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and I'm afraid of heights. yesterday at gameworks I was freaking out in my mind. all the good games were up stairs and I had to walk near the edge of the second floor. even though there was a rail, I was sooo scared. and whenever I walked by this one game (it goes really high up and then down and you have to shoot the targets) just by looking at it, it made me feel so sick.

at least I got to watch my friends try this one game (thank goodness it was downstairs) theres a bunch of toys each sitting on a plate thing and they all spin around and you have to try to knock one down (it wouldn't work with my card for some reason :angry: )

and (sheesh I'm sure a scardey cat) I'm afraid of getting shocked. (once again at gameworks, yeah, it wasn't a very happy day) I swiped my card on this jet pack game with a kitty and it shocked my hand! it hurt the rest of the day!!!


I am afriad of many things!! Like automatic toilets(Seriously!)

And i thought i was the only one who had that fear (I would feel like a idiot admitting it)

It's OK everyone has fears (some have strange fears)

Believe it or not but I'm afraid of:

Elevaters with no rails/bars things on the side (the floor could fall o_O)

Holding large amounts of money (I don't really have that fear anymore, it was mostly when I was younger)

i'm also scared of getting one of those text messages that play scary music and have a picture of a creepy face. i know those are photoshopped and fake but they still scare me.
ahhh! i just received one last night and i totally freaked out... ;) i wish people would stop sending me that horrifying picture with the creepy music.

My fear is really retarted...Its heights and balloons lol.

I get like freaked out even on a mall escalater (excuse my horable spelling)

Balloons are scary to me too!!! I always have a phobia they are going to pop and i really hate that noise *shivers*

I know, I'm pretty strange right?

I saw a clown yesterday(a.k.a Freakes)and I haid behinde my mom.I am also scared of blood becaus eit makes me light headed.

Being sexually abused.

You can say I'm traumatized.

&crossing streets.

I run like a madman with my arms up in the air when I cross busy streets o.o

dude me 2. i HATE scary movies but i always wacth them anyway and I FREAK OUT. i am scared at this moment about jeepers creepers right now. last time it was sleepy hollow.... AND CLOWNS :p

I went to the store and saw a CD with a pic of a clown on it and I didn't know it was fake and I screamed.

well if a truck charged towards me yes i would be TERRIFIED!!! click on this link it will make you fell better it is so cute!!! :)

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I'm not scared of trucks, but i'm scared of other things except i can't think of any right now


' date='November 16, 2008 01:05 pm'] ohhhlet me add something.

im also scared of unlocked doors.

like when I go to sleep

i needa make sure everything, even windows are locked. o.0
Same here. If you DON'T want to get paranoid,then don't see 'The Strangers' Movie XD ;)

Gotta add another. I saw this episode of TYRA the other day on phsycic kids and this one girl saw this THING claw its self out from under her bed and grin a REALLY creepy grin at her! o____o It happened a couple nights later and so she finally jumped up and yelled "GO AWAY! You aren't welcome here!!!!" And it SRATCHED and BIT her! she went to the doctor the next day and they said she had two degree burns and she had a HUGE scar on her leg and tyra touched it. It was creepy. Now I'm scared some demon thingy is gonna come get me. 0.0

I have a fear of... hmmm... well I don't really have fear of ducks, but whenever I see them I scream and freak out. I just hate ducks, and all birds, real or non-real.

But FEARS... ummm.. yea, trucks on the hughwa scare me, too. especially at night. I also have slightish papyrophobia, (fear of paper) seriously. It's not a big fear, but I touch it as less as possible, wheneve I do, it's in the middle, I especially try to avoid the edges, but all parts of it is horrible to me. It might be because I faint at the feeling of paper cuts (I have done this may times before, Im really queezy) when I get one, and it might be just because I hate paper overall. I just hate it, it gives me a queezy feeling just to safely touch it.

so, paper, and somewhat ducks, and trucks. :p

I have a fear of adults. -.-"

I mean, adults I don't know, like janitors... Atleast a few I'm afraid of.

I'm afraid of getting flattened by a freight train. I mean, not that I would be idiotic enough to stand on the tracks in front of one, but the thought of it freaks me out, though I can still stand on the tracks when nothing is there and be perfectly fine. You just have to watch for the ones that randomly come from behind... O___o

I'm also afraid of vomiting, traveling (I'm a weirdo...), being alone, and I'm a hypochondriac (fear that every little pain will turn into some big deadly disease or cancer).


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