peoples).[/SIZE]

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