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Weirdly, I'm so afraid of drowning. This is weird for me because I absolutely love swimming and the water, but in movies when people go underwater to save someone or something, I absolutely freak out because i'd be so scared to stay underwater for so long. Being in the water doesn't scare me at all, but I'm always scared of going too far underwater because I know as far as you swim you always have to swim back up.

Trucks I have a fear of only if I'm biking or walking. The way they zoom past you and you feel the hot air and grit rush pass you, and how I kind of "sway" after it passes me.

My own personal fears? Oh, I have plenty. You're definately not the only one with strange fears.

I have a fear of beetle-like insects, and worms/worm-like things. They just scare me immensely for an unknown reason that I'm trying to find an answer to. Every night before I go to bed in the summer, I strip off all the blankets and bedsheets and pillowcases, and make sure my bed is bug-free. I think I'm passing phobia and into paranoia...

I have a fear of drowning. I don't know where this comes from, but I absolutely hate open water. When my family went to the beach two years ago, I don't remember going into the water at all. I just spent the entire time in the sand, much to my parent's confusion. I never told anyone this, but always made up excuses whenever my friends invite me to the pool. I can't swim either, so that might play a role in my phobia. ^_^

I also have a fear of those old porclean dolls. It's horrible, because my aunt has an attic full of them. I just hate how they sit there, smiling at you, with those unblinking glassy eyes.. Unexplained fear. I simply hate them.

Another fear - knives. I cannot handle knives whatsoever. It doesn't matter if it's plastic or metal, I won't come anywhere near one. I don't know what caused this fear, but I also have a fear of axes which is also unexplained. Everytime I see an axe or knife, I get this horrible gut-feeling that tells me to back away as far as I possibly can. And I don't hesitate to follow this feeling through :D

Again, everyone has a fear of something. You don't have a stupid fear, it's completely rational.

o 3o ew. Trucks. Not trucks, but BIG RIGS. The big big ones. That deliver stuff. Those will kill you almost instantly in an accident with those. Im also afraid of spiders and the dark o-o

Trucks? Nah... I can understand getting freaked out when you're outside a vehicle and the speed right by you, but I've never been one to be scared easily (by the usual stuff).

My biggest fears are dragonflies and jellyfish. Both are really interesting to me, but if I see one, I just freak. out. 0_o The story behind dragonflies is this: me and my friend were "helping" this injured dragonfly that we found in our pool. It was sitting on my finger moving like a normal one should, when all of a sudden it's head just POPPED OFF! Then it was like dangling and I was screaming and trying to shake it off my finger, but it wouldn't come off! And the more I kept shaking, the more the head (hanging by this green cord thingy) wiggled, and the more I screamed, and the more I shaked. It was horrible. lol! So I hate dragonflies.

idk why I hate jellyfish. I think they're amazing, but I just... they just... give me shivers. Maybe it was Finding Nemo. lol! I was out on a river with some of my friends tubing, and it was my turn on the tube when we went straight through a really thick patch of jellyfish. I'd never seen a big jellyfish up close before, and I froze up. My friends thought I was joking, but I was like... in tears. The driver was pretty relentless, so it wasn't a matter of IF you were going in, it was a matter of WHEN. So... in a river with a sea of jellyfish... you tell me...

So that's my totally lame story. haha! I haven't met anything else that scares me like that. We all have our stupid fears, no need to be ashamed. :)


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Ok I remembered more:
Dragonflies!!!! AHHHHHHH

Not being able to see the bottom of a body of water (ex: lake, river, ocean)

JELLY FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just looked back to see if anybody else was scared of dragonflies or jellyfish, and hey! YES! Exactly. Right on.

Oh, and I remembered another partial one of mine... lizards. I have a loft bed, and I sleep so I can see the ladder. So one night I was just laying there with my eyes open, when I see something moving. I stay still to see where it goes, and it crawls all the way down my ladder. I thought it was a cockroach at first (which are kind of unpleasant to me. Not necessarily SCARY, but I'd rather not be in a room filled with cockroaches. :) ). I turned on the light to check where it went, but couldn't find it. You know how sometimes when you "relive your memory" you can tell things you didn't see at first? Well I did that, and realized it was a LIZARD. I found it in my puppies food of all places, and for the rest of the night, I built up this story of how lizards were breeding in the loft and multiplying into the millions when they would crawl down my ladder in the middle of the night and eat my puppy. LOL! Since then I've caught a couple lizards and got over my fear. :)

I went through rehab. XP


Every Bodys Scared Of Something ! Theres No Need To Be Embrassised xx :p :D

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When a truck beeps or when I hear it beep it always scares me so much because if someone gets in an accident with a truck, the truck is big enough to squash them (I think I've been watching too much TV :) )

I'm also afraid of stairs :( In fifth grade a girl accidentally almost pushed me down a flight of stairs so ever since then I always hesitate before going down them.

I'm afraid of my own computer XD

i always have the feeling that its going to break down while i'm on it and then my father will scream at me xD

and yeah, sometimes i get all weirded out by big trucks in the next lane.

i'm also afraid of video games... especially when i'm all in the zone, like this one time i was playing a video game called Sly Cooper 2 and this bear attacked "me" (sly) and i screamed so loud my mom rushed in, my bro saw the whole thing.


Even if I hear a little buzz, I jump and/or run away. Sometime a little scream in there.
Same here. Bees scare the heck out of me D:

Oh yeah, and presenting work. I never know what to say, and I might embarrass myself 3:

Well, at first, it would seem liked I'm scared of hardly anything. I'm not afraid of needles, insects (plus various animals), or blood and getting hurt, and I've even watched surgery being performed on a cow (Work experience with a vet is interesting, especially since he kept being worried about me because he though I'd be scared of the fact he was reaching into a cow to turn it's stomach the correct way up).

However, I confess that I'm actually scared of:

-The dark

-Micheal Jackson (Please don't ask or feel offended)

-and other very trivial stuff that I don't want to confess to. It's comical, really.

Tama :huh: Phantom

My emetmophobia or whatever it is called (fear of throwing up) isn't doing me any good. I haven't thrown up since I was like 5 or 6 but its still there.

Luckily its not as bad as it was, and it is still fading, just a slow process.

I can't think of anything else D:

I love spiders and lizards and such.

I have an online friend who is afraid of spiders because a massive wolf spider layed loads of eggs in his leg, and he said they had to squeeze them out. That makes me feel uncomfortable just thinking about it, never mind the actual thing x_X

My new biggest fear is guinea pigs..

Really really bad experience tonight.*shudders*

Haha I'm the same way. Especially when I go bike riding. I freak out when a huge truck whips past me, especially because I can feel the wind and the dirt flies at me. Luckily I haven't been hit yet.
When I'm in the car though... not so much.

It's normal though Twirly Curly to be afraid of things. I'm terrified of being kidnapped. I have to have a light on while I sleep, have my blinds and curtains pulled, and have my cellphone in my hand for me to fall asleep peacefully. And you think you're different. x-x
I hate bike riding sometimes just because of that! Especially when you older than the legal age to actually ride on paths! I freaked out once when I was crossing the pedestrian and someone threw a bottle out of there car and I stacked it - WHILE CROSSING THE PEDESTRIAN!!! Far out I was freaked! And also on small side of the roads when you can either get too close to cars or too close to gutters....O_O

I HATE HEIGHTS! Sometimes I freak out if I'm at the park sitting on top of the monkey bars or I'm in the swing...this is when I'm by myself though so I freak out the most then...

I get so scared of some things...

Being murdered (Don't ask)

Eventually being a hobo (I'm a worryer (spelling?))

I care what people think about me, so I get stressed to be some perfect guy with no flaws. I know that will never happen, but for some reason I won't stop trying... (I'm so odd... XD)

I'm always on the lookout for somebody trying to kidnap me.

If somebody doesn't answer when I call them on my phone, I FREAK. Once I was hyperventillating because my girlfriend didn't answer the phone... (I must sound like a paranoid person, probably because I am. XD)

For some odd reason, I fear bugs of any kind. Including Bug type Pokemon.

I tend to keep my fears bottled up, and when I admit them, it's a horror show. I cry hard and get extremely depressed. (I'm very emotional for a boy, just to tell everybody who hasn't figured that out by now. XP)

Well, if I have any more, I'll post later.

Heights: I got REALLY freaked out during the caving at camp. Not a good experience

Clowns: Honestly, if a clown appeared at night, I'd scream. The next thing is worse.

Clown dolls: Yep, porcelain clown dolls. if you don't believe me, my nana has one in the room THAT I SLEEP IN WHEN I'M THERE. D:

Kuchisake-onna: Don't look her up. She's Slit-mouth lady.

Worst of all;

Dentists: Honestly, I hate Dentists at all costs. With the greatest passion ever existed. It's because I almost ALWAYS have to have a filling when I'm there, which means getting the drill. Of course, you may think It's not so bad, but it's from a childhood experience. When I was little, my dentist never numbed my gums, and drilled straight away. Of course, it hurt like heck. Just being asked to go makes me nervous and I still get panic attacks. This one time, I was in the middle of a performance in assembly and when I was told to go, I panicked in front of EVERYONE. ):

Im scared of really stupid things.

Sex: Wtf you know why

Marriage: I dont know.

Going deep in relationships: I get too uncomfortable and freak out, I can only think it in my dreams lol.

Home alone: I watch to many crime scene shows

Storms: My face turns white and my lips turn blue because im afraid that i'll die

Health issues + death: as I said, I dont want to die and it gives me bad anxiety to hear about it

Edit: Being ugly: I try to be perfect to be likeable, but it ends up im just being weird.

Yeahh... Im really stupid.

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