Russia's 'Emo Ban'


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Don't most Junior High Schools/Middle Schools/High Schools have a mandatory metal detector screeening every morning though?
I know my school district does.

They even check the kids in elementary school.


That's absurd.


But banning emo?

That's just going to make the people want to rebel && protest more.

Such a stupid idea. :D
Really? You have metal detectors? That idea is totally foreign to me. Over here you just walk into school.

I personally don't think suicide has anything to do with the way you dress. Not everyone wearing so-called 'emo' clothes is suicidal.

@ tama 3445521508: Emo means emoticore, which, correct me if I'm wrong, is like a genre of music. I'm pretty sure that's what it is.

How the hell are Good Charlotte and Blink-182 emo? :/ 

Wow, Teenagers are so.. stupid. :/


Whatever, Russia can do whatever it wants. They should try to abolish the bad kind of emo. :/ But the style itself is fine.
Honestly, I don't know. o.o Good Charlotte has always come off as pop to me.

As much as I don't like emo (I like emo boys) that is stupid, and it'll never work!

I think that that's the stupiest thing i have ever heard. Let people be who they want to be. That's like saying America bands skater boys, Canada bands nerds. You just can't do that stuff. Besides calling and classifing someone as emo is a little prejudice isn't it?

Don't most Junior High Schools/Middle Schools/High Schools have a mandatory metal detector screeening every morning though?
I know my school district does.

They even check the kids in elementary school.


That's absurd.


But banning emo?

That's just going to make the people want to rebel && protest more.

Such a stupid idea.  :marumimitchi:
Actually, I've never been to a district that's had screenings before. Ever... I always live in very rural areas... I live in AR, so the only towns/cities that would have that would probably Little Rock, Fort Smith, and other NorthWest cities.

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It's time 'Emos' started being grateful for what they have instead of moaning about what they don't.
I agree 100%. Yes the idea is stupid but if it can be done, then I support the idea. I hate how emos get all depressed and cut themselves (not all of them) just because their life "sucks".

"Boohoo I don't have this or boohoo I don't have that or boohoo everybody hates me I should just cut myself and make people feel sorry for me"

I say, suck it up and live with it. Not everybody's going to like you. Everybody has someone who hates them, we all learned to live with it. Not everybody gets what they want. Grow up and shut up about this crap nobody cares.

This is still not about if you agree with the stereotype or not, really. It's about the fact that Russia is beginning to take away freedom of expression, and seem to be starting with what they believe to be the problem children.

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This is still not about if you agree with the stereotype or not, really. It's about the fact that Russia is beginning to take away freedom of expression, and seem to be starting with what they believe to be the problem children.
In my opinion, emos don't express themselves. They just make people feel sorry for them so they'll become friends with them. Thats what my so called "emo" friend did. She had loads of friends, and she cut herself, she even tried to kill herself by taking 33 pills. She surprisingly survived, but was in the hospital for months.

Even if you don't believe emo's express themselves, it's taking freedom of expression by definition in general. Say if you, or anybody else, would like to wear certain clothes, listen to certain music.. But you're told you can't. Emo has nothing to do with freedom of expression, generally.

It's unfortunate, what happened to your friend, but I would call it a lack of common sense on her part.. Not in the stereotype. [[Note; I'm not saying she deserved any of it. Only that the stereotype can't be blamed, either, because it had nothing to do with it, really.]]

I just think it's wrong to take the freedom of expression from only certain people, but leave others' untouched.

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This is still not about if you agree with the stereotype or not, really. It's about the fact that Russia is beginning to take away freedom of expression, and seem to be starting with what they believe to be the problem children.
That's true, even though I don't really believe in it, you can't just take a way how someone is or how they want to be, it's there right, here in America we have the "Pursuit of Happiness" as a right, and if being 'emo' makes them 'happy' then they can be.

i haven't heard about this, but it's terrible!! i heard about mexico killing emos.. dunno if its just a rumor though... but i'm pretty sure it's true

again: wOw

this is like really awful..

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i think it's terrible that russia are blaming emo's for suicide's and anti-social behaviour. not all people who commit suicide are emo and anti-social behaviour is usually caused by the way teens or maybe even children(or adults) are brought up by their parents. or alchohol. as for the mexico rumour i have no idea about that but i doubt it's true

i haven't heard about this, but it's terrible!! i heard about mexico killing emos.. dunno if its just a rumor though... but i'm pretty sure it's trueagain: wOw

this is like really awful..
Thats just ridiculous. Sure I don't like most emos but WHY would I kill them?! I wouldn't ever kill anything thats not a bug. Everything else, plants and animals (us) I'd never kill.

well, i don't know if the mexico thing is true, but my friend's sister's friend went to mexico to visit her father and her appearrance could be taken as "emo", so my friend and her sister were all worried, because they had heard this thing that they were killing emos in mexico. i dunno what they classify as "emo" though, and i'm not even sure if it's true they're killing emos in mexico.. that's what my friend and her sister said they heard though. dunno where they heard it.

that was like a year ago. any by the way, my friend's sister's friend came back ok.

I am russian and I have been to russia multipul(sp) times. The goverment there is one big control freak. If you don't do something right then you can't do it at all. Why didn't they ban russian roulette if police officers got killed easily? Because police officers are part of the government and can't possibly do anything terrible.

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